The Vista April 30, 2019

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the VISTA Best Wishes to Our Graduating Bronchos vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista

Volume 117, Issue 13

“Our Words, Your Voice.”


After 49 Years in Higher Education, UCO President Don Betz Reflects

See Page 6

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


UCO Softball Runs in Regular Conference Championship

See Page 8



April 30, 2019




Letters from Presidents..........................................................3 Vista Graduates...................................................................4 New Law/International Students...........................................5 President Betz......................................................................6 Hammers Home...................................................................8 2019 Graduates.............................................................11-15


is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, weekly during the academic year, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.


Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.


The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced and must include the author’s printed name, major, classification and phone number. Phone numbers are included for contacting purposes only. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters.


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STAFF Christian Tabak Katie Standlee Jonathan Goudeau Tanner Laws Megan Thele Skyler Baldwin Vy Luong Michelle Pennza Yi Wen Wong Lauren Morris Madison Bolton James Jackson Derek Parker Samantha Karbelk Gerald Leong Teddy Burch Alex Brown

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Copy Editor Co-Copy Editor Online Editor Design Editor Reporter Reporter Reporter Sports Reporter Sports Reporter Photographer Photographer Adviser Advertising Specialist

On the Cover: Above the fold: International student Vy Luong, professional media and strategic communications double-major, overlooks Broncho Lake. (Tanner Laws/The Vista) Left: The University of Central Oklahoma’s president, Don Betz, speaks at the unveiling of the First Amendment display on April 25 in the Mass Communications building. (Tanner Laws/The Vista) Right: The University of Central Oklahoma softball team gathers during an April 12 home game. They won the MIAA regular season championship with a 10-4 win over Missouri Southern State University. (Samantha Karbelk/The Vista)

Letters from Presidents

April 30, 2019


Letter from Letter from UCOSA UCO President President Don Betz Remington Dean Dear Graduates, Bravo! I join with you and family and friends in applauding you, our Spring 2019 graduates. Today, I encourage you to stop and savor your achievement and enjoy the celebration and joy that surround you, for your accomplishment says more than you may know. Your Central diploma is an outward sign of your commitment and persistence. It says to the world, “I can make the appropriate sacrifices. I can learn. I can meet the challenge. I can succeed.” Your graduation is a clear manifestation of your own empowerment. You did it, and we are truly proud of you. Be encouraged by what you have accomplished. Now imagine what you are capable of doing. We believe your Central education has given you more than certain skill sets. We believe that you leave here with sharpened abilities to think and act creatively, critically and ethically. You can become the engaged citizens and leaders in whatever community you choose, whatever field you pursue. More importantly, we hope your Central experience has instilled in you a passion for learning, a habit that will be part of you throughout your life. We hope that you leave knowing how to perceive problems and find solutions, and to meet a changing world with a culture of learning that will enrich your life. With your graduation, you have changed your future and that of others who will be influence by you. This is our hope for you. Know, too, that you are always welcomed here, either to further your learning experiences or as a loyal alum. You are a member of the UCO learning community regardless of where your life takes you. Finally, don’t pass up this opportunity to thank those in your life whose encouragement and love helped you in countless ways to reach this plateau. Tell them today how much they mean to you. You can make a difference; you can be the change you wish to see in the world around you. We believe in you. Sincerely, Don Betz President

Congratulations, your arduous task is finally completed! Yet, the road ahead of you will still present itself with many trials. In the journey ahead of you, remember the principles you have learned in your collegiate career. Remember that you are the driving force for your own destiny. You are capable of completing anything you set your mind to. You have just survived four years of challenges, tasks and, of course, homework. If you were able to brave this storm, you truly can do anything you set your mind to. Remember not to be afraid to make mistakes. You are going to accomplish many great things in life, but do not be afraid to fail. Mistakes are a learning experience and it is important to make mistakes at the beginning of your post collegiate career, otherwise you aren’t trying new things. Remember the reason you came to college in the first place: to learn. Recall all of the knowledge and skills you gained through your collegiate career. All of this knowledge was acquired because of your desire to learn. Never forget to never stop learning. Remember how different you were when you first came to the university. As your time passed, you transformed yourself into the person you’ve always wanted to become. Consider graduating as a new journey and a new period to learn about yourself, once again redefining yourself. Remember the hard times you had and how you kept moving forward. Do not get bogged down with your failure. Do not hesitate to accept feedback. Instead, take your hard times and use them as motivation to keep moving towards the future, towards your goal and towards the place you want to be. Remember the “down time” you used to have. Recall that your collegiate career was often times spent being patient – if this is a skill you did not master in college, you may want to start now. In the “real world,” nothing will be easy or fast. Just know the best is yet to come. Yet, perhaps the greatest principle you should remember is your ability to prepare for the future. Develop good time management habits, as your workload will only increase with time and so will your responsibilities. Be prepared not only for your short-term future, but also your long-term success. As Dr. Suess would say, “You’ve got brains in your head, You’ve got feet in your shoes, You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” You are the decider of your own fate and you will be confronted with many more taxing summons, but it is all up to you on how they are handled. Remember the principles you have learned in your collegiate career and use them to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.


April 30, 2019

Vista Graduation

Vista Graduation Staff Farewells Vy Luong

Yi Wen Wong

It has been a difficult journey. I used to think about being a journalist, but I never believed that I could write. My first story in The Vista, that I wrote in my Media Writing class in Fall 2016, is one of the proudest moments in my life. It showed me that I never know if I don’t try. I am curious. I want to learn about people’s stories. I want to let others know about these stories. I then become a reporter, a photographer, an editor and got involved more in the Mass Communication Department. Thanks Teddy Burch, my instructor, my adviser, for always encouraging, challenging and giving me guidelines. Every time that I write, there is always a voice in my head asking me to find the “conflict” within the story and to emphasize the “impact.” Thanks Christian, for always challenging me and giving me tons of opportunities, even when I didn’t want

to, just because you believe in me. Thanks Katie, for always being patient with me and always being there for me. Thanks Megan, for dealing with my grammar and wordings, especially when English is not my first language. Thanks Tanner and Michelle for teaching me photography and design. Thanks everyone working at The Vista. It is always a team effort to make us The Vista. Thanks everyone I’ve interviewed for welcoming me. From a girl who didn’t want to talk in class, I have become a person who can talk with others. And thanks to YOU, our readers, for supporting us! After these four years, it is so hard for me to say goodbye. But I believe UCO will be always in my heart.

Never had I thought that I would be able to write for print. This journey has led me to meet different people and gain experiences that has better prepared me for the future. I always thought that I am not capable of writing, especially with English not being my first language. I was more than grateful to have Professor Teddy Burch reach out to me last semester, to ask if I was interested in taking the reporter job for The Vista. I was so unsure, but decided to take this new adventure. Well, now I am very proud to say that I am a part of The Vista team. This opportunity has allowed me to grow, and has even intrigued my interest in photography. First of all, I want to thank Katie and Christian for being the best leaders. Thank you for being so patient with me when I was not able get my stories up in time. Thank you Megan for always fixing my writing. You

always have to remind us about our mistakes over and over again. To the rest of the staff, you all basically dedicated your Mondays to The Vista, just to create the best content for readers. I never really had a chance to tell you this, but Vy, thank you so much for being my inspiration. You have broken all the stereotypes and barriers of an international students and I really look up to you. This year has been a great one and without this opportunity The Vista has given me, my life at UCO wouldn’t be as amazing as this. Good luck to all of you next semester and I will miss you all so much. Congratulations to the rest of the seniors who graduated with me and I hope you have a bright future.

I wrote my first news article in Media Writing and that is where I discovered my love for writing for print and The Vista. After this course I began as a reporter at The Vista, and I have learned so much through the various news stories I have written at this publication. In the Spring of 2018 I became Managing Editor and I’m so grateful for everything I have learned through this position. Editing and laying out the paper has put a whole new feel on seeing the paper the next day.

I’m so grateful to my faculty advisor Teddy Burch for all of his support and guidance over the years. The faculty and staff in the Mass Communications department have taught me so much and have provided me with so many amazing opportunities. I have loved getting to learn and grow with friends and peers in this field, and I’m grateful to have worked at such an amazing publication with such an amazing staff. News at its best is a beacon of light that sheds light on the truth and allows the public to make informed and educated decisions. I

look forward to continuing to work in print after I graduate and I hope to add to that beacon of light throughout my life. Thank you to our readers and congratulations to all UCO graduates!

Online Editor


Katie Standlee Managing Editor

It isn’t very often that we stumble into good fortune, but that is how I found myself at the Vista. I have worked here for three years and I have loved every minute of getting to cover national, local and campus news for the UCO community, but also getting to be a part of the layout and editing of the paper on a weekly basis. I started out as a junior who was trying to decide what major to go into by taking several different courses in fields I was interested in.

Skyler Baldwin Co-Copy Editor

I love stories. Hearing people talk about their lives and their experiences is one of the most beautiful things in the world to me, and sometimes the most tragic. Too many people with incredible stories to tell lack the means to share their words with the world. That is where we journalists come in. I started as a reporter for my high school newspaper my freshman year, and I don’t think anything else I have ever done in life has felt as rewarding as giving a voice to the voiceless, and a platform for them on which to stand and speak. Over time, this fiery passion began to falter, as many things too often do. But this year, writing alongside so many incredibly talented journalists has rekindled that passion. I remember now why I fell

Jonathan Goudeau Sports Editor

in love with this so many years ago, and I can’t imagine that I will ever forget that again. With that, I want to give a huge “Thank You” to the Vista staff, and to the University of Central Oklahoma for giving me a platform to share the voices of those who have stories to tell. I won’t ever forget the opportunities given to me by the wonderful faculty in the Mass Comm unication Department here, or the friends I have made all across campus. I hope I can continue to tell stories as important as the ones I have been able to share through the people here.

Wow! Is it this time already? It seems like just yesterday I was covering my first UCO basketball game as a newspaper participation student. I remember being nervous, sweating through my shirt two times over as I was talking to women’s head coach Guy Hardaker after the game. Two years later I am writing this as the Sports Editor. Words cannot express how crazy and enjoyable this ride has been. Being able to work with and get to know the great editors I share a work space with has been a blast. The knowledge that I’ve learned from previous and current staff has helped me grow as not only a writer, but a person as well. As I turn this position over to the next person I

can look back and smile. The memories I’ve made I will cherish forever. Being able to work with my writers Derek Parker, James Jackson, Ethan Hummingbird and numerous participation students has been nothing short of spectacular. Being able to talk to players and coaches across all the sports on campus as well as witnessing upsets and game-winning plays made it a joy to go to work. Finally, I would like to thank the readers. Without you this would be all for not. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love. It has been an honor.

New Law/International Students

April 30, 2019


Oklahoma Law Prevents Imposing Recycling Fees Madison Bolton @TheVista1903 Reporter

A new law preventing Oklahoma communities from imposing fees on certain containers and plastic bags has been signed into law by Gov. Kevin Stitt. Containers that cannot be taxed include bags, cups, packages and bottles that are made of cloth, paper, plastic, cardboard, aluminum and glass. This bill also includes containers used for consumption, transportation and protection of merchandise, food and beverages. “Plastic bags are the most common marine pollutant because they’re super light, so the wind can carry them or the water can carry them and that’s how they end up in a lot of bodies of water,” said Eric Hemphill, manager of Sustainability at the University of Central Oklahoma. “So, locally there have been issues with plastic bags in Lake Arcadia, Lake Hefner.” New City Councilman for Edmond’s Ward 1 and UCO professor, David Chapman, said he was “very disappointed” when he heard the news that this bill was signed into law. “None of my constituents have told me that they don’t want plastic bags or that they do want plastic bags, so I don’t have an opinion on plastic bags,” Chapman said. “But, I do have an opinion on the state taking away

authority from municipalities, and I don’t think that’s right.” Norman Mayor Breea Clark has said that the bag tax proposed in her town was in response to a threatening environmental problem. Clark has been voicing her concerns on Twitter about the bill. “At least he didn’t sign it on Earth Day, but what will @GovStitt do today? Does local control really matter to him?” Clark tweeted after the bill was passed. Since his inauguration in January, Gov. Stitt has signed 92 Senate bills and 94 House bills into law from the 2019 legislative session, which includes the container and plastic bag legislation. Some of the other bills that Stitt has signed into law include Senate, which would require abortion providers to inform their patients that it may be possible to “reverse” the effects of a medication abortion. House Bill 1071 allows for 80 mph speed limits on toll roads. Senate Bill 33 bans vaping at schools. Senate Bill 728 allows strong beer and wine to be served at golf courses, marinas and country clubs. “Our state legislature would not want the federal government to take authority from them, and so I’m not sure why it is they think that we would be okay with them taking authority from us,” Chapman said.

International Students Experience Unique Difficulties Yi Wen Wong @TheVista1903 Reporter

With graduation approaching in May, graduating Bronchos will be entering the workforce and tackling the process of job applications and interviews. For the University of Central Oklahoma’s graduating international students, this same process can be more expensive and full of its own unique difficulties. There are multiple processes to go through for an international student to look for a job after graduation. First, they have to apply for Optional Practical Training, which costs $410, and then they have to look for a job that starts within three months after their graduation. If not, students have to return to their home country. For undergraduate and graduate students with F-1 status who have completed or have been pursuing their degrees for more than nine months, OPT is a period during which they are permitted by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to

work toward getting practical training to complement their field of studies. For international students with an F-1 visa studying in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, OPT is renewable up to three years. Other majors only allow one year of OPT. Paul Yang, an international Fall 2018 graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma, said that communication is a big problem for him because English is not his first language. “Americans can speak better English than me, therefore a lot of companies would prefer to hire people from here rather than international students,” Yang said. Yang also said that even before he graduated, he started asking his friends in other states for job opportunities, but at the same time, he did not want to move across the state. He found a business company in Oklahoma who has a history of hiring international students and he now works there as a marketing researcher. However, Timothy Kok, director of International Affairs for the UCO

Office of Global Affairs, said that the alumni that the office has spoken to have had no difficulty in finding employment following graduation. The National Association of Colleges and Employers collected data of international student employment rates for 2018 and 2019. Last year, the percentage of employers that had plans to hire international students dropped to its lowest level in the past five years at 23.4 percent. This year, however, more than 28 percent of respondents indicate plans to hire international students. After the OPT period ends, Yang also said that the next step, the H1-B working visa process, is not easy. He said the company an international student is seeking to work for has to help with applying for an H1-B visa, and it requires a lot of processing and documentation. USCIS will do a background check on the company and the company has to pay at least $750 to apply for the visa. “It can be difficult to find employment in the U.S. if you are an international student because there are a number of restrictions and requirements related to visas and often employers

are hesitant,” said Elizabeth Enck, director of UCO’s Career Development Center. “Some of the reasons include misunderstanding the process concerning visas, costs and time associated with sponsorship and the fear of investing in employees who may leave in a year.” Enck also said there are tips to make the hiring process easier, which includes starting the job search early. “It can take a while to find an opportunity and there will be paperwork involved,” Enck said. “Also, make sure you know all of the rules and regulations and be able to explain them to an employer.” Both Kok and Enck also advise international students to be more involved in student organizations on campus to gain experience. However, Enck said the Career Development Center provides some help for international students to better prepare for their future. Students can also meet with the office to talk one-on-one about their job search.


April 30, 2019

President Betz

President Betz Reflects on UCO Legacy

Vy Luong

@vy169 Online Editor

For University of Central Oklahoma President Don Betz, being the president has never been a job, but it is rather a calling. Betz usually jokes about how he is the oldest person ever to be the president at UCO and how his wife, Suzanne, calls him the “world’s oldest cheerleader.” For many people, his retirement in June closes his eight years of being the president. But for Betz, it is the retirement for his 49 years working in higher education. “I feel that we have been able to accomplish quite a bit of what we hoped to accomplish even though it’s been a very difficult time,” Betz said. “They’re just at a time when it turns the responsibility of the presidency to the next individual in the next generation.” Most people do not know that a typical day for Betz starts at around 5:30 a.m. and he is usually on campus until around 6:30 p.m. Betz sometimes has responsibilities and duties during the weekend, so his week does not typically end on Friday. Despite his busy schedule with meetings and appointments, Betz always tries to support students by attending major events on campus. “I will miss everything here,” Betz said. “It will be difficult for me to adjust the lifestyle that has been in my life for 50 years.” For Betz, students are the customers, products and legacy of an educator. He said he always feels overwhelmed with their kindness and how they are all showering him with goodwill, and that is one of the reasons he shows up every day. “If people ask me about my legacy, I would say I don’t know how many thousands of students have passed

The Univeristy of Central Okahoma’s 20th president, Don Betz, poses for a photo in his office. Betz has spent more than 49 years in higher education and has said that he intends to continue his involvement after retirement. (Provided/Vista Archives)

through my life and I have passed through their lives,” Betz said. Betz served as UCO’s provost and vice president for Academic Affairs from 1999-2005. He became UCO’s 20th president in 2011, after serving as the president of Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. “I spent a great deal of time in positions of responsibility and decision-making that will impact the institution,” Betz said. Those decisions are to create the best outcome that can work in the best interests of the students, faculty and staff, and even those outside of the university that still rely on UCO, Betz said. “All of that predicated on the notion of what the institution will become, not just what it’s been,” Betz said. “For example, the STEM Building and the Liberal Arts Building are investments that we make for a longterm impact for 30, 40 or even 50 years from now.” Many people told Betz his greatest achievement is the fact that he survived the last three years, during

Speaking on his journey from working with the United Nations to becoming UCO’s 20th president, Don Betz interviews with the Urban Central College of Liberal Arts Alumni Magazine on March 1, 2019. Serving as president for eight years, Betz retires at the end of June 2019. (Tanner Laws/The Vista)

which UCO has experienced the worst funding ever experienced in the state. This has caused multiple challenges for UCO and other institutions, but even with those challenges, Betz said UCO has still maintained their vision and makes that vision become a reality in a variety of ways. “I guess my personal achievement is that we are weathering that storm and still investing in the future of the institution,” Betz said. “And also that we have attracted outstanding students here. I’m particularly proud of the fact many of our students become successful and help to grow in and develop the state of Oklahoma and the metro.” For Betz, the university’s financial situation has always been the biggest challenge. Aside from that, one recent challenge is the questioning on the part of media and public about the value of education “I believe UCO will be one of the institutions that will continually convince the community that higher education is a significant player in their creation of the next version of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma City metro,” Betz said. “We have not just the responsibility to do so, we have the talent and sense of service to be relevant to the work that needs to be done.” Reflecting on his accomplishments, Betz said no one can finish everything on their to-do list. The hardest piece for him is to raise salaries for everyone who works at UCO and he always wishes to accomplish that. “It’s a personal challenge for me because people have been working so hard and many people still have not given it up,” Betz said. “If I could, again, with the [magic] wand, I would push up their salaries and their benefits as a way of thanking them for not giving up.” To honor Betz and his contribution

to UCO, the Regional University System of Oklahoma Board of Regents approved the naming of the university’s Don Betz STEM Research and Learning Center after him. Sitting in his office in the Old North building, Betz said that bringing the building back is one of his proudest achievements. Old North is the oldest higher education building in the state and a seed of education for the community. “Many people still link back to this building because the very first teachers were trained and educated here,” Betz said. “I believe in our 200th anniversary, this building will be here serving as the living testimony.” After retirement, Betz said he will spend more time with his family and travel to several countries. He will also continue to contribute to higher education in the state and be involved with coaching other higher education administrators across the nation to be university presidents. Still, one important part of his plan is to revisit UCO. “I will not be a stranger. I’m looking forward to attending events and getting involved in appropriate ways,” Betz said. “I am not turning around and not looking back.” Patti Neuhold, UCO’s current vice president for Finance and chief financial officer, will become the 21st President of UCO after Betz’ retirement. Betz said the administration has been working to prepare a smooth transition. “I’m very pleased that Patti has been selected. I have high confidence in her and will be supporting her in any way that can be helpful to her,” Betz said. “She has worked here for 12 years, and she and I have worked closely for several years. She will be a proactive leader who will be willing to listen to and work with others.”


April 30, 2019


Editorial: Keep Speech on Campus Free Christian Tabak @CaffeineWallace Editor-In-Chief

Last week saw the University of Central Oklahoma celebrating its first ever First Amendment Day conference. Dedicated to educating the campus on the freedoms promised within the First Amendment, this spirit of commitment to those freedoms culminated in the unveiling of a new display featuring the amendment in its entirety. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Of all of these, freedom of speech is one that has recently become a focal point on college campuses across America. Recently at UCO, this freedom has been thrust into the spotlight as the university considers a dangerous change to its Campus Expression Policy that would threaten free expression and the right of students to bring to campus speakers whose voices are considered controversial. A university taskforce has suggest-

ed the university form an oversight committee to consider whether or not to approve controversial speakers on campus. While the basis of this approval is limited to what they describe as more extreme cases, where a speaker’s content might be enough to generate enough of a disturbance on campus to pose a safety threat, the possibility of preventing a speaker from attending campus for any reason poses a threat to free speech and everything that a university stands for. A public university such as UCO is not only a public forum for all manner of ideas and discussions, it is also a place where such a marketplace of ideas contributes to the broadening of perspectives. This is vital to the forming of our civic identities and even more vital to preserving the foundation of American democracy. While concerns over safety or the expression of content that some may find offensive are important to consider when forming a policy, those concerns should never threaten the right of the university to serve as a public forum. Last year, the university saw this firsthand when creationist Ken Ham

The new display dedicated to the First Amendment was erected on April 25 in the Broadcasting Annex lobby as part of First Amendment Day. With the university considering a change to its speech policy, it is important to remember the purpose of the First Amendment on college campuses. (Tanner Laws/The Vista)

had a speaking engagement canceled at UCO, in part due to concerns over the content of his presentation and his history of making statements offensive to certain communities. While some saw Ham’s controversial stances as reasons he should not be allowed on campus, such a situation creates opportunities to educate. To discuss these differences and, if there truly are instances of ignorance or intolerance, to educate others on those topics. To stifle voices for those reasons merely pushes them underground and does not deal with any concerns that truly merit consideration. Allowing this to prevent free speech

and expression to exist on campus would set an incredibly dangerous precedent. If we let one voice drown out another on the basis of how offensive the content might be, that breeds censorship and risks the abridgement of yet more freedoms. No matter the cause, a rubric on what speech should be allowed or not allowed on a college campus on the basis of offensive content should not be accepted. The United States already has a rubric in existence to which we can refer. Free speech is free speech only when it is allowed to be expressed without a fear of being silenced.


April 30, 2019

Hammers Home

Softball Hammers Home Championship James D. Jackson @JamesDJackson15 Sports Reporter

The No. 1 ranked University of Central Oklahoma softball team went 3-1 over Friday, Saturday and Sunday while also earning their third regular-season Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association championship in six years. The Bronchos earned a doubleheader sweep over Missouri Southern State University on Friday night as they defeated the Lions 6-0 and 10-4. In game one, starting pitcher Bailey McKittrick pitched a complete game shutout, giving up just three hits to the Lions. With the first victory, the Bronchos won a share of the MIAA title and took the title outright with the win in the second game. McKittrick threw in the second game as well, earning her 20th win of the season. It was the ninth time a UCO pitcher, and just the third time a freshman, has won 20 games. The second win also gave the Bronchos their 40th win on the season, the eighth time that has been done

The University of Central Oklahoma softball team breaks from a huddle during an April 11 home game against Southwest Baptist University at Broncho Softball Field. UCO beat Missouri Southern State University 10-4 on April 26 to win the regular season MIAA championship, their third in six years. (Samantha Karbelk/The Vista)

in school history and the fifth under head coach Cody White. “I’m really proud of this team for accomplishing one of our main goals in winning the conference, but we

still have a lot left that we want to do,” White said on Friday. “We did a lot of good things today and winning two games on the road in this league is never easy, so I’m happy with how we played.” UCO followed the Missouri Southern performance with a split with Pittsburg State University. In game one, the Bronchos recorded eight hits and four runs as they held the Gorillas to three hits and one run. McKittrick struck out four batters in her 13th complete game. She has made 18 appearances this season. The Bronchos lost the last game of

“We’re happy to be conference champions. But now it’s time to turn our focus to the postseason and keep working toward those goals.” Cody White the regular season 3-5 and the second game of the MIAA doubleheader with Pittsburg State. As a team, the Bronchos improved to 10 hits in the season finale but were halted late as UCO stranded nine runners and the Gorillas paired two-out solo home runs in the sixth inning.

“We left a lot of runs out there today,” White said after the season finale. “We had several opportunities to get some separation and just didn’t do enough to make it happen.” The Bronchos finished the regular season with a 41-5 record, 23-3 in the MIAA. UCO will be the No. 1 seed in the MIAA Postseason Tournament. The first round will begin at 11 a.m. on Wednesday as UCO will battle No. 8 seed Northeastern State University. “We’re happy to be the conference champions,” White said. “But now it’s time to turn our focus to the postseason and keep working toward those goals we still want to accomplish.”

University of Central Oklahoma utility Brighton Gilbert runs after a hit during an April 11 home game against Southwest Baptist University. The Bronchos also won their 40 game of the season in a 10-4 win over Missouri Southern State. (Samantha Karbelk/The Vista)


April 16, 2019



April 16, 2019


The University of Central Oklahoma Graduating Class of 2019

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Graduate Bali, Nikhil Collet, Tori Lynne Cothran, Tracy Lynn Coughlan, Julie D. Cunningham, Erin M. Dan, Josh E. Daugherty, Cash Alexander Dimandja, Christian Dorety, Adam Patrick Fuchs, Marlene Jarrett, Joshua D. Kunkel, Stephen James Le, Alexander Thomas Merritt, MacGregor Scott Sajjad, Muhammad Murtaza Stallard, Chas Len Tham, Benny Chew Hol Sweeney, Kassie Annett Swift, Jason Yim, Sunjip

Undergraduate Abdul-Haqq, Masood Abideen, Zain U Alanazi, Mohammed Albertson, Shane E. Alexander, Ginger R. Alghamdi, Abdullah Mohammad Alhuraibi, Amr Adel Aljaddoa, Abdullah Faisal Allen, Christin Dawn Alsayafi, Amani Ibrahim Al-Shorepy, Anas Alvarez, Anthony Nicholas Atherton, Taylor Arledge, Andrew Christopher Atchley, Zane Alexander Atterberry, Drake Bai, Eunjin Baker, Dylan Ray Balma, Paul C. Barker, Marcee Lynn Barnett, Cameron L. Barve, Sanjiv Mihir Beard, Miles C. Becerra, Raul C. Bement, Thomas J. Biby, Joe Thomas Bogui, Dohon Linda Lorraine Bohmann, Jacob D. Bornemann, Corey Richard Bowen, Matthew James Bowlin, Charles Brian Bowman, Amanda Kellee Bozeman, Joseph Layton

Brewer, Lindsey Brumfield, Preston E. Brusletten, Linn Katrine Burroughs, Kyle T. Buthion, Daniel Jacques Carrington, Johnathan C. Cascio, Cammy Jo Casiano, Alan Castaneda, Jazmin S. Charles, Tabor Wayne Chau, Luan Chavarria, Mayra Chen, Yue X. Chong, Hui Yi Clark, Kyle G. Clark, Kyle S. Cobb, Gabrielle Celeste Cone, Tyler D. Conner, Marshall Lee Conway, Michelle M. Cornish, Bryce Boyd Corson, Tyler Christopher Costner, Emilee Ann Cowdrey, Joshua Tanner Cox, Riley Crabtree, April D. Cromer, Elyssa Cude, Mason W. Cummings, Ryan Cole Daneshmand, Bianca Daniels, Kiara Dauphin, Joseph B. Dawes, Blake Edward DeBee, Nathan Matthew Dick II, David Roy Dinh, Brittany Thi Duhim, Zahra Siraa Dumanas, Jessamine C. Duong, Vinh H. Ebrottie, Daniel Ulrique Engel, Courtney J. Esquivel, Mayra A. Eudaley, Adriana Edith Evans, Nicole L. Fallatah, Ashraf Mohammed Ferrell, Moragen Drew Fertic, Ashley Marie Fields, Leah Catherine Fitzgerald, Andrea Madison Flores-Ybanez, Dystany Cheyann Fowler, Samantha Paige Fukui, Hardy Geneva, Kaycee Nicole Gentry, Kortni M. Gigger, Dorion Eugene Gibbon, Nancy S. Golden, Tyler R.

Graham, Hope N. Gregory, Kara A. Guilfoyle, Cara R. Gulikers, Kaylee N. Guthrie, Trystan S. Haley, Jodi Elizabeth Hampton, Nicholas Alexander Harger, Darrack L. Heard, Morgan D. Hendrickson, Garrett A. Herlihy, Christopher D. Hightower, Kristina M. Hodge, Katie J. Horton, Katherine M. Hosier, Tyler R. Howard, Thomas Howells, Sarah M. Huff, McKayla Huerta, Christian Hume, Amber L. Hunt, Ezra Jenkins, Brent Michael Jimboy, Lonnie Joe Johnson, Stefon B. Johnston, Dylan Jones, Brittany E. Journeycake, Wenona Faye Kalantari, Nelofar Natalie Kihato, Timothy Ngugi Kim, Chae Yeon Kim, Lily-Rose T. King, Weston Alan Kliewer, Caleb Findley Kouao, Aya Marie Lorraine Lake, Aubrey Le, Tho Leak, Melanie Nicole LeClercq, John Schuman Legg, Cody J. LeMoine, Ryan P. Lemmons, Grant Reed Letter, Savannah Adele Li, Zhiyu Liu, Shuhao Lopez, Beeken Macharia, Wilson Waweru Manek, Zack R. Manzelli, Nicholas Hunt Marin, Angel Eduardo Marr, Abigail Lynn Marsh, James William Martin, Davis C. Massey, Nicholas T. Matheson, Isaac A. Maxwell, Kaytlynn McDaniel, Mikhail N. Meade, Nicholas R.

Mecoy, William Vincent Melton, Kaci Nicole Melton, Michelle Miller, Christopher J. Milligan, Rebecca Moddrell, Diana Moon, Cassidy Nicole Moore, Benjamin Nelson Morales, Andrew Joseph Morgan, Racheal DeeAnn Morley, Stephani Michelle Mudgett, Amanda Lynn Muldoon, Allyson Nichole Munger, Alexandra Jane Navarro, Ruesga Rodrigo Neal, Lauren Denae Newby, Kelsey Rae Ngui, Sabrina Chin Yee Nguyen, Hang Thi Nguyen, Kimberly Nguyen, Justina B. Nguyen, Minh-Hang Trinh Nguyen, Nhi H. Nieves, Austin Nichols, Bailey A. Niles, Kathryn Marie Nowlin, Jayson B. Nygardh, Philip Anders Erik Onaya, Godfrey Samuel Ordonez, Walter Artemio Otto, Mark Outhaithavy, Melody T. Overton, Matt C. Pallotta, Nicholas J. Partee, Jennalin Rose Patel, Suraj H. Peavler, Kelsey Maree Peterson, Zeldon Lynn Pham, Thai Quoc Phan, Phi Phu Pilcher, Anna Elizabeth Pound, Melissa Ann Powers, Brady D. Priest, Corey Alan Queen, Chelsea Marie Rashid, Nafees Akhtar Reeves, Derek G. Requenez, Caylsa Ann Richard, Katie Angelle Richardson, Ashley Richardson, Sydney Nicole Ridgell, Briana J. Rios, Sanjuana Robertson, Tanner Drew Robinett, Brandon Craig Romano, Dominic J. Ross, Theodore L.

Royster, Samantha F. Rubio, Christopher Salas, Aidee S. Sampley, Chance L. Sanders, Tyler J. Santoyo, Eduardo Saunier, Meredith Louise Sayers, Connor Ray Seaman, Corey R. Self, Ryan Lee Sewell, Garrett A. Sheetz, Peter McNamara Shin, Boram Sinclair, Matthew Morris Slaton, Haley Morgan Soriano, Mariana Smith, Aaron J. Smith, Haylie Renee Darlene Smith, Kylee Ashtan Smith, Megan N. Smith, Shauney T. Snider, Jacob D. Stith, Heather Dawn Stoneberg, Samantha Antonia Sweeney, Steven Connor Taliaferro, Michael Loren Tani, Kouadio Franck Lionel O. Taylor, Austin R. Taylor, Roque Thomas, Cayla S. Thornbrough, Corbin LeDon Tunison, Grant David Vaughn, Hallie Nicole Vincent, Nicholas Jay Vo, Xavier Kim Voon, Tje Khei Wade, Yvette D. Walker, Cheryl Lynn Walling, Ashton Karae Wang, Jing Webb, Taylor Jade Weber, Benjamin Weiner, Colt Austen Wenzel, Ryan Geoffrey West, Brandon Tyler Whitmore, Dvonte Wiedemann, Alexis M. Wieland, LaDonna Rochelle Wilshire, Paul Ryan Wilson, Mercedes Tylinn Woolever, John Thomas Wyatt, Joshua Yagioka, Tetsuya Yellowfish, Jr., Edward W. Young, Brandon David Yousey, Calista

Fahringer, Sarah Elizabeth Fite, Candy Dawn Foster, Donna L. Fountain, Kendra L. Fowler, Chelsey K. Frank, Sadate Mwambo FNU Freire, Yuseli Anali Gambill, Carrie Lynne Garcia-Perez, Laura Gates, Timothy J. Gerken, Jessica Lee Gibbs, James A. Gill, Lauren Jane Gillis, Kelly Michael Gonzales, Morgan L. Gooch, Abigayle Elizabeth Graham, Robin Wires Grange, Shaun Robert Grounds, Kristen Gunselman, Dixie Lauren Hale, Tacy R. Hammond, Rachelle M. Harmon, Mackenzie Gracen Harris, Kristy Headlee, Lindsay

Helton, Kelli G. Herndon, Rebecca Layne Hightower, Teresa Kaye Hildebrandt, Stacy Jo Holloway, Katherine Hood, Kyle Joel Hoppers, Kimberly Hornbeak, Monesha D. Huff, Khari Joanne Hunt, Tracy Hyatt, Dixie Louise Jimoh, Terrill A. Johnson, Chelsie Lee Jones, Megan E. Kerr, Andrea Leigh Kilhoffer, Danielle Celeste Kim, Byung Gi Kirkwood, Tammy Kistler, Hillary Michelle Klevgard, Hunter Todd Kluge, Steve Edward Korff, Haley A. Krey, Gibson Maria A. Kyles, Christiana Sharmain LaGrow, Destiny Risha

Lane, Jamie L. Lane, Stefanie Layn, Molly Elizabeth Lee, Trenton A. Lindsey, Breann Marie Long, William Levi Loraditch, Leah Grace Lyapeva-Boyd, Nikoleta Georgieva Mackey, Jason Kyle Mackie, Jasmyne L. Marcuzzo, Daniel Patrick Mattingly, Haleigh Elizabeth McCollom, Holly McDowell, Joshua Keith McKinney, Latasha Kimberly Minang, Edwin Mukah Mitchell, Jonica LeighAnn Moore, Brittini Janae Moore, Carol Marshea Morgan, Natalie Renee Morris, Joshua Allen Mullins, Elizabeth Faye Muzny, Elle Elizabeth Nalls, Chante P. Napier, Joshua David

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Graduate Abbott, Alicia Marie Abbott, Deah Jordan Addison, Tricia Ann Alnajar, Sajidah Angier, Cathy A. Ardoin, Anna Carol Asperheim, Jessica Jerene Bai, Bei Barrow, Madison Elizabeth Batson, Casey Louise Beard, Morgan R. Berlin, Kelsey E. Biechler, Deborah Leigh Bowler, Mary Katherine Brand, Ashley Ann Bread, Jerry Cornelius Brown, Cherish Dawn Brownell, Cade Lorin Bruce, Kalen Allen Brunette, Eric David Bulin, Melissa Ann Burleigh, Allisyn Kirk Byas, Valerie Denise

Byram, Summer Dawn Carpenter, Lisa Marie Chavez, Andrea Chevalier, Danielle Marie Christian, Kegan C. Chua, Mervyn Yong Sheng Conner, Taylor Cook, Kelli D. Couch, Chelsea Nicole Dabboussi, Manal Davis, Amanda Leigh Delaporte, Austin James Demke, Elaine Lupe Donoghue, Tarah Michelle Dunsworth, Paige E. Durham, Justin D. Edwards, Micha J. Egana, Janel Elder, Katherine I. Ellis, Deana A. Ellsworth, Carly Rae Engelhard, Margaret Elizabeth Ervin, Zackery K. Ethridge, Kayla M. Everson, Adam Taylor

12 Ed. Graduate Cont. Sivard, Jessica Skalla, Britni Smith, Matthew Snider, Katlen Stafford, Kourtney Sutherlin, Rebecca Tamez, Julissa Tapa Neng, Stephany Taylor, Elizabeth Thompson, Melissa Thornton, Haley Threatt, Daneshia Tipton, Brook Vadivelu Amarender, Rashmi VanCleave, Brittany VanCleave, Brock Verdugo, Isela Votta, Shauna Wadley, Ashlyn Walter, Chontaye Warne, Kylee Wilkinson, Richard Williams, Essance Williams, Jennifer Wolf, Jodi Zhang, Yiqian

Undergraduate Abdelkader, Nadine Addington, Tessa Adenya, Apiyo Aguirre-Ornelas, Cristina Almoghalliq, Eman Ali Alomery, Yousef Alotibi, Nayef Alrasasi, Fatimah Alsup, Tatum Altaie, Samara Altarazi, Rozan Alzahrani, Abdulaziz Saleh Alzaid, Thamer Nabeel Archer, Victoria Arredondo, Jasmin Atchison, Thomas Atkins, Jeffrey Autaubo, Megan Avery, Adarius Backry, Kelsey Baker, Kerri Balderas, LaTrenda Baldridge , Jillian Barnett, Travis Baste, Hailey Bates, Bayleigh Beck, Jerrod Beitz, Adam Belew, Marcus Betancourt, Christion Bickle, Ally Bigheart, Emma Blanchard, Sallie Blanco, Tyler Bond, Landon Borges, Bradly Bowen, Jarod Boyd, Kegon Boyd, Luke Boykin, James Bozhinovska, Julijana Brackett, Madison Branch, Breanna Branson, Kelsey Brawner, Tanner Breeden, Morgan Britto, DeAndrea Brooks, Courtney Bross, Jared Brown, Caitlyn Brown, Julie Bryant, Nicole Buchanan, Amanda Bulock, Elisha Burchett, Joseph Burchette, Kaitlyn Burleson, Leslie Burnett, Clarissa Burt, Casey Burgan, Aubry Burzycki, Jennifer Cain, Kassandra Callaghan, Lina Camfield Lainey Camp, Brianne Campe, Anthony Cannon, Piper

April 30, 2019 Carwile, Sophie Casey, Riley Cavner, Lindsey Chanthalangsy, Stephanie Chatman, Marilyn Chenger, Jacob Chitwood , Emily Clanin, Emma Clark, Lauren Clark, Skyler Clifton, Wyatt Coats, Jillian Cobb, Lakisha Cockrell, Rusty Coit, Erica Collier, Seth Collins, William Coman, Brenda Cooper, Debbie Core, Asia Cristine Cornman, Kennedy Corona, Elvira Corrigan Heather Cosper, Rikki Costes, Sierra Cousan, Donovan Cowan, Megan Cowden, Julianne Crawford, Kerrie Dagam, Hanan Dang, Erin Danker, Beau Dannelley, Ekutan David, Summer Davis, Alden Davis, Kade Davis, Lucas Day, Madison De La Torre, Ana Decker, Andee Dees, Jeffrey Deleon, Leslia Derakhshan, Melissa Dillard Schmitz, Brenda Dinh, Tue Dinkines, Taylor Dixon, Rita Donnell, Abigail Donyai, Layla Doolin, Prescious Driskill, Olivia Driver, Madeline Duke, Matthew Dunham, Ashtin Durning, Christopher Dyer, Jake Edmond, Lauren Edmondson, Katie Edwards, Cheyenne Eghani, Farnaz Ekiss, Michael Elsenbeck, Kristin Emery, Angellica Enciso-Zavala, Yessenia Estrada, Hilda Fain, Deborah Farris, Meghan Feuerborn, Kara Fike, Derek Fitzpatrick, Mark Font, Rocio Ford, Alison Ford, Kaitlyn Foster, James Franco, Ashley Garrett, Emma Gaskins, Kelsey Gates, Richard Gayle, Shelby Ghaffarianniazi, Mehdi Gibson, Rachel Gilbert, Brian Gillespie, Abbey Givens, Ashley Golden, Kenneth Gonzales, Rebecca Gonzalez, Aide Gonzalez, Elbin Gradle, Kalani Gregory, Michael Grider, Spencer Griffith, Amy Griffith, Karen Gwartney , Brittney Haag, Cheyenne Haggard, Matthew Haley, Darbi

Hamlin, Jaycee Hammons, Blaik Hampton, DeVaughn Hanna, Madison Harder, Jessica Harrell, Apolonia Harrington, Ebony Harris, Ashley Harris, Brandi Harris, Tamara Harrison, Grant Hastings, Amy Hays, Jeffrey Henry, Catherine Henry, Katherina Herndon, Taylor Hester, Jenna Hickman, Miranda Hinchey, Rachel Hinkle, Katelyn Hoang, Kevin Hoang, Sarah Hoffman, Shannon Horton, Dawnita Hovde, Natalie Hurst, Camrie Huxley, Jared Impson, Kylee Jackson, Melissa James, Kelsey Jamet, Danielle Jaworski, Jordan Jenkins, Carol Jewell, Kayla Johnson, Brady Johnson, Francis Johnson, Stephanie Johnson, Taiylor Jones, Cierra Jones, Erin Jones, Haley Jones, Lani Joshi, Jessica Kahne, Matthew Kane, Mackenzie Katagarova, Anastasia Keeley, Zachary Kendrick, Taylor Keyser, Katie Khanagov, Christina Kilhoffer, Darla Killion, Katherine King, Jeffrey King, Karly Knight, Megan Knox, Dessirea Kordic, Katelyn Kordsiemon, Abigail Kwon, Miriam Lambert, Tyler Landaverde, Lacey Landers, Sarah Lane, Talia Lange, Johanna Lanzner, Breanna Lauderdale, Chloe Lawrence, Lindsey Lawson, Ciara Lebda, Holly Lee, Andrew Lee, Ryan Lemke, Kevin Lerma, Jesus Leslie, Dalton Lewis, Shane’ Lewis, Thomas Lindsley, Sabrina Litsch, Brittan Lockridge, Emily Long, Chanel Long, Kody Looney, Jessica Lopez, Estefani Lopez, Evelyn Loughmiller, Timothy Louis, Isis Mann, Monica Manship, Alana Marshall, Pamela Martin, Lauren Mattingly, Austin Mautz, Tristan Mayes, Jennifer Mayhall, Katie McCann, Aspen McConnell, Gregory McCoy, Garrett

Graduates McCray, Kara McDaniel, Deborah McIntyre, Evan McKay, Annie McMinn, Tiara Medrano, Sonia Meeks, Brittny Melancon, Natalie Meredith, Ruben Mickle, Kara Miner, William Moore, Brady Moore, Clay Moore, Paige Morris, Macee Morris, Madison Mousavizadegan, Mae Murata, Ayaka Muse, Sydney Neece, Julia Nelson, Emma Nelson, Meckenzie Ngo, Mai Nguyen, Quan Nichols, Kimberly Norat, Karli Norton, Greg Nunn, Rebecca Oden, Laura Opong, Starr Osborne, Maddison Owen, Conner Paden, Donald Parker, Gavan Partain, Bethany Patocka, Steven Patterson, Katie Paye, Riley Pearson, Mitchel Pease, Mary Pebworth, Dakota Pfeffer, Jessica Phillips, Sierah Pierce, Andrew Pinion, Vincent Pittman, Sheena Pratt, Brandon Pressgrove, Sarah Price, Jacob Privett, Brittany Purser, Reagan Quigley, Ashtyn Quinn, Maya Rader, Rachel Ramires, Maria Rance, Nancy Rathbone, Ashley Ratliff, Styles Ray, Courtney Ray, Steven Reagan, Arga Reed, Jennifer Reed, Jerrod Rehanek, Jenna Richter, Rachel Ritger III, Andrew Ritter, Melissa Roach, Kendal Robinson, Natalie Rocha, Nina Roldan, Eliseo Rose, Cynthia Ross, Jade Rowlen, Michaela Ruark, Mary Ruffin, Maria Ryan, Keli Rychlik, Jordan Salazar, Maria Salls, Allyson Sample, Eric Sandefur, Taylor Sanders, Jessica Sanderson, Kourtney Sandie, Shaydie Santos, Lauren Schaefer, Zachary Schellhardt, Jay Serna, Marcos Serowski, Nicholas Shaver, Kaylin Shepherd, Allyson Shine, Bradley Short, Madelynne Shortt, Jessica Sickler, Leslie Sigl, John

Sloan, Maegann Smallwood, Natalie Smith, Alora Smith, Charli Smith, Chris Smith, Haley Smith, Jeremy Smith, Kimberly Smith, Landon Smith, Micah Solis, Daniela Soria, Abigail Souvannasing, Marla Spells, Charles Spivey, Jessica St. Aimie, Sean Stafford, Jordan Startzman, Kelsey Stinson, Alaina Stockman, James Stovall, Ross Street, Shania Strickland, Nolan Stuber, Katherine Stump, Michael Sturdivant, Katelyn Suarez, Elizabeth Suzuki, Sachiko Swan, David Taff, Kurstin Takyi-Micah, Janelle Tedford, Brent Terrill, Roni Thomas, Gray Ting, Shi Qi Tone, Laura Torres, Itzel Tran, Huyen Tran, Ily Tran, Linda Trindle, Cy Tripodi, Rocco Tubre, Rylee Tuter, Claire Udoh, Aisosa Urie, Krisha Vargas, Rudy Varner, Meredith Villarreal, Ashley Vivona, Linsey Vu, Jenny Wall, Lauren Wall, Robert Walling, Zachary Ward, Lorna Watters, Bailee Weathers, Brandi Weaver, Samantha Webb, Casady Webb, Christopher Weir, Rachel Wells, Shonquinta Westmoreland, Stephanie White, Casey Wilbanks, Kayla Wilburn, Jill Williams, Tiffany Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Austin Wilson, Kendall Wilson, LaTrishia Wilson, Mariah Windham, Cassie Witt, Ashley Womack, Megan Wong, Faith Pey Yi Woodley, Corey Wyer, Caden Wynn, Jonathan Wythe, Randy Xu, Chi Yeap, Sze Min Yelton, Christopher York, Madison Yu, Danielle Zulkifli, Anwarul Firdhaus Bin


April 30, 2019


COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & DESIGN Graduate Hunter, Austin Hutchinson, Haley Ille, Meredith John, Alicia Kirk, Ashtynne Kliewer, Sarah Koit, Ken Konari, Prashanth Reddy Kozlowski, Alyssa Ladusau, Karen Landaverde, Manuel Lane, Chenoa Larson, Samantha Lee, Eunyoung Lehman, Cari Lehnert, Erin Ley, Robert Lindsey, BreAnn Liu, Yidong Long, Matthew Loveless, Mary Lumen, Pamela

Undergraduate Adams, Joanne Albahrani, Maryam Alcantara, Roman Alnemer, Buthaynah Ahmed Artus, Abraham Badgett, Acquanetta Bailey, Shelby Baker, Bradley Baker, Jon

Barclow, Rhadijah Beck, Emily Beleele, Alisha Bell, Elijah Blagg, Emily Bond, Emily Bruner, Johnny Bryan, Jazmin Bumgarner, Landon Burkes, Henry Carmichael, Kathryn Casey, Andrew Chavez Quintero, Brenda Christensen, Skyler Clawson, Cheyenne Colson, Robert Colston, Lauren Cotton, Tessa Craig, Lauren Criton, Zane Crowl, Sage Davis, Chelsea Dawes, Samantha Dely, Amanda Denner, Salli Dodson, Hunter Duke, Kandace Eastland, Ian Eaton, Alixandria Elliott, Thomas Esparza, Cynthia Evraets, Gregory Fareseddine, Jihane Finnerty, Adara Ford, Kallie Gausman Courtney

Gerhard, Hope Gills, Amari Gorath, Jordan Grisham, Lindsey Gulliver, Josanna Gwartney , Brittney Hamil, Alec Hamilton, Paige Hampton, Chase Helton, Riley Henderson, Brenden Henry, Alexander Henry, Alexander Herbison, Anthoney Hickman, Peri Hill, Bradley Hill, Tristan Ho, Jonathan Holcomb, Alyssa Hooker, Courtney Hopkins, Andrew Johnson, Brekyn Johnson, Calvin Jones, Zachary Kear, Rachel Kenney, Derek Knezevic, Tanja Koczur-Shaw, Alicia Kouts, Carrie Krasaetanont, Warapat Lamb, Joshua Lamb, Sonnet Lamb, Tyler Lane, Hayley Le, Julie Le, My

Le, Oanh Levis-Nasada, Sydni Li, Chenxi Livingstone, Elena Lopez, Aaron Lopez, Zoe Low, Holly Luney, Stormi Magar, Hayden Mariner, Morgan May, Michael McEntire, Patrick Meiring, Benjamin Melton, Rozlyn Miller, Timothy Mitchell, Stephanie Moon, Alyssa Moore, Erica Morgan, Kelsey Morgan, Kelsey Muschinske, William Norlin, Amber Palmer, Donovan Dace Parcher, Erikah Parker, Jhade Pflaum, Alexander Phelps, Joshua Polk, Raini Pollitt, Courtney Rankin, Mallory Reich, David Reich, David Reid, Billy Rengstorf, Rachel Richards, Robert Rojas, Christopher

Rowlett, Jason Sayles, Briana Schotter, Edward Shell, Brian Shell, Rebecca Shields, Samuel Slaughter, Adam Smith, Joanna Stacy, Michael Starr, Caleb Stire, Benjamin Summar, Miranda Swearengin, Allison Swindell, Dylan Thelen, Marissa Tran, Monica Turner, Riley Vaughn, Evan Vazquez, Aketzali Vezey, Joneta Vogele, Hunter Vorba, Kirsten Vrana, Katelyn Walker, Eli Walkup, Alexander Walley, Rachel Wayland, Gage Weaver, Julia Welch, Abigail Wells, Olivia Wickberg, Luke Wilson, Hunter Witcher, Jenifer Yates, Benjamin Youngblood, Hannah

COLLEGE OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Graduate Schartz, Cortney Smith, Juliette Fortney, Amber Hill, Lauren Martin, Heather Morice, Brian Traverso, Christina Willimon, Caitlin

Undergraduate Alnemer, Fatimh Backry, Kelsey Bennett, Kimberly Boling, Karen Borwick, Danny Breeden, Morgan

Bronn, McKay Campbell, Isabel Cangiano, Savanna Cantrell, Christina Cauley, Austin Chandrasegaran, Tharannya Chebahtah, Darien Cooper, Abigail Cooper, Courtney Costes, Sierra Dang, Nhu Davis, Tia Dean, Kaleigh Downs, Amber Dunn, Kelsey Emery, Angellica Evans, Caitlin Faulkner, Kenneth

Flake, Jayde Ford, Alison Friend, Savannah Glenn, Amanda Harrington, Ebony Haubert, Sahara Henry, Catherine Herren, Sydney Hughes, Ja’von Jones, Michael Kassan, Breanne Lee, Bailie Lopez, Estefani McMinn, Tiara Meeks, Maria Michalik, Quentin Minton, Skylar Montgomery, Hailey

Nolan, Cara Osborn, Kelsey Pickle, Michael Raper, Amanda Roach, Miquel Roberts, Zacharia Rogers, Jennie Rosanelli, Alexxandra Shipman, John Smith, Ashley Smith, Megan Solis, Daniela Spells, Charles Still, Derek Stoner, Deonna Sutherland, Aspen Swan, David Takyi-Micah, Janelle

Thornburg, Sydnee Tomlin, Kimberly Torres, Carmen Tourtillott, Paige Vasanthan, Jayashini Wagoner, Victoria Walters, Kayley Wardell-Villarreal, Skye Williams, Dustin Winkler, Kaley Wishon, Tymothy Wood, Lacy Wright, Tori Yeoh, Shi Rui

Coby, Anthony Compton, Alyssa Compton, Jackson Coulson, Brian Crystal, Jacob Damerval, Maurine Darling, Ryan Everette, Keely Fallon, Amanda Ford, Sematria Foreman, James Gatewood, Emiliano Gordon, Jocelyn Gregory, James

Henrici, Stephen Ille, Meredith Jordan, Caleb Julius, Precious Abisola Kentopp, James Kenworthy, Kaitlan Kiely, Lori Lehman, Cari Lumen, Pamela Marlow-Fuson, Skylar Marzett-Howell, StarDavana Mason, Patricia Maxwell, Madelyn McCrary, Jessica

McCullough, David McMindes, Elenor Newberry, Kenneth Ogunsola, Oluwabusola Ayoola Olanipekun, Yetunde Ibukun Pamplin, Steven Patterson, Trudy Peacher, John Perakis, Alexander Pittman, Allison Porter, Scott Potts, Anna Poulson, Lauren Robertson, Rachel

Salkeld, Helen Scott, Corey Scott, Megan Shaffer, Seth Sherer, Ryan Strawhun, Ryan Sullivan, Julie Taylor, Elizabeth Thornton, Haley Waters, Savannah Webster, Joseph White, Chelsea Wilson, Carly Young, Star

Barras, Heather Barron, Sydney Bennett, Aubree Berry, Dyllan Bhat, Kirtana Blackstone, Laura Blomgren, Jessica Boling, Karen Bond, Paten Bond, Samuel Borwick, Danny Bowlan, Amanda Boyd, Elizabeth Boysel, Kaitlin Brakefield, Ricki Branson, Kelsey

Broiles, Jordan Brooks, Amber Brous, Justin Brown, Lauren Bruns, Michael Burch, Gabriel Burns, Bailey Burrows, Brittany Burwell, Erica Bussey, Emily Butts, Brittany Buzingo, Delaine Capraro, Christopher Cargill, Shelby Carnes, Bayley Carter, Deja

Carter, Justyce Castleman, Kelsey Cheater, River Chebahtah, Darien Chrisman, Karyn Clark, Nathan Claudio, Luis Clay, Lauren Click, Brandon Coleman, Miryam Connett, Megan Conrad, Mckinley Cooper, Abigail Cooper, Courtney Cope, Chelsea Cordova, Blanca

Corwin, Elizabeth Covarrubias, Diannara Cox, Kayla Cox, Loren Cozort, Samantha Cruz, Eric Cuadra, Bridget Curiel, Danielle Dale, Kyle Daniels, Cara Davidson, Brooklyn Davis, Amber Davis, Tia De Los Santos, David Dean, Kaleigh Deardorff, Brittany

COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Graduate Abdulrahim, Fadi Adejumo, Oluwabusola Adejoke Akinsemoyin, Amirah Morolayo Akintola, Damilola Mosebolatan Anjofui, Marbel Eneng Breerwood, Christi Brown, Patricia Brown, Taylor Butler, Jennifer Butler, Timothy Cameron, Toni Chambers, Travis

Undergraduate Abedour, Mohamed Adams, Reagan Aka Kadio, Tania Berenice Altstatt, Brooke Aman, Kaitlyn Amar, Malak Amighi, Maryam Anderson , Cody Andrews, Kimberly Atkinson, Braden Austin, Hope Baez, Melissa Bailey, Payton Barcenas, Juana Barnett, Erin

14 LAR Undergraduate Cont. Demar, Victoria Dinh, Anh Dinh, Katelyn Dodd, Austin Dossey, Brittany Drennan, Davonte Dunn, Ryan Dupuy, Taylor Dyer, Danyelle Easterling, Stephanie Ecton, Matthew Edge, Anna Eldridge, Haley Elliott, Kathryn Ellis, Justine Esparza, Vanessa Espino, Lisbeth Esselstrom, Keaton Estuche, Marc Adrian Philippe Evans, Caitlin Faulkner, Kenneth Fiberesima, Michael Fields, Makensie Fields, Terance Flake, Jayde Floyd, Korey Franco, Ruby Franklin, Kendell Friend, Savannah Galindo, Ricardo Garcia Gomez, Oscar Garcia, Fabian Gaylord, Kaleb Giblet, Cody Gil, Jorge Girdner, Bryce Gissandaner, Ashli Glover, Joanna Goldman, Taylor Gomes, Brianna Gonzalez, Reanna Goode, Jessy Gorman, Cheyene Goudeau, Jonathan Green, Sidney Griffin, Simeon Grimes, Kelli Grimmett, Sasha Grubb, Samantha Hacker, Rachel Hackney, Rachel

April 30, 2019 Haecker, Kyrstin Hale, Emily Hall, Samantha Hammons, Noah Harms, Skyler Hartman, Christopher Hastings, Melissa Havenar, Bradley Hawkins, DeAntray Haynes, Constance Heaps, Seth Hoback, Ryan Hoehner, Christian Hudson, Preston Hughes, A Alexander Hughes, Leigha Hunt, Alexis Hunt, Chandler Huynh, Thanh Tan Hyden, Michael Inselman, Mary Jackson, Karrington Jackson, Ryan James, Justyce Jamieson, Rachel Janak, Blake Jarvis, Hannah Jekel, Sarah Jimboy, Lauren Johnson, Joy Johnson, Nelson Johnson, Sheldon Johnson, Taylor Johnson, Victoria Johnson, Zachary Jones, Carli Jones, Domonic Jones, Katlynn Jordan, Shandi Kamoss Erica Kassan, Breanne Keethler, James Kelley, Dallas Kelly, Monica King, Sean Kinnamon, Andrew Kippenberger, Sydney Kirtley, Case Knight, Amanda Krasaetanont, Wasupon Krumwiede, Katie Larrauri, Luis Lascano, Ashton

Lawrence , John Mark Lay, Gabriel Lee, Bailie Leenders, Katie Lewis, Chelsea Lihyaoui, Alexa Lilly, Victoria Lopez, Michelle Loudermilk, Alexis Love, Kristen Luong, Nguyen Hong Vy Lusk, Jaylon Malherbe, Mitchell Malone, Marissa Marie, Charnelle Marski, Cheyenne Martincich, Amanda Martinez, Maya Maynord, Erica McAuliffe, Kendra Mcclure, Ryan Mccullough, Julianna McCullough, Sky McDaniel-Yates, Britany McGinnis, Dominique Mckee, Colton McNew, Kyle Meeks, Maria Mendoza, Diego Merry, Jacob Messenger, Andrea Messiah, Jonathan Miller, Katie Mills, Kallee Mitchell, Erica Montgomery, Hailey Morales, Gabriel Mosley, Blake Mouser, Ciara Muiruri, Ruth Murphy, Myah Murphy, Wyatt Nedrow, Rachel Nguyen, Tan Nieman, Alexandra Northenor, Makenzi Oliganga, Destiny Olupitan, Christina Ortega, Anna Osborn, Kelsey Osgood, Shawna Padilla, Kasie Parasich, Corbi

Graduates Parra, Geronimo Peck, Mason Peck, Mason Peruch, Maria Pierce, Dustin Pistole, Dara Platt, Kyle Ponds, Mia Popadak, Breanna Powell, Marcus Ramos, Jennifer Raper, Amanda Ravis, Evan Reece, Charmetra Richard, Madison Richards, LaRhonda Richards, Titus Riley, Ian Roach, Miquel Roberts, Zacharia Rosanelli, Alexxandra Ross, Alyssa Ross, Kimberly Ruiz, Elsa Rumbo, Keri Salas, Marco Samaniego, Raquel Schumann, Brittany Scott, Jacob Scott, Trinity Secrest, Kaden Seibert, Blake Self, Cameron Self, Sheridan Sewell, Jamilee Shahid, Sundas Shimizu, Makinori Shipman, John Sicher, Elyse Silk, Bryson Simpson, Maggie Sloan, Adrein Smith, Ashley Smith, Brittany Smith, Dillion Smith, Mylon Snyder, Kaylee Springfield, Mary Standlee, Katie Still, Derek Stine, Audrey Stone, Trevor Stoner, Deonna

Story, Trevour Stover, Elle Stover, William Sutherland, Aspen Talmadge, Ione Tarpley, Makenzie Tate, Kellie Taylor, Blake Taylor, Margaret Thain, Alexsis Thomas, Brinta Thomas, Jaymi Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Haleigh Thompson, Kenneth Tiner, Jamie Tomlin, Kimberly Torres, Carmen Tourtillott, Paige Tovar, Crystal Trindle, Mathew Trujillo, Cristina Vance, Blake Velasco, Adrian Velasco, Yessica Vigil, Alexandria Wahkinney, Raven Walker, David Walker, Rodney Wallace, Corie Warren, Brock Watkins, Jesse Wayland, Adam Wehrenberg, Jaid Wehrenberg, William Welch, Nicole Westbrook, Devon Wiley, Cynthia Williamson, Warren Willis, Abigayle Wilson, Megan Wines, Candice Wishon, Tymothy Wong, Yi Wen Wood, Skyler Workman , Kakiley Wormington, Trey Wright, Colton Wright, Tori Yost, Abbigail Young, Amanda Zhang, Xinyan

COLLEGE OF MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCES Graduate Andugula, Surendhar Deffebaugh, Bailee Keil, Warren Kimmel, Laura Kinghorn, Trevor Ladusau, Karen

Lehnert, Erin Meyer, Kristy Ojeda, Elena Roberts, Vickie Sakhamuri, Akarsh Vrla, Sarah Wang, Ye Yarbrough, Jonathan

Graduates walk under the Old North arch on the University of Central Oklahoma campus. (Vista Archive)

Undergraduate Abia, Kufre Afify, Mohamed Alabadi, Bassem Albright, Josie Alexander, Lauren Alexandridou, Athanasia Alfonso, Emily Alfonzo, Kirsten Al Mutairi, Rakan Alnakhli, Ali Alnemer, Fatimh Alvarez, Cassie Alvarez-Briglie, Sofia Armstrong, Ashley Atkinson, William Bajo Calderon, Erica Barghouthi, Amjad Beadle, Corey Bell, Sarah Bennett, Kimberly Berg-Mattson, Michelle Berry, Alyson Bevis, Taylor Bhanot, Anisha Biedermann, Megan Bishop, Lindsey Bouska, Charles Briscoe, Thomas Brown, Madison Buck, Zachary Burdell, Alison Burrola, Stephanie Butler, Shelby

Cagle, Brittany Camp, Ian Campos, Olivia Cangiano, Savanna Carrington, Kaitlyn Cate, Devyn Cauley, Austin Chandrasegaran, Tharannya Chavez, Sarah Chong, Yan Fay Collins, Casey Conner, Stephanie Cook, Alexa Cotter, Tiffany Covin, Amber Cox, Kayla Damerval , Abigail Dang, Nhu Dao, Trang Davis, Austin Davis, Brant Dean, Kierra Deitz, Cash Domeun Sipeyou, Ludvin Ymele Draeger, Samantha Dunn, Kelsey Eastman, Whitney Eoff, Jared Epley, Jennifer Ernst, Zachary Fagan, Matthew Forbes, Megan Ford, Hunter Gibson, Sloan Golshani, Cameron


April 30, 2019

CMS Undergraduate Cont. Le, Samuel Gonzalez, Erik Gosz, Rachel Graber, Delaney Green, Jesse Greer, Rachael Grellner, Madi Hacker, Jacob Haggard, Kevin Hagy, Hannah Hall, Shanna Hamilton, Kristi Hammons, Payton Hanebutt, Zachary Hart, Christian Haubert Sahara Hendricks, Carolyn Herbert, Kendel Hernandez-Salinas, Alfonso Herren, Sydney Huffman, Holly Huffman, Tyler Hughes, Ja’von Hyde, Jon Ibiribigbe , Saidat Iyaye, Mina Jackson, Hunter Jenkins, Tyler Johnson, Drew Johnson, Ryan Jones, Austin Jones, Sandi Jones, Tisha Jordan, Dakota Kadri, Olabisi Karanja, Philip Keovixay, April Khamis, Mohammed Khoury, Jonathan Kimani, Perpetua Kirt, Joseph Kopensky, Kayla Kouadio, Walamy Lam, Theresa Lauffenburger, Joy

Ledford, Lori Levy, Gregory Lewis, Paige Lincoln, Darian Lockwood II, Justin Loper, Jacob Lujan, Rubith Mach, Quan Macharia, Henry Manandhar, Sajani Manley, Robert Manzo, Olivia Marinoni, Luca Marquez, Alma Mason, Alexandria Mason, Sallie Mathew, Praise Mathew, Jibu Matli, Andrew McClendon, Brandy McDowell, Donald Mclemore, Stephen Means, Ashley Mesiya, Sana Messenger, Andrea Meyers, Travis Minton, Skylar Mirza, Andreea Miser, Tresa Mullinix, Dustin Muse, Mckayla Naghdi, Niloofar Neblett, Victoria Nguyen, Lauren Nguyen,Alan Nguyen, Lauren Nguyen, Khang Nguyen, Phu Niedziela, Kylie Noble, Bryana Nolan, Cara Norris, Marie Obr, Blake Ogbeide, Hope Osborne, Jennifer

Pak, Cameron Park, Hyun Meen Patatanian, Kayle Payne, Brooklynn Pham, Dat Phan, Diep Pickens, Alexa Pilkington, Lane Poudyal, Pooja Pradhan, Azhar Prather, Ceara Price, Sadina Puskas, Joseph Quinn, Gina Raischel, Michael Ramsey, Shelby Rauchbach de, Oliveira Giovanna Rauh, Sally Reid, Penny Ridenour, Ashleigh Rios, Areli Robin, Sarah Robinett, Shelbi Rogers, Jennie Ross, Anternet Rubio, Macie Sabu, Ayana Salas, Patricia Samaniego, Odalys Samour, Asma Sanchez, Lisa Sanderson, Cole Sawall, Christina Scott, Tyler Smith, Megan Smith, Sydney Smith, Laura Smoker, Shaina Snider, Ashley Soro, Abdoul Aziz Ishaq Staggs, Jordan Steele, Remington Stephen, Olivia Stewart, Austin Stone, Zachary


A graduate turns her tassle inside Old North on the University of Central Oklahoma campus. This year more than 1,900 students will graduate. (Vista Archive) Swink, Joseph Taylor, Brett Teng, Aaron Wee Chee Teo, Wei Ching Thellmann, Michael Thomas, Chelsi Tita, Relindis Tompkins Charlee Van der Veldt, Michael Varughese, Juby Vasanthan, Jayashini Voit, Dillon Vu, Gabrielle Vu, Tommy

Walker, Timmothy Wardell-Villarreal, Skye Warren, Addison Weaver, Shelbie Weber, Lindsay Wilkins, Destinee Williams, Logyn Williamson, Deidre Wilson, Teril Witcher, Kendra Wong, Khei Xuan Yoo, HaEun York, Holly Zimmerman, Robert

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