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The Student Voice Since 1903
18, 2002
Lexis-Nexis database system arrives at UCO
>News Go fly a kite UCO's World Within program will hold a picnic April 23 at Evans Field. v Page 12
Sports Tennis, anyone? UCO tennis swept West Texas A&M April 11 in the first day of the Broncho Intercollegiate Invitational. ✓ Page 6
>Review Breaking the law A mysterious plot line combines with excellent casting in the DVD release of The Usual Suspects.
Senior Writer
ax Chambers librarians expanded UCO's cache of research tools this week by subscribing to LexisNexis, a popular database program. The service will cost UCO $22,000 per year, which will be derived from the student technology $4 per credit hour fee tacked on to every student's tuition. Jane Taylor, reference department head for Max Chambers Library said, "We've
had faculty, students, and administrators requesting Lexis-Nexis for several years. Up until now, the service was too expensive, and we had to wait until the student technology fee committee approved the package." Taylor said, "Lexis-Nexis is big-time and name-brand, but it actually only substitutes services we already have like EBSCOhost." Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe is a database offering students and faculty access to five categories of research
✓ Page 9
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1775, at the start of the American Revolution, Paul Revere rode from Charlestown to Lexington to warn Massachussetts colonists that British troops would be arriving to invade.
material. The news category offers full text articles for hundreds of newspapers, magazines and academic journals dating back as far as 20 years. The business category provides news and financial information on various companies throughout the world. The legal research category houses information on state, federal, and international law. It also provides full texts for cases and has citations for every U.S. Supreme Court case since 1789. Chambers Library plans to discontinue their Westlaw legal research services in deference to Lexis-Nexis. Taylor said, "Westlaw was very limited. Only one person could use it at a time, and we couldn't network it for outside access." A fourth category covers
"In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
— Theodore Roosevelt
Staff Writer
he campus wide hiring freeze that was implemented - last December, affecting faculty and staff employment, has been lifted after UCO Administration reviewed the state's third round of statewide budget cuts. Although the hiring freeze has been lifted, a salary freeze will remain in affect allowing the university to be better staffed for the upcoming year. According to a memo sent to the campus departments by Steve Kreidler, Vice President of Finance and Administration, UCO will
Thur. Partly cloudy, .., 4 chance of storms. -2 Lows mid 60s, high's near 80.
Fri. Mostly cloudy,. ,1,1,
chance of storms. t _ Lows lower 60s, '4, highs mid 70s.
Sat. & Mostly cloudy, \i/ chance of storms. r "aSun. Lows upper 40s, '/Y highs upper 60s.
Lows upper 40s, --.: highs low 70s.
See LEXIS, Page 11
Hiring freeze thaws, salaries still on ice
Mon. Partly cloudy. N 1,/ ,
medical research and includes abstracted and full-text medical and health information. The reference category has in-depth profiles of every country, biographies of public and historical figures, and a database of thousands of famous quotes. Kevin Hayes, professor of English, was excited about Lexis-Nexis because of its comprehensive news archives. Hayes said, "Lexis-Nexis is the single best database available for searching news. We've had a couple different newspaper databases in past years, and this one is far and above the others." Robert Epstein, professor of general business, previously used the application when it was just called Lexis and mainly contained legal data.
Sophomore business administration major Miko Fair logs onto a
database in the Max Chambers Library April 17.
receive a 2 percent cut next fiscal year, equaling $1 million. "We think we are putting together a budget plan next year that will avoid another hiring freeze and benefit both faculty and students," Kreidler said. The Office of Administration is planning on sending out memos to departments who had applicants apply for positions during the freeze. Priority will be placed on hiring positions that have direct impact on academic and student services. •
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