The Vista Sept. 1, 2011

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SEP. 1, 2011


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BLAZE RIPS THROUGH NORTH OKC By Trevor Hultner / Staff Writer A series of large fires sprang up in northeast Oklahoma City Tuesday afternoon, engulfing structures and threatening homes in a 12mile area near the intersection of Britton Road and Air Depot Boulevard. Firefighters spent Wednesday checking on hot spots and making sure flare-ups were contained. Officials say they have not found an official cause for the blaze. “It’s currently under investigation,” Oklahoma City Fire Department Chief Keith Bryant said. “We had our fire investigators out yesterday afternoon and through the evening, and they were conducting interviews with some of the residents out here in this area to see if they could get any information, but right now we don’t have an exact cause determined.” Firefighters worked to get the blaze under control through Tuesday night and all of Wednesday. Bryant said the department was concerned with weather conditions throughout the effort. “It’s still under control, but we have to watch the conditions today, because they’re going to be just like they were yesterday with the high winds,” Bryant said. “We’re absolutely concerned about conditions today, but we believe we have the resources out here to deal with the situation properly.” Residents in the area prepared for the potential of an oncoming inferno in different ways. Some, like David Beren Richard of the Apple Valley subdivision, doused their roofs with water just in case. “We’re out of the yellow zone so we’re definitely alright,” Richard said, hose in hand. Other residents had spotters near the line of fire. “We work for Kimray Inc., an oil and natural gas production company,” Jason Andrews said. “And our CEO’s house is two miles that way up by Memorial, so we’re just keeping tabs on how close it’s getting to him.” “We’ve brought a bunch of shovels and different things, so they’re there ready to fight it that way,” Kimray worker and UCO alum Kyle Bowler said. Some of the onlookers who had gathered near Britton Road were putting up people who had been inside the evacuation zone. “We haven’t evacuated yet,” Gary Egger, from Shadow Ridge, said. “Jim [a friend who was being interviewed by NewsChannel 4]’s evacuated, he moved up to our house and we’ve just been sitting up there watching the TV, and thought we would come down here

A helicopter flies in water during a fire in Northeast Oklahoma City, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

and see whether his house was going to be okay or not.” The American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma has already begun operations in the affected areas. “We actually have had around 20 volunteers out, both yesterday, last night and today,” Mary Jane Coffman, manager of Disaster Services with the Red Cross, said. “We’ve got teams that are helping support the first responders – the firefighters, police and EMSA – that are out there fighting the fires, we’ve taken them meals, snacks and water and Gatorade, that kind of thing out there for them.” The Red Cross has also set up a temporary shelter in Forest Park for victims of the fire as well as people who were not able to get back to their homes in the evacuation zone.

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A firefighter stops to get a drink of water during a fire in northeast Oklahoma City, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

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DID YOU KNOW? By comparison, the Egyptian pyramids were as old to the ancient Romans as the Collosseum is to the present.

Luke Glazener, a junior chemistry major and student worker for the VSLC, shows bags in room 103 of the University Center, Friday, that were painted by volunteers at Broncho Difference, which took place Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. The bags will be donated to charities. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

By Trevor Hultner / Staff Writer UCO’s Volunteer Service Learning Center (VSLC) organizes service projects and events around serving the local community. The Vista caught up with VSLC Assistant Director Brandt Smith to see what they have planned for this year.

The Vista: What do you guys have going on in the coming weeks and months? Smith: We just finished with Broncho Difference, which is our kick-off service project. What we did this year was something called “Love Luggage Project,” where we held a community-wide luggage drive, where people brought all these bags and stuff to the University Center, as well as about 120 or so pieces of suitcase luggage. Students painted those and decorated them in order to be given to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, in order to be given out to foster kids. On the ninth of September, we have the 9/11 service project. We’re not doing it on 9/11, because that’s on a Sunday; many students won’t be here or won’t be available. What we’re doing with that is we’re planting American flags out around Broncho Lake to commemorate those who lost their lives during the 9/11 attacks, and we also take students around to 20 or so fire departments and they prepare a meal for the firefighters there. And then, after that Poverty Awareness Week is next. [Poverty Awareness Week] is going to be on the week of October 9. The Vista: And that is the week in which everybody goes out in boxes? Smith: Yes. Poverty Awareness Week includes Shack-A-Thon, where students simulate poverty

in order to build awareness that not everyone gets to live at the standard that we as college students get to. The Vista: And what else goes on during Poverty Awareness Week? Smith: This year we are going to be including a poverty luncheon, where students pay a dollar for a meal, and they will choose out of a hat or a bowl, and they find out what “class” they get to eat as. So it will range from a meal of, like filet mignon, or a steak, or ribs or something, down to sharing a bowl of rice with someone else to experience that; again, not everyone gets to live at the same level as we do. We’ll hopefully also have a presentation from an organization called 1.4 Billion Reasons. They came at the beginning of summer and gave a presentation about their mission: bringing awareness to extreme poverty. Hopefully they’ll join us, and that’s all I can think of as a part of that.

To get involved with any of the VSLC’s upcoming events stop by their office on the third floor of the Nigh University Center across from the bookstore, next to the Greek Life office.

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