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UCO music students earn honors
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BRIEFS >News Pulling together Two UCO student organizations work to raise money for needy kids. ✓ Page l0
UCO baseball leads the Lone Star Conference with a dominant 13-1 record. v Page 7
>Features Directors cut A Vista reporter goes one-on-one with Blow director Ted Demme. v Page 8
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1970, Paul MacCartney announced his leaving of the Beatles, officially breaking up the most successful rock group in world history. He claimed the split was due to personal, business, and musical differences.
QUOTE OF THE DAY "People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." —Anonymous
WEATHER Partly cloudy with a chance of / Tue. showers. High in the mid-70s.
Mostly cloudy '"Wed. with a chance of storms. High in the mid-70s.
TUESDAY • APRIL 10, 2001
Grade-tamperer sentenced "Students were aware of the scheme for money," McGarrity said Staff Writer in the statement. In return for his plea, the 17 ormer UCO employee Reginald McGarrity, 23, was other charges against McGarrity sentenced April 2 to a two- were dropped. The university's employment year suspended sentence after pleading guilty in Oklahoma records indicate McGarrity worked as a temporary County District employee in the Court to a felony "Security measures enrollment center for count of unlawfully the university during using a computer have been enhanced, the time of question. network. "Brenda Brent, an McGarrity was and we feel confident academic advisor, convicted of changthe system is secure." found a discrepancy ing students grades for that indicated somecash payments. Five one had gained access UCO students iden—Charlie Johnson to the university data tified him after being news bureau director base and had changed questioned by police. at UCO student's grades," said Police 'records show that McGarrity collected $50 DPS officer Jon Peoples, in an in one transaction. In a plea affidavit. "I was not talking to a student agreement, he admitted he used UCO's computer system to alter when I found the discrepancy. I was told not to talk to anyone about the student's grades. BY NATALIE SMITH
>Sports Bronchos rule LSC
McVeigh book debated BY MICHAEL LARSON
incident," Brent said. Jill Langston, coordinator of academic records, reported that the computerized records of 16 students had been altered and 106 grades were changed, according to a court document. From Feb. 2 through Aug. 2, 1999, the university's computer system maintained a number of files, which required passwords to access. School officials tightened computer security after discovering the incident. "Security measures have been enhanced, and we feel confident the system is secure," said Charlie Johnson, UCO news bureau director. Within the next month, seven UCO students and three graduates could find out what punishment they will face for their roles in the grade-changing scam. Student's punishment will be based on their level of involvement in the case.
Reginald McGarrity Johnson said two students have already been expelled from UCO, and four others have been suspended for their involvement in the grade-changes. Suspension can last between one semester and five years. - Peter Haddock, assistant district attorney, said McGarrity's plea agreement involved no jail time because he had no prior criminal record. •
Webb sets deadline for track funding
Student Writer
imothy McVeigh, who will be executed for his crimes on May 16 in what he calls a "state-assisted suicide," is the subject of a controversial biography released worldwide April 3. The book, titled American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing, is published by Harper Collins in New York. The Max Chambers Library at UCO will carry the biography. "We will purchase it because it is an important subject," said Betsy Tonn, reference librarian. "The library tries to collect materials with varying points of view on important subjects, especially controversial subjects." Opponents of the book believe the book provides a
athletes can decide what to do for next year, said Mike Kirk, Staff Writer assistant athletic director in CO's track and field charge of media relations. team may be rounding "The fiscal year starts in the final turn. July. Budgets are due soon if Paul Parent, track and field they are not already due," Kirk coach, said the said. deadline for raising President Roger "I thoug ht it Webb said, "We need to the money to fix the track is Friday, April have some evidence of was a litt le 27. the fact that we are quick, bu t going to be able to find "I thought it was a some people to come little quick, but if that's fin e." that's what the forth and help fix the track. We need to know president and the if there is a reasonable athletic director —Paul P arent want, then that's probability this is going trac k and field coach fine," Parent said to happen." April 5 after meeting As of late March, with Skip Wagnon, athletic Webb had not officially decided director. on a deadline. The date coincides with the This deadline gives Parent end of the semester so the athletic department and the See TRACK, Page 4 BY BRADLEY PEMBERTON
A new book about Timothy McVeigh went on sale in bookstores April 3.
forum for the book's ideas and makes McVeigh appear a martyr. Tom Williams, a spokesman for Wal-Mart, said Wal-Mart wouldn't be selling the book.
See BOOK, Page 4