INSIDE • Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 2 • Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 3 • Q & A with Jeff Harp . . . . PAGE 4 • Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 6 • Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 7 & 8
UCO Boathouse Update
University of Central Oklahoma
The Student Voice Since 1903
Page 5
TUESDAY• October 30, 2012
Bronchos trample Lincoln, prepare for homecoming Birmingham rushes for five touchdowns in a 56-25 route over the Blue Lions. The Bronchos face Southwest Baptist this weekend for homecoming.
• Another record for Josh Birmingham, Page 8
Windows painted for homecoming week outside the Nigh University Center on Oct. 29, 2012. Photo by Cyn Sheng Ling, The Vista
You know it’s homecoming when ____ ?
• MERVYN CHUA, Staff Writer •
Tis’ the season to be wearing bronze and blue again. Despite Oklahoma’s typical “shine one day and shun the other” weather, constant are the bright banners and dark eye-bags of Bron“You know homecoming chos in preparation of this annual event. is here when float build- UCO Bronchos’ Homecoming ing feels like an eight credit kicked-off Saturday, Oct. 27 and will be celebrated through Saturday, Nov. course” 3. The highlighted activities planned Caleb Phillips, safety industrial senior include the faculty and staff Bronze and Blueberry pancake breakfast, the “You know homecoming Zombie Walk around campus in conjunction with Halloween, cheer and beckons when Greek fra- dance competition, deck the campus ternities don’t show up to and the annual talent show. Homecoming spirit coordinator class,” Quila Webb says that homecoming iniThom Coudron, international student tially started as a focus to bring alumni back to UCO to celebrate their alma “You know it’s homecom- mater. Now, students see it as compefor their organization to win. ing when everyone has tition “It’s a week of activities for people to Broncho fever,” get involved, for alumni to come back Cody Johnson, journalism senior and get together and enjoy reminisc-
ing on campus. It’s also a week competition where organizations can earn points and win the homecoming trophy, the Broncho Cup.” Greek houses, sororities and fraternities and organizations like the President’s Leadership Council (PLC) and Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) usually compete for the Broncho Cup. However, this year, more organizations like Sigma Phi Lambda, the Diversity Round Table of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Beta Upsilon Chi (BYX) are competing too. Wednesday, the participants will be competing to raise the most money for the philanthropy, Bethel Foundation. The Bethel Foundation helps single mothers get back on their feet by helping them find jobs and helping in any way they can. “Homecoming is a great way for students to exercise their school spirit and promote all the great things UCO has accomplished. It demonstrates just how much UCO has grown over
the past few decades. Students should participate so that they can contribute to the future development of student life here at Central,” Phillips, also a candidate for homecoming king, said. Tylar Claypool, an organizational communications junior, agreed. “Homecoming brings the people together. UCO student organizations, faculty and staff, as well as alumni and the Edmond community members work together to create what is UCO’s homecoming. The Homecoming festivities ‘centralize’ the UCO community and promote a joint effort.” Webb explains that this is a great opportunity to promote UCO. “It shows the community of Edmond the great things that UCO does. The city of Edmond needs more Broncho pride and I think that by showing them the great things we can do through homecoming it will strengthen their support for us.”
Former Oklahoma governor Henry to speak on campus today • BROOKS NICKELL, Staff Writer •
Photo provided
Former Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry will be speaking at the University of Central Oklahoma tonight at 7:30 p.m. The event will be held in the Pegasus Theater, located in the Liberal Arts building on the north
east side of UCO’s campus. Erick W. Harris, Adjunct Professor of Political Science at UCO is responsible for bringing in the guest speaker. Harris contacted Lester, Loving and Davies, a law firm the Governor is “of counsel” for. The firm put him in contact with his assistant and from there they worked together to schedule Henry. Governor Henry has over 18 years of public service as an elected official. He first served 10 years as a State Senator for Shawnee and then eight years as the Governor of Oklahoma Dr. Louis Furmanski, Chair for the Department of Political Science at UCO, allows that the Governor should provide students and faculty with a wealth of first hand identifications and familiarity with the inner workings of public service. “I think they will get a knowledge of the first hand experiences that some-
one in that position had to deal with in terms of the issues they confronted and the way in which they tried to bring people together from disparate interests to achieve a common objective.” Harris agreed that Henry’s experience will clarify some issues for attendees and also adds his belief that it will demonstrate the importance of voting. “Governor Henry will provide insight that a college student may not have access to. I think the media, sometimes, does a very good job of not reporting all of the facts when running a segment on a political candidate or their policies. As someone who was mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2008, I believe Governor Henry’s experience will demonstrate the importance of voting. According to Harris, it’s expected
that Governor Henry will speak on his experience in public service and offer comments on the 2012 election. He also stresses the importance of what students can gain from the experience and why they should attend. “Students should be active citizens and that requires them to educate themselves on the importance of voting and selecting the right individual to lead the country or serve in another capacity,” Harris said. “This will give students the opportunity to meet and hear an individual who might encourage students to begin a career in public service.” Harris also expressed that students were not the only ones to benefit from Governor Henry’s speech. “Like students, faculty must stay current with the political climate in order to make informed decisions. Likewise it’s beneficial to understand Continued on page 5 the reasoning behind decisions of