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Campus Quotes Are you planning on voting in the ucoming election?
SEPT 21, 2010
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Career & Internship Fair
The annual Internship Fair is Wednesday, Sept. 22. Dress to impress.
For more photos of KOCO broadcast on campus.
Soccer UCO women’s soccer team beats the University Science and Arts of Oklahoma.
student voice since 1903.
ByBrittany Dalton / Contributing Writer Hospitals are traditionally seen as the place someone goes to get better, and antibiotics are seen as effective in fighting illness. But a gene causing viruses to morph into “superbugs” are emerging worldwide, forcing the medical community into alternate means of action. One such gene, known as NDM-1, is appearing in the U.S., involves individuals who had received medical care in India. The gene causing infection is found in gut or urinary illnesses. “Viruses are becoming smarter, and they are mutating their structure so that the antiviral drug cannot bind to the channel it must bind to prevent the spread of the virus. And they keep doing that,” Dr. Hari Kotturi, assistant professor of microbiology, said. The cases involving NDM-1 in the U.S. were located in California, Massachusetts, and Illinois, according to the Center for Disease Control. Another virus increasing in occurrence is methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. MRSA is an aggressive staph infection that the media is paying much more attention Miss Oklahoma Emoly West interviews with KOCO anchor Paul Folger Sept. 17 across from the Mass Communicato in recent years.
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tion Department. See page 5 for more photos of KOCO’s broadcast on campus.
Pi Sigma Alpha is a political science honor society and Sigma Mu is the chapter on campus, recently awarded the best chapter award for the fifth time years.
By Emily Davis / Contributing Writer
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DID YOU KNOW? Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep him cool. He changed it every 2 innings.
The Sigma Mu chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha honor society was recently awarded the best chapter award for the fifth time in the past seven years. Pi Sigma Alpha is a political science honor society and Sigma Mu is the chapter that is on campus. The organization has 35-40 members on campus and two faculty advisers, Dr. Jan Hardt, and Dr. Brett Sharp. According to Hardt, there are over 600 chapters of Pi Sigma Alpha across the country. In order to be a part of Pi Sigma Alpha, students have to meet certain requirements. “To get in, you have to meet a specific set of criteria, which is that you have to have a 3.0 GPA, and at least 10 hours of political science,” Hardt said. While students do not have to be political science majors, they do have to be smart in political science courses, Hardt said. “Every year we submit an annual report…it’s due by June 15, and that has to be submitted in order for us to keep our honor society current,” Hardt said. In the submission, they list all the activities they have done, how many students were initiated, and how many members graduated. This submission is what the awards that are given based. “They hand out annual awards in three categories…we are in the 15,000 and over category,” Hardt said. The 15,000 and over category is based upon total students at the university. One of the activities that the organization puts on happened on campus this past week. “We’re doing three things simultaneously, we are putting out information about both parties’ candidates that was provided by the political parties, and 11 voter initiatives of our own bal-
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By Jack Chancey / Staff Writer
Voting Trends
Student Organization
Much like the hard clay beneath Oklahoma, voting trends in national elections show a state that can predictably be painted red. Despite the nation-wide frenzy caused by Barack Obama in the 2008 election, Oklahoma bucked all trends by voting Republican in each of its 77 counties. This does not tell the whole story of Oklahoma, a state with a majority of registered Democrats. Ryan Nelson, Senior Research Analyst at SoonerPoll, said, “There might be numbers showing more Democrats in the state but that does not translate into the voting booth.” In fact, the majority Democrats once enjoyed is slowing being eroded. Voter registration information from the Oklahoma State Election Board shows Republicans gaining more new registers than Democrats from Jan. 2008 – Nov. 2008, a trend that could end with a Republican in the governor’s office after eight years of Democratic Gov. Brad Henry. So where are the all the new Republican coming One of many voter registration forms that from? can be loacted around the campus. A serKristopher Masterman, Operations Man- vice sponsored by the Deparment of Poager at OKDemocrats, said, “The rural areas in litical Science and the Oklahoma BroadOklahoma are trending towards Republican, cast Education Association. where they used to be ‘Southern Democrat,’ while the urban areas are trending towards elections? Young voters typically do not turn Democrats.” out for presidential elections (just 18 percent According to the Pew Research Center, a in 2008) much less mid-term election, but the self-identification poll that asked young vot- enthusiasm Obama generated in 2008 will be ers what party they leaned toward showed key for the Democratic Party if they wish to that Democrats peaked at 62 percent in July maintain their majority in congress. Accord2008. At the ing to many end of last year, political anathat number lysts, Demohad dropped to The rural areas in Oklahoma are trend- crats stand to 54 percent, but lose anywhere has since risen ing towards Republican, where they used from seven to back to 57 per- to be ‘Southern Democrat,’ while the nine seats in cent. Gains by the Senate and R e p u b l i c a n s urban areas are trending towards Demo- 25-30 seats nearly mirrored crats.” in the House, the losses sufnumbers that fered by the Democrats. could shake up the balance of powers of Nelson said that it is no surprise that there Washington. is a shift from Democrat to Republican identification between general elections, especially Governor’s Race for young voters who are very media driven. “The younger generation is more easily inMore importantly for Oklahomans, howevfluenced by what they see in the media,” Nel- er, will be the gubernatorial election between son said, “the young voters are not so hard- Republican candidate Mary Fallin and Democore that they cannot be swayed on issues and crat party identification.” Continued on page 3 What does this mean for the 2010 mid-term