WSW • Letters
Fun with Global Positioning Systems
• Sports PAGES 6-7 • Police Briefs PAGE 8 •Word Search PAGE 18 • Campus Events PAGE 19
• Classifieds PAGE 20
The Student Voice Since 1903
✓ Page 4
>SpOrtS Building a new team
Broncho men's basketball coach Terry Evans signed four new players for next year's team. ✓ Page 6
>Features World Within Food, games and dancing administrators highlighted the World Within reunion April 23. ✓ Pages 10-11
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1973, President Richard Nixon announced he was responsible for electronic bugs that were placed in the Democratic National Committee's- offices in the Watergate office building. One year later to the day, he produced transcripts of the recordings to the impeachment inquiry.
black leather ensemble, which drew cheers from the audience. "This is unbelievable," International CO Siddique said. "I showed that I Student Council can dance and people like it." crowned Yasin Saghafi In the tuxedo he wore for of Iran Miss UCO the formal dress and interview International, and Amir session, Siddique smiled. Siddique of Pakistan Mr. UCO "For me, dance means International April 26 in excitement in life." Constitution Hall of the Nigh In addition to the talent University Center. performance, each contestant With no special lighting on also competed in casual wear, stage, shoeboxes filled with formal dress, and an interview questions for the interview in which they answered session session, and international two questions each. student volunteers working the Contestants consisted of show, 12 contestants danced, students from Albania, India, sang, read poetry, played an Amir Siddique, Yasin Saghafi, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Pakistan, instrument or did a comedy Mr. UCO International Miss UCO International Russia, and Thailand. Most routine for an enthusiastic contestants wore traditional audience. formal wear from their make all the international "It's been amazing, this Saghafi performed a countries in the formal dress students on campus happy." traditional Iranian dance while experience," Saghafi said, amid Siddique's talent competition. barefoot in an orange with family and friends rushing to performance was a highly black accented dress, complete congratulate her. See PAGEANT, Page 4 — with a scarf and red headdress. "I'm going to try my best to energetic dance in a mostly Staff Writer
Communications Building impacted by rash of thefts BY STEPHANIE NEASE
Student Writer
QUOTE OF THE DAY "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist fears this is true." — James Branch Cabell
Mostly cloudy, chance of storms. Lows lower 60s, highs lower 80s.
Partly cloudy. Lows mid 60s, highs mid 70s.
30, 2002
Saghafi, Siddique win International Pageant
,-News Foreign films Irish filmmaker Trish McAdams will visit UCO April 30 to screen her new documentary.
Dr. Terry Clark, the chairman of the journalism department, said that since he has been at UCO, he has never seen anything like the recent rash of thefts from the Communications Building. On April 2, someone stole a scanner and slide adapter from Room 215. On March 15, someone stole a digital camera from the Bronze Book office across the hall from Room 215. The cost of stolen equipment from all three thefts is around $2,500, Clark said. "I've been here a long time, and we have rarely had [a theft]. We treat our students as professionals and they act responsibly," he said.
or the third time in less than six weeks, property was stolen from the Communications Building at UCO. About 11 a.m. April 23, staff reported computer equipment missing from Room 215, the computer lab. Lab supervisor Kelly Jorgenson said the theft has rendered useless half the Macintosh computers available to students in the Communications Building. J.W. McBee, a junior general journalism major said, "For one of the only two labs [on ' campus] that use Macintosh, it's a shame it's See THEFTS, Page 9 — been half disabled."
Porn takes second ...
The UCO porn pon squad stands on the beach with their trophy at Daytona Beach, Fla. after winning second place in the National Dance Association's College Nationals April 26. Shown are (back row, from left) Leslie Jump, Alicia Miller, Jennifer Warren, Brooke Smith, Eric Chambray, Sarah Williams, Meldon Steele, Lacey Bergren, Asia Thompson, Tracey Briggs, Natalie Robinson, (front row, from left) Traci Underkoffler, Abbi Rinderklnecht, Lynsey Bergren, Kelli Devers and Tiffany Bruner. See related story ■ UCO pom squad wins second in Division II
page 5