The Student Voice Since 1903
APRIL 4, 2000
Administration rations tickets; 6 per graduate Limited seating available By N. DAVID OWENS
o you have more than six friends and relatives? If you are graduating this spring they may have to wait in line to attend your graduation. "(Graduates who) don't need their tickets are encouraged to turn them in, and those needing additional tickets can get on a waiting list for more in the degree certification office," said Terry May, assistant vice president of academic affairs. Any unfilled seats will be open to the general public after the national anthem is sung. The tickets are being issued due to the expected number of
guests attending. "Seating for guests has become problematic," May said. With the number of students applying for graduation this spring at 1,125 and growing daily, May is dealing with a large number of concerns. "We will have people from facilities management on hand to fix any problems. We will have an EMSA ambulance on hand. We will have police and security, ushers, music students, an interpreter for the deaf, and 6 busses," May said. These handicapped accessible busses are V See GRADUATION,
—Staff Photo by Landon Salyer
The male court... John Reagor, first runner up, Travis Tidwell, Mr. UCO 2000, and Kurt Jones, second runner up, smile as they receive congratulations from family and friends after the Mr. UCO pageant Saturday night. Read The Vista on Thursday for the follow-up story.
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UCO hosts Teacher Job Fair By Allison Franklin
STOIV 100 school districts representing eight states will participate in UCO's 15th annual Teacher Job Fair from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., April 6. The event will be held on the third floor of the University Center. The job fair, hosted by UCO Career Services, is open to anyone interested in summer or fall positions in kindergarten through 12th-grade schools. Pre-registration is not required
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Each graduating senior receives six tickets for family members to attend commencement exercises that will be held on May 5 and May 6 in the Hamilton Field House. Seating is limited due to the number of students graduating this spring.
and attendance is free. School districts attending the fair are seeking classroom teachers for a wide range of certification areas, plus speech and language pathologists, school nurses, counselors, psychologists, psychometrists and library media specialists, said Jennifer Johnson, University Relations news bureau director. Informational booths will be set up at the job fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. During this time, employers can schedule individual interviews, to be held
after 1 p.m., with potential employees. The booths will provide an opportunity for participants to pick up job applications, visit with school administrators and find out about job openings, said Gina Eastman, director of Career Services. "Anytime you interact with an employer, it's a miniinterview in itself," Eastman said. Throughout the day, 527 pre-
lr See JOB FAIR, Page 3