The Vista April 11, 2002

Page 6



APRIL 11, 2002

SPORTS Evans is the right move for UCO games under .500 doesn't seem cause for alarm, but the program in general has seemed tired the last few years and Seward was right to pull the plug. For whatever the reason may be, UCO basketball has failed to get the Oklahoma recruits it shoilld and coincidentally not been able to live up to the reputation that Broncho athletics represent.- Evans hopefully will change that.


Sports Editor


ith the hiring of Terry Evans, UCO has brought some much-needed youthful energy to a program that has been lacking the past few seasons. After a 10-14 season, former coach Jim Seward decided it was time to move on. A record of four

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A stellar 4-year stint at Midwest City brought Evans much acclaim along with two High School Coach of the Year Awards. His 100-11 record dominated class 6A sending the Bombers to three state titles. Now high school success does not necessarily precedent college wins, but Evans has also been apart of winning college programs before. From 1989-1993, Evans played with the run and gun style of legendary OU coach Billy Tubbs. More recently Evans held the job of Director of Operations for OU during the Sooners' 31-5 run that ended at the NCAA Tournament Final Four. Time will only tell if Evans can rebuild the UCO program back to the powerhouse it should be, but in this case, the saying rings true: Change is a good thing. •

Tel: 405-524-7172



Bronchos rise to No. 3... UCO baseball rockets to the No. 3 spot in NCAA Division II baseball while currently on a season-high 14-game win streak. They are 33-4 overall and trail only No.1 Delta State out of Mississippi and No. 2 Cal State-Chico.

Ogepco-Porcnporar 5irtk eorNtrol you ti-Nir‘k aB.out just 1-1- 4( a year

Contraceptive Injection medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension Contraceptive le:Ocean (rnedroxyprogesterope acetate injectable. suspension, 1.2SP)


This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.



What is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?

DEPO-PROVERA Cciriteaceptve Injection is a form birth control that is given as an intramuscular injection (a shot) in the buttock or ursperarrei once every 3 months (13 weeks). To corrdnue your contraceptiv• protectiwi. >via' must return for your !next injection pneerptly at the end of 3 reeinths (13 weeks). Dil,T30-PROv'ERA contains medroxyprogesterore, acetate, a cheerieel similar to but not the serve. -es) the natural hormone progesteroine. which is peoduce.d by your oreeeies dtring the second I's<11 of Yew menstrual cycle. DEPO.PRRA acts by r you' DEPO-durig prevrein;e yeur egg cOs from if an qsg is not released from theovaries ERA menstrual cyde, 0 carrot become fereIced by sperm aid reeukt pregnancy. PROV also causes changes in the lining of your uterus that Make 0 less for. pregnancy to ocex, How effective is.DEPO -PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? The efficacy of DETO-fiROVERA Contraceptive lnjection depends on following the reeseirriended dosage sot„ cute exactly (tee 'How often do l get ray shot of DEPO.PRCNERA Contraceeptive in)ecvonn. To make sure you are not pregnant when you first get REPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection. yoUr first iejection must be given ONLY :Airing the first S. days of a mammal rreretuat pefiod; ONLY within the first 5 days der childbirth if not breast-feeding and, if exciters* breast-feeding ONLY at the sixth week after childbirth, It is a lorige teren injectable contraceptive when administered at 3-month (13-week) irate -Wk. DEPO.MOVERA Centreceptivelilei:trexi is over 97% effective, making it one of the most reliable teethods of birth -control itratable, This means that the aver ag e annual pregvincy rate is less than one for every 100 women who use DEPO-PROVERA. The eectiveneas of Most contraceptive methods depends in part on how reliably each woman uses the meted. The effectiveness of DEPO-PROVEPA rsiepends :orly on the patient rettenirg, every 3 Months (I 3 weeks) for her next :election. Your h.icare pre wider will help you compare DEPO-PROVERA With other coetraceptive Methods and give you the ihformation you need in order to decide Which contraceptive Method is the right choice For you The following table shoals the peiewt of women who got pregnant while using different kinds of contraceptive methods, gives both the lowest expected rate of pregeanoi (the rate expected at women who use each Method inCactly as it should be used) and the typical ['ate of pregnancy (which includes wneri who became pregnant because they forgot to use their birth control or textene they did rot folicrve the dreceons exactly). Percent at Women Experiencing an Accidental Poignancy In the Find Year cd Centlauoue deo Method DEPO•PROVE,P,A finitrants (Nor'start) fumle sr...142,4k,' , Male st edoat ton Grai centraceptive (011)

i2delained Pmgestoo„en only ILA) Prov•latert CaR.TT 300A. Conrinin (withniA spermfdde) 1:24*.vm (wth spiirrriorle) Cervicai cap • Wthdrawal C'efkidic' ri&i—tirience sr,f1rkiiie Aix* Vagw,i Sporqe user'', before clidribirth used a2er cise,dbiall No it...ANA Sexual: iniss0 at ass, MIN' (*.car 1990.76558.,S62. "trim Norprinr• pnitage insert.

Lowest Expected

Typical 03





04 0.15


3 03 05 _.


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I2 16 16 16 30 2.1 fR 22 85

Who should not use DEPO -PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? Not alt wcenen sl etild tee DEPO-FiROVERX You shoule not use DEPO-PROVERA if you have try of the following conditions: • if you to you nage be pregnant • if you have arty vaginal bleeding without a known reason

• if you have had cancer of the breast • a you have had a. stroke • if yeti have or have had blood clots (phlebitis) in your legs • if you fusee, problems with your liver or liver disease • y you are allergic, to DEPO-PROVEFlA (nyidroxyprogesterone acetate or any of its other ingredients):

What other things should I consider before using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? You will have a physical examination before your doctor Oreseribes DEPO•PROVERA. It is

important tee ti,41 your healtrecere provider if you leave any of the fonowiing • a fan* history of breast. cancer • at, abnoemd cri•rnograris (breast x,rae),fibrocystic. breast disease'. breast noduleS or lumps, or bleedingfrom yoir nipples • kidney dileeee • irreeplar or scanty menstrual pensuds • high blood pressure • art sir headaches • asthma • epilepsy (eoreellsions or seizures) • diabetes or 'a kereily .erstory of diabetes • : a history of deem-sec, • if you are taking are, prescription or over-threcounten nedicatiohs

This product Is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against transmission of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases such as chiamyclia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis,

What if I want to become pregnant after using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? •

Because DEPO-PROVERA is a longacting birth control method, it takes sortie gate after injection for its effect to wear off. Based on the results from a large Study done in the United States, for worm who stop using DEPO.PRCNERA in order to become pregnant it is expected that about hat of those who become pregnant will do so in about 10 menthe after thee last rejection; about. 'two thirds of .those who becorrie pregnant will do so in about 12. rneriths; about. 83% of those who become pregnant wit do so in about 15 months; and about 93% of those who become pregnant will do so in about 18 months after their last injection. The length of time you use DIYO-Pli(YVERA has no effect on how Ireeg'rt takeeyou to become pregnant Viet• you stop usvg it

What are the risks of using DEPO;PROI . A Contraceptive injection?

I eregeror Mersineol Bleeding The side effect reported most frequently by women who use DEI )O-PROVERA for contraception is a change in their normal infer:et-oat cycle. Diming the first year of using, DEPO-PP,OVERA, yeti aright have one Or more of the followirg chaleee irregular or unpredictable bleeding or spotting,an increase or decrease in menstxual bleating or no bleeding at all. UntistiNly teeny or continuous bleeding however; is hot a usual effect of DEPO-MOVERA: and if this hippens, you should see your heeith-care provide, right away, With continued use of DEPOPROVERA, bleeding usueile decreases. and trusty women stop having peiiods completely, In clinical studies of DE:P0:-f4RCiVERA, 55% of the women studied reported no menstrual bleeding (areen:on- Ilea) after I year of use, and 68% of the won., studied reported no menstrual bleeding after 2 years of use. The reason that your periods stop is because DEPOJMOVERA causes a resting state in your ovaries., When your ovaries clot riot release an egg monthly the regular monthly growth of the lining of your teens does not occur and, therefore, the bleeding that comes with your normal menstruation does not take place. When You stop usirg DEPO-PROVERA your menstrual period will usually. in bine, return to its normaf cycle, 2,8one Mineral Changes Use of DEPO-PROWRA rriay be associatrei with a decrease in the amount of rnirenal stored in your bones. This could increase your risk of developing bone fractures. The rate of bone mineral loss is greatest in the early years of DEPO-PROVERA use, but after that, it begins to resemble the normal rate of age-related bone mineral loss. 3.Crencer Studies of women who have used different forms of contraception 'found that wettest who used DEPO.PROVERA for contraception had no increased overall risk of developing cancer of the breast. OVary.Uteria. cervix, or ever However, women under 35 years of age whose first exposure DEPOPROVERA was within mime previous 4 to S years may have a Slightly increased risk of developieg breast cancer sin filar to that seen with ord contrac.eptives. You should discuss this. with your heallecareprovidee 4.UnexPected Pregponcy Because D1:1"C.,...MOVERA is such an effective contraceptive method. the risk of accidental pregnancy for women who get their shots regularly ferry 3 months [13 weeks]) as very low. Wide there have been reports of an increased risk €n ,ow birth weight and neonatal infant death Cr other health problerre ut infants conceived close to the time of injection, suet.) premancies are uncorrmen. If you think vou reel), have become pregnant. while using i-.)EPO-PIT.WERA for contradletion, see your health-care provider as soon as possible. SAllergic Fte.actionsSorra women using DEPO-PROVERA eoreiraceptive Injection have reported severe. and potentially life•threatenieg Merge reactions known as anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions, S•rrptonns include the sudden onset of hives, or swelling and itching of the skin, breathing difficulties, and a drop in blood pressure.

dOther Rsks Women who use hormone-based contraceptives may have an increased risk of blood dots sir stroke. Also. if a contraceptiVe method fails, there is a possibility ,that the fertilized egg will b to develop outside of the uterus (ectopic pregewcy). White these events are rare, you should tell your health-care provider if you have any of the problems listed in the next section.

What symptoms may signal problems while using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive -injection?

immediately if any of these problem's oectir (relieving an in'ection ceur health-care prow of DP .,PO.PROVERA: • sharp chest pain, cougning, tee of blood, or sudden shortness of breath (indicating a possible dot in the king) • sudden Severe headache or vomit rig dizziness or ranting problems with your eyesight or speech, weakness. or numbness in an arm or leg (nth:nee; a possible stroke) • severe pain or swelling in the call (indicating a possible clot in the leg) • untesualiy heavy y*nie bleeding • severe pace or tenderness in the lower abdominal a^ea e persistent pain,. pus, or bleeding at the inection site

What are the possible side effects of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive injection? I.Weight Goes

Yeu may experience a weit. it gain whiie. you are urieg DEPO-PROVERk. About two thirds of cliniag trials reported a weight gain of about S Rounds the women who used De:PO-PROVERA during the first year of use. You may continue to gain weight after the first yeae Women in one large study who used DEPOPROVERA for 2 years gamed- an aeeerage total of 8.1 pounds over those 2 years, orapproximately 4 pounds per yeee Women whO corranuecl for yews pouted an avee -age told of 13:8 Pounds over those 4 years, or apprairimately 3.5 peeeeds per year - Worren who col-Aimed for 5 years gained an average total of 165 pounds over those 6 yeaes, apprendriately 2.75 pounds per year

2.0ther Side Ellitcts

In a dinica study of over 3,900 women who used DEPO-PROVERA for up to 7 yearS, sone related to their useea" warren reyorted the following elects that sissy or may riot have been DEPO-PROVERA Irregdar menstrual bieedng. eneixsitinea, headache, nervousness, abdominal cramps, dizziness, weakness or fatigue. decreased sexual desire, leg cramps, nausea. vagireA discharge. or inetetion breast swelling and 'tenderness; Waging swelang of the hands or Ieet. baeleacne, depression, insorn6a, acne. pelvic pain no hair growth or excessive hair loss, rash, hot flashes, and.joint pain. Other problems were reported by very few of the worren . in the clinical tnals, but sone of these could be serious. These inciude convulsions, iaandce, ..rotary t'ect infections, alleegic reactionS fainting paralysis, osteopomes, leek of !etiKri to fertifih,:. deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, breast cancer, or cervical cr,ce.r. If these or met :thee problems occur' during your use of REPO-MOVER& discuss :them with your health-care provider,

Should any precautions be followed during use of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive injection?

i Missed Periods During, the lime you are using DEPO.PROW.RA for contraception, may skip a period. or your pr.:nods may stop completely if you same been receiving ycei• DEPO-PROVERA injections regularly every 3 months (13 weeks), then you are probably not pregnant Howevee if you think that you rr, ✓ tie pregnant, see your health-care provider 2.UL:we:eery Test Incereciions If You are scheduled for any laboratory tests., tell your heakh•ce provider that you ai-e teirg ;PO-i)Rtli'VERA for r:orneeeeption. Certain blood tests are affected by hormones such as DEPO•, PROVERA Interactions Cytadren (aninogutethimide) is an anticancer drug that may significantly decrease the effectiveness of l:3EPO4WWLRA if the two drugs are given during the same time. 4.Nuising ✓othtes Although D.EK)-PROVERA can be passed, to the nursing infant in the breast milk no harerful effects Teav e been found in these children. DEPO-PROWRA does not prentent the breasts from producing milk. so it can be used be nursing mothers, Howevee to irenirrize the amount of DEPOPROVERA that is passed to the infant in the first weeks after birth. you shored wait until 6 weeks after childeirth before you start usingDEPO-PROVERA for coleraception. How often do get my shot of DEPO - PROVERA Contraceptive injection? The recommended :lose of DEKefROVERA is I SO mg every 3 months (1 3 weeks) given in a arm To make sure that yeti are not prevant single intrarearscular injection in the b.altiOth or at. the. time of the fine injection, it is essential that the i•ection to given ONLY doing the firsi. S days of a normal menstruel prod If used following the delivery of a child, the first infection of 1.)E1:0•PROVERA MUST be given within 5 days after childbirth if you are not breasefeeding or 6 weeks after childbirth if you are exclusively breaetfeedirg. if you wait longer than 3 months (13 weeks) between a*sctions, or longer than 6 weeks after detvery, rout' heallticare jeroviden should determine. that you are not pregnant before giving you your rqection of DEPO.PROVER/e. fex only

Pharmada A. iMohn Coneoany Kalamazoo. MI 49(X) I , USA



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