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Edmond Skate Park slow on completion
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The Student Voice Since 1903
BRIEFS >News Teachers sought UCO's Teacher Job Fair features 250 recruiters. Students seeking jobs are encouraged to attend. ✓ Page 3
>Sports No.17 Ranking UCO baseball has won 12 of its last 13 games and is ranked No. 17 in NCAA Division II. v Page 6
>Features Fuel returns Vista reporter Jayna Noley interviews Fuel guitarist Carl Bell. Fuel will perform in OKC April 7. v Page 9
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1933, the first operation to remove a lung was performed at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.
5, 2001
Campus 911 system `light years ahead' with information about the location or about the person residing in the Staff Writer location. new and improved 911 "There are probably 50 college emergency system is now in campuses in this state, all of which service at UCO. this will be important to," Wiseman As the only system of its kind at a said. college campus or multi-building In years past, when an emergency institution in operator received a call Oklahoma, the system from UCO, the general "It's really incredible began March 12 and is university address was now linking callers to displayed, causing to think that anyone emergency operators and confusion as to the exact providing a specific location of the caller. can pick up the location of anyone who The emergency phone on this campus calls 911 on campus. database updates "We are light years location changes of and in seconds ahead in terms of the faculty members and safety of our students students on a daily basis. [someone] knows and faculty," said Dr. Bill "It's really incredible where the problem is." to think that anyone can Wiseman, director of university relations. pick up the phone on When a 911 call this campus and in reaches the system from seconds [someone] —Dr. Bill Wiseman UCO, the operator now knows where the director of university receives the address and problem is," Wiseman relations phone number of that said. particular location, Tell us what you whether it be a dorm room or a faculty think about the new 911 system. Log office. The operator is then provided on to . • BY SARAH ROBERSON
Lisa Sutterfield, a supervisor at the Edmond Operations Center, takes calls and dispatches emergency crews. UCO's new 911 system allows operators to know the exact location of those who call on campus.
UCOSA members to get 1-hour class credit this fall
"Every job is a self portrait of the person who did it. Autograph you work with excellence."
— Jessica Guidobono BY NATALIE SMITH
Chance of Thur. storms. High in =0211 the lower-80s.
Mostly cloudy
Fri. with a chance of 41111111
showers. High inA, ■ ,,. the mid-70s. :‘,"::: ''
Mostly cloudy
Sat. with a chance of Ili
showers. High in ,::,■:,,',.* the mid-70s.
Mostly clear. %Ili, Low in the mid-
Sun. 50s and high in --:" 40.7.the mid-70s.
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Future speeders? Tiger Cubs from Heritage Hall Lower School get a quick lesson on how a radar speedometer works from officer John Zeigler on April 3 at the Edmond Police Station.
Staff Writer
he Department of Political Science is offering class credit to the student government. The UCOSA class is worth one credit hour and is a 3,000 level class. Dr. Gregory M. Scott, professor of political science, will instruct the class. "I think it is an excellent idea. It will help students get more out of student government activity because they will have to think more systematically and have to write reports about their activities," said Scott. Scott is in the process of finding materials and working out a plan for the new class.
The only requirement thus far for the student government class is that the student must hold office either in UCOSA or another student organization. Offering UCOSA for class credit is a new idea and is in the beginning processes. It will be modeled after the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature. Students in the class will be required to author legislation and write at least one paper about their activities in the class and in office. They will also be required to attend a certain number of meetings and actively participate in UCOSA. For more information about the class, e-mail Dr. Scott at . •