The Vista April 11, 2002

Page 15

APRIL 11, 2002



First UCO student from Burkina Faso reflects on cultural differences BY LAURA BELLO

the way women view themselves. saw cafeteria employees throwing "Here, to gain weight is a away food. disaster. Back home if a woman "The workers took loads of gains a little weight, it isn't a big bread and dumped them in the deal. It means she doesn't have to dumpster — a lot of people would worry about food be happy to have this," he and she is well said. "I have to adapt taken care of." He said schools in the United States are very He said he has to a place — different than the ones in not made the Africa. tragic mistake of wherever I live. I "The way teachers get telling an knew I was coming involved is better here, American woman they can take care of the she has gained a to a different students," he said. few pounds. He said the classes in society." He said in his Africa hold 80 – 100 country people are students and the teachers poor, but they get rarely can communicate —Yakouba Hema to eat. But in other personally with each senior French parts of Africa, student. major from Burkina Faso The community is a people die from hunger because crops will not vital part of the social roles in Burkina Faso, he said. The houses grow. "People need to appreciate the are near each other and the communities are small. things they have," he said. Hema said when he first came to Enid, he was shocked when he See HEMA, Page 16

Senior Writer


eaching physical education in a high school in West Africa, Yakouba Hema never thought he'd be living and attending school in Edmond, Okla. His experiences have taught him about life, culture and most importantly, people. Hema leaned in as he began in a soft voice to recant his journey from the country Burkina Faso population of 12 million, to Oklahoma. His journey began five years ago when he moved to Phillip's University in Enid to be an assistant soccer coach, a connection he made through a missionary in Africa. In addition to coaching soccer, he was able to take a few courses at the university. "Mainly, it was an opportunity to get more education," he said as he shifted in his chair. When he arrived in the United States he anticipated the cultural differences. "I knew it wouldn't be like back home. I was ready for anything," he said. A year after he arrived, the university closed and Hema moved to Northern Oklahoma College in Tonkawa, then in 2000 he moved to UCO. "I have to adapt to a place — wherever I live. I knew I was


include dry mouth.

Senior French major Yakouba Hema is the first international student from Burkina Faso to ever attend UCO.

coming to a different society," he certainly different. said. "I can take what is good and He doesn't think the way things Team a lot from that." are done here as bad, but they are One difference, he noticed, is

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