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Campus Quotes
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Bronchos held tryouts for upcoming season.
FEB. 17, 2011
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.
The search for the next UCO president continues.
By Chantal Robatteux Staff Writer
Continued on page 4
By Ben Luschen / Contributing Writer Nine days into the 2011 spring semester, current UCO President Roger Webb announced he would be retiring, effective June 30 of this year. The search for his replacement has only recently begun, with a job ad being posted on the UCO website on Feb. 4. According to Sheridan McCaffree, executive director of the Regional University System of Oklahoma, the response to the ad has been very strong, as they have already received many applications. Though no timetable is yet in place for a hire, the next step in the process is the formation of an advisory committee. This will be a panel composed of students, faculty, staff and others which will gauge the interests and concerns of the university. The Board of Regents will also be sure to get a pulse on the feelings of others around campus. “[Student and faculty opinion] is one of the things we’re wanting to hear about as we’re studying the campus and doing the environmental scan. That’s part of what’s really fun about the search process, hearing about people’s mission for the univer-
sity and where they might take it.” The Board of Regents is also committed to a national search and, according to McCaffree, most applications have come from out of state. The fact that several people have already turned in applications for the job comes as no surprise to Steve Kreidler, UCO’s executive vice president. Kreidler said there are many reasons UCO would be an attractive place for applicants. “I think someone would be attracted to this job because the basis of what we do is so well-rounded with the faculty,” Kreidler said. “They create wonderful new programs and they keep things relevant for students and they get engaged with students. They genuinely care whether you make it or don’t make it.” In addition to having a great staff in place, Kreidler points out UCO’s emphasis on “student transformation” and the fact that the university has remained strong in tough economic times. “Another thing that makes this school very attractive for an incoming president is that it’s in very good financial shape,” Kreidler said. “They don’t
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DID YOU KNOW? On Feb. 17, 1996, chess champion Garry Kasparov beat the IBM computer, Deep Blue, winning the six-game match.
have to come to a university to worry about whether or not we can make our budget or if we’ll have a gigantic crash. We’re in very sound financial footing, so if you’re president, it’s very nice not to have that on your plate to worry about.” Kriedler largely attributes the attractiveness of the position and the success of the school to the work of President Webb and that the incoming president will have a lot to work with. “What an opportunity for a president to come in and say, ‘Wow, I’ve been left behind a beautiful gift. Incredible faculty, wonderful student body – a fun student body- a school [that is] gaining national stature and winning national awards left and right, and we still have rocket boosters left.” Ultimately, the recent success of the university in all aspects will lead to highly qualified candidates. “I think we’re the quality of school now where the applicants are really top quality,” Kriedler said. “I think the students and faculty can look forward to a great set of folks that the board will have to choose from.”
Campus News
Study Tours are a good way to see the world, improve the resume and get classes out of the way. This summer, Mark Hanebutt, professor of Mass Communications, and Dr. Terry Clark, will take students on a Foreign Studies Tour, called “Travel Reporting in Costa Rica,” from July 9 to July 22. Hanebutt said there are no requirements to join this trip; it just has to be any student at UCO. “In fact, OU students could go, and OSU students could go. They would have to sign up and get transfer credit, but it’s open to any student,” he said. There are also financial aid and scholarship opportunities available for this trip to help the students pay for it. Some of the available scholarships are from the Centre for Global Competency as well as Liberal Arts. While traveling, students should keep in mind that this trip is for credit and that they will receive a grade. Hanebutt said, “You’ll have to keep a daily journal and you’ll have to gather information for stories that you’ll write when you get back.” He added this trip counts for six hours of undergraduate or graduate credit. This will be Hanebutt’s seventh year of doing these trips. Hanebutt said he was going to go to Egypt, but he reads the State Department’s Advisories before he plans a trip. “Egypt didn’t seem stable enough at the time, and as it turns out it wasn’t, so I decided to go to Costa Rica. We try to go someplace new each
Sarah Smith (right) a senior Mass Communication Broadcasting major from Lakeland, Fla., was crowned Miss Black UCO 2011 on Feb. 12 during Central’s annual scholarship pageant.
Timberlake Construction Co. and Lippert Bros. Inc. received prestigious awards for newly built facilities on UCO’s campus. The Forensic Science Institute and the Center for Transformative Learning draws the attention of the Associated General Contractors of Oklahoma. The statewide non-profit organization encourages sound business practices that raise the professional level of the industry. Both buildings received the “Build Oklahoma Award” in January. The FSI building was categorized as a $10-$25 million new construction site and the CTL was categorized as a $5-$10 million new construction site, both facilities must have been completed by the end of 2010 as one of the qualifications. The awards provide members with the opportunity to promote and show off the best commercial building projects built in Oklahoma. The awards were presented at the AGC annual banquet. Lippert Bros. placed the lowest bid out of 11 other construction companies on the CTL project in Nov. 2008. Nick Bench, project manager, said, “It
was a great honor, we realized it was a team effort between us, the architects and the owners. We have done previous projects for the college.” He later added how great the environment is, and how the staff worked with the construction workers to get the site up in a timely manner. Several students and faculty are pleased with the new buildings. “I took classes in both the CTL and the forensics building last semester I took my intro class in the forensics science building and loved it! UCO has some wonderful professors and also an incredible facility with the forensics building. The auditorium is a very comfortable atmosphere/classroom. We have comfortable chairs to sit in, as well as individual plugs to plug our laptops in if we needed to charge them,” criminal justice major Charles Denson II said. “Despite having a big class, the professor had all the tools that he needed to be able to teach us, from his microphone so every student could hear him, to the camera used to enlarge the objects to put them on the board so the whole class could see making it easier for him to teach. Arguably, one of the best buildings on campus,” Denson added.