“UCO Baseball” on 14 Volume 114, Issue 12
VISTA “The Student Voice Since 1903”
Follow the Vista: UCentralMedia.com vistanews1903 @TheVista1903 thevista1903 The Vista Monday, April 17, 2017
Student Congress Continues to Break Open Meetings Act
The UCO Student Congress has continued to violate a section of the Oklahoma Open Meetings Act by placing a financial resolution on their agenda late. The Congressional Leadership, consisting of Chair Caleb Shaw, Secretary Kalina Popova and Vice Chair Stockton Duvall appear at the Monday April 10, 2017 meeting. (Ryan Naeve/ The Vista).
The Vista
@TheVista1903 Staff Reports By Kateleigh Mills, editor-in-chief and Megan Prather, managing editor
Another piece of legislation has been voided after the UCO Student Congress continued to violate the Oklahoma Open Meetings Act at their Meeting last Monday. At the UCO Congress meeting, the legislature voted on and passed unanimously CFR16-209, a financial resolution which appropriated money as “Sponsorship and Annual Funding” for the Human Resource Management Society. This financial resolution was not placed on the docket in compliance with OMA, that requires any legislation to be considered during a regularly scheduled meeting to have a 24 hour advance notice, excluding weekends. Because the UCO Student Congress meets every Monday at 1 p.m. in the Nigh University Center in the Will Rogers Room, their legislation and agendas need to be posted by “the preceding Friday” at 1 p.m. See “OMA Violation” on 6
The UCO Election Commission announced last week that the two slates continuing forward in the UCO Student Body Elections includes the Zach Robbins and Caleb Shaw ticket (left) and the Stockton Duvall and Madison Richard ticket. (Ryan Naeve/ The Vista).
UCOSA Election Results in Runoff This Week
The Vista
@TheVista1903 Staff Reports By Kateleigh Mills, editor-in-chief and Victor Quezada, reporter
Last Thursday the UCO Election Commissioner Caleb Power said there would be a runoff election this week after each of the three slates failed
to receive over 51 percent of the student body vote. The two slates that will be continuing forward in the election include the Zach Robbins and Caleb Shaw slate and the Stockton Duvall and Madison Richard slate. All of these candidates are currently in the UCO Student Congress.
The deliberations of an official student body count for each of the president candidates -Stockton Duvall, Zach Robbins and Elsa Ruiz- found that none of the candidates had received the majority vote. There was a total of 1,323 enrolled students at the University of Central Oklahoma that voted on Wednesday and Thursday. See ”UCOSA Elections” on 8