The Vista Sept. 19, 2013

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University of Central Oklahoma

THEVISTA The Student Voice Since 1903

SEPT 19, 2013

Asian Moon Festival Shines On UCO Tyler Talley

people can make memories at the event and have it (photos) as a souvenir to remind them to come next year,” Ma Staff Writer said. Traditional Asian cuisine UCO will once again host will be served at the event, the annual Asian Moon Fesprovided by Kang’s Sushi Bar tival at 6 p.m. on Sept. 20 at and Bistro. Children who atPlunkett Park on Central’s tend the festival will receive campus. goody bags while supplies Inspired by the Chinese last. Moon Festival, which is a Ma stated that organiztraditional celebration for ing the festival is not a one the fall and harvest season, month process and actually the festival looks to spread began during the summer. Asian awareness and culture The festival is collaboration throughout the community between the AASA and the and has been a staple on the Office of Diversity and IncluUCO campus for the past 12 sion. years. Director of the Office “The planning process of Diversity and Inclusion took three months of weekMeShawn Conley said that ly meetings and rough draft the festival’s transformaideas,” Ma said. “My execution and expansion over the tive board and I split up into years is impressive. committees for the Moon “The program started off Festival and reached out to under the blue tent by Bronthe community for all the cho Lake. We put a strong material we needed for this emphasis on also inviting event to happen.” members from the Edmond Ma went on to say that and Metro area. We started the collaboration between taking flyers to Edmond el- Attendees of UCO’s Asian Moon Festival watch dacing costume lions during 2011’s event. Photo by Ishaia Gonzales, UCO photo services. everyone is one of the most ementary schools and prerewarding aspects of organizschools, as well as advering the festival, along with tising in metro magazines experiencing the end result and newspapers.” Conley with all of the attendees. said. “Before we knew it, Conley added that AASA we couldn’t fit everyone by are able to find new additions Broncho Lake and we exto include in the festival, evpanded to Plunkett Park.” ery year. President of the UCO “Each year the organizaAsian American Student tion adds small touches that Association (AASA) Jeff Ma makes it bigger and better listed some of the activithan the year before. A few ties that will be available at years ago they added the lanthe festival this year. Ma tern contest. Last year they said activities will include a performance by Miss Asian Energetic costume panda interacts with the crowd from UCO Students prepare for the Asian Moon Festival at The had a hamster run and gave UCO 2013 Mariz Escobar, a The 2011 Asian Moon Festival. Photo by Cyn Sheng Ling, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Sep 17. Photo by Quang away the hamster to good Pho, The Vista. homes. This year they have dragon dance performed by The Vista. a game, which allows parthe St. Andrews’ line dancticipants to win a gold fish,” ers, a traditional dress fashwebsite. All entries must be completed before participant will receive a participation prize. ion show and the third annual hand-made the festival and submitted by 6:30 p.m. to the A new addition to the activities will be a Conley said. “It just keeps getting better.” The Asian Moon Festival is a free event and lantern contest. designated contest area. Attendees, ages four photo booth that Ma said will enhance the exis open to the public. In case of inclement To enter the lantern contest, one must cre- and up, are allowed to enter the contest and perience for attendees. ate a lantern that is original and school ap- will be placed in three age groups. Winners “The photo booth is one thing I wanted weather, an alternate location of the festival propriate, according to the festival’s official will be selected from each age group and each to bring to the Asian Moon Festival, so that will be announced later.

Big Air: Three X-games Champions Ride at UCO Colore Lincoln

Staff Writer The UCO Department of Athletics hosted a Big Air Motocross jump show at 5 p.m. on Sept.14, featuring three X-Games champions. The event was held on the west side of Wantland Stadium, as part of the tailgate festivities before Bronchos kicked off their first home game for the 2013 football season against the Pittsburg State Gorillas. “Cowboy” Kenny Bartram said, “Anytime I get to perform in Oklahoma, it’s nice. I got to sleep in my own bed last night since we’re just 45 minutes from home. Got some family and friends that are going to come down, and football crowds are awesome. A lot of them don’t see freestyle all the time so they’re really ex-cited about it.” He went on to

say, “ E v e n though we’re going to do some of the gnarly tricks, just a jump to jump and they’re like ‘holy cow!’ The excitement on their face is just really fun to see.” The show fea- tured ten-time X-Games medalist, “Cowboy” Kenny Bartram, and two fellow X-Games champions Cody Elkins and Matt Buyten.

Buyten, from Yukon, Okla., grew up racing with Bartram and has been a free-style motocross rider for 10 years. During the show, they did a jam session of showing a variety of jumps, a mini-contest to get the crowd involved, and a small showc a s e of each rider. They were jumping about 75-80 feet in the air. Bartram said, “The backflip whip, where you do a backflip and turn the bike sideways, it’s considered one of the harder or scarier tricks I do.” Bartram is from Stillwater, Okla. and usually performs wearing orange (one of Oklahoma State University’s school colors), which is where he gets his nickname “The Cowboy.” He is a professional free-style motocross rider, but also has the most wins, 57, for Oklahoma State Series MX Races. According to Bartram, he has had many injuries including 22 broken bones, seven knocked out

teeth, a steel plate in his jaw and a damaged blood vessel in the brain. Bartram has a signed contract with KTM bikes. He has received media coverage including The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and acted as himself in the feature film, Fantastic Four, in 2005. Bartram officially retired from racing in 2006 and now owns his own freestyling tour company, Steel Rodeo tour. “I just love riding and racing- I’m very competitive. So while I’m winding down my freestyle motocross career, I want to see where life is going to take me next. But in the meantime, I’ll race anything with wheels and a motor!” Bartram said on his official website www.

*Photos by Cyn Sheng, The Vista.

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