The Vista March 1, 2011

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Campus Quotes




What do you think about the oil crisis in Libya and rising gas prices?

A survey by the Higher Education Research Institue at UCLA finds record stress levels in freshmen.

How technology can help with long-distance relationships.

The Bronchos closed their 2010-11 regular season with a 78-68 victory over Cameron.

student voice since 1903.

By Christopher Howell




MAR. 1, 2011


Contributing Writer

The Edmond City Council made procuring funding for the relocation of the Chief Medical Examiner’s office a priority on their legislative agenda this year. The Chief Medical Examiners office will make the UCO campus its new home, but it is still uncertain where the examiner’s office will receive the money for the move. “The governor passed the bill that would allow us to move to the UCO campus, but we can’t move without funding,” Cherokee Ballard, interim chief administrative officer of the medical examiner’s office, said, referring to legislation signed last year by former Gov. Brad Henry.

Continued on page 3 SUSTAINABILITY ON CAMPUS By Josh Hutton Staff Writer

As gas prices move comfortably past the three-dollar mark, UCO’s newly appointed sustainability coordinator jokes, “When gas is around two dollars, I’m a bike-riding lunatic. When it is around three dollars, people say, ‘Tim, you’re a visionary genius.’” Tim Tillman, long-time member of the Edmond Bicycle Committee and former coordinator of alternative transportation on campus, started in his new position in January. Tillman emerged as an ideal candidate for the position after fronting UCO’s entry in the EPA-sponsored Game Day Challenge, where UCO took first in two of the five categories against 76 other universities. What does sustainability entail?

Continued on page 4


H 71° L 43°


“If this SAF increase does

not pass... We aren’t just going to be stuck where we are as a university, we will go backwards. The more students we have, the less we will be able to do because of expenses.” – Amy Watkins

“Almost everything

besides changing lightbulbs, putting up parking stripes, or sitting on a tree stump reading algebra, your Student Activity Fund pays for.” – Matt Blubaugh

“UCO is a community. Either

we all move forward together, or we all stay a ‘glorified community college’ together. Let’s move forward, all of us forward.” – David Jenkins

THE BASICS House Joint Resolution 10-201, a proposal written by UCOSA President Pro Tempore David Jenkins, would substantially increase the university’s student activity fee, or SAF.

The mandatory fee currently sits at $8.25 per credit hour, but the SAF increase, also known as Proposition One, would more than double the perhour fee, raising it $10.75 to an even $19.00.

If passed by a simple majority of UCO students, the legislation would be signed by university President Roger Webb and submitted to the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education.

Of the $10.75 proposed increase, $6.00 would go to UCO Athletics, $2.00 would go to Student Affairs, another $2.00 would go toward the UCO Student Association General Conference Committee on Appropriations (GCCA), which allocates funds to student organizations. The final $0.75 per credit hour would go to the Vice President’s Committee.

The proposal also commits the benefitting entities to “shall make all reasonable efforts to publish and make available the allocations and expenditures of the Student Activity Fee as transparent and open to the student body as possible.”

Supporters of the legislation claim that the increase will help to close the school’s funding gap. UCO is the state’s third-largest university, but has the second least-funded budget in Oklahoma on the basis of need.

The proposal’s detractors say that reserving more than 50 percent of the planned increase for athletics is too much, and that more than doubling the fee on an immediate basis is too much too soon.


“I’m not opposed to the idea

of raising the SAF. What I’m opposed to is what appears to be an unequal apportionment of funds. I would not be opposed to a fee increase if it were slightly smaller or appropriated differently. If it were truly the only fee controlled by students, it should be used to pad the hard landing for these newly un-Pell granted students.” –Trevor Hultner

“I see a problem with it. I

am paying for athletics, and I don’t play them? Really? So, let me get this straight... UCO football gives out scholarships to kids to play football. They get a free education, AND I am paying for it?” – Tim Huckeby

Voting began at 7:00 p.m. Monday in the “Broncho Surveys” section on the Uconnect website, and ends at 7:00 p.m. tonight.


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DID YOU KNOW? When first introduced, in 1932, the Three Musketeers candy bar consisted of three small individually flavored pieces.

Step 1: To take part in the voting for Proposition One, log into UCONNECT.

Step 2: Once logged in, follow the prompts in the box labeled UCO Surveys.

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