The Vista April 3, 2001

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Annual airshow canceled

The 2001 Aerospace America airshow has been canceled this year due to insufficient funds. Last year's show did not have the expected turn out due to poor weather resulting in debt. ✓ Page 8

>Sports Losing streak ends

The Bronchos softball team defeated Texas Wesleyan 3-2 March 29. I/ Page 7


Film minor offered

An 18-hour film studies minor is being offered for the upcoming fall semester. v Page 4

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1860, the first Pony Express with the U.S. mail left both St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California, simultaneously. The Western-bound post arrived a day and a half before the Easternbound.

QUOTE OF THE DAY "The first half of our lives is mined by our parents, and the second half by our children." — Clarence Darrow

WEATHER Partly cloudy with

Tues. a chance of


showers and d oA thunderstorms. 0(1 v Low near 60. Partly cloudy with

Wed. a chance of


showers and thunderstorms. 00 d ad High in the 80s.

Pranksters unveil April Fools Day jokes


3, 2001

Vice President for Administration named BY NATALIE SMITH


Staff Writer

CO President Roger Webb announced the appointment of Steve Kreidler, executive director of the Edmond Economic Development Authority, as UCO's vice president for administration. "Steve Kreidler has made a wonderful difference in the strategic growth of the city of Edmond because of his vision and work for the Edmond Economic Development Authority," Webb said.

A graduate from Oklahoma Excellence, which are both State University, Kreidler is headquartered at UCO. known for his work in helping to "I don't think there is guide economic development in another university in a better Edmond since 1993. position to serve the needs of "Kreidler is one of the reasons Oklahomans over the next 20 the university and this years than UCO. I am very community work so well excited and looking forward to together. All of us at UCO are becoming a part of the very excited to know that Steve university," Kreidler said. will bring that vision and Kreidler's appointment will creativity to the university," become effective April 23. Webb said. "There is no doubt in my Kreidler is co-creator of the mind that President Webb's Institute of Emerging vision for UCO to become the Technologies, as well as the pre-eminent undergraduate Oklahoma Center for university in the state, will Information Technology become reality," Kreidler said. •

Steve Kreidler

Suit filed to overturn school porn filters on the purchase of filtering technology. Student Writer "The federal government he American Civil should not be subsidizing Liberties Union (ACLU) commercial filtering companies and the American Library by forcing libraries to buy Association (ALA) filed suits to technology that doesn't work," overturn the Children's Internet said Kranich. Protection Act (CIPA) on While the filtering software is March 20 in Philadelphia. mandatory, there is no particular CIPA was signed into law last brand of software required. December and requires all "Filters will never be perfect," school and library computers to said Istook, "but that is no excuse install pornography and not to try to protect our children." obscenity-filtering software by ACLU attorney Ann Beeson April 20, or lose federal funding. challenged the blocking software. The filters must be able to be "Our lawsuit will show that turned off for adult use and for online education is a far use with adult supervision. preferable and less restrictive The legislation was alternative than clumsy filters," introduced by Arizona Senator said Beeson. John McCain, and was tacked CIPA has already been PHOTO BY TSUYOSHI SHIRAISHI on in a spending bill. through two unsuccessful (left to right) Marlene and Erin Yukson, ages 5 and 3, use one of the Congressman Ernest Istook, computers provided by the Edmond Public Library. A law signed last versions. Jr. of Oklahoma is the bill's December requires all school and library computers to install filtering The first version was found by primary proponent. the Supreme Court to be software by April 20 of this year. "This is not about unconstitutional, and the second censorship," said Istook, "We're is currently tied up in the court In some cases, according to Consumer not talking about whether something will be Reports, "filters block harmless sites merely system. made illegal or not, or what people may pursue because their software does not consider the The final version of CIPA was specifically on their own. We're saying that our tax dollars context in which a word or phrase is used. Yet tailored to avoid conflict with the first should not be spent to put pornography in more troubling is when a filter appears to block amendment by implementing two major front of children." legitimate sites based on moral or political changes: the law only applied to federally There is a concern about whether legitmate value judgements." funded computers and only blocked sites may face blockage. ALA President Nancy Kranich commented unsupervised children. • BY MICHAEL LARSON


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