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BRIEFS >News UCO takes honors UCO's broadcasting program recently walked away with 35 awards from a statewide competition.
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Broncho softball took a double win against the NSU Redmen April 6. ✓ Page 6
>State In memory OSU announced that more than $700 thousand has been donated to scholarship funds since the plane crash in 2001. v Page 15
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1939, black opera vocalist Marian Anderson performed in a concert at Washington's Lincoln Memorial. The Daughters of the American Revolution had denied her use of Constitution Hall, but Eleanor Roosevelt fought to allow her concert to be held at the memorial.
QUOTE OF THE DAY "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing." --- Benjamin Franklin
Partly cloudy. Lows mid 40s, highs upper 60s.
Partly cloudy. Lows mid 40s, highs mid 70s.
9, 2002
Evans posts up to coach position
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doctored under former coach Jim Seward, and a more conservative approach to the game clock. Reducing turnovers and stressing defensive rebounding were two factors Evans singled out as weak areas in which he hopes to coach the basketball team. "It's the oppoitunity of a lifetime to be head coach at the college level. For me, coaching basketball is like being an entrepreneur. It's tough to have your own business and then go work for someone else," Evans said. Evans mentioned recruitment as a cornerstone in reestablishing UCO basketball as a Division II powerhouse. He believes his strong relationship with in-state coaches will help build a stronger Oklahoma-based recruiting class. "Kids not only choose the school, they choose the coach and the system," Evans said.
CO named former Midwest City coach Terry Evans as the new head coach of the men's basketball program in a news conference at Hamilton Field House April 5. Evans, 31, is a former college basketball standout at the University of Oklahoma and was chosen from a field of 41 applicants for the job. Evans said his plans for the team are to focus on tough, smart and aggressiVe performances by his players, both in athletics and education. "My expectations are high for our kids...both on and off the floor," said Evans, who believes good students are more likely to listen to coaching. Evans describes his type of play as " enough to win." Evans said his do-whatever-ittakes game play might combine elements of UCO's highscoring offense previously See COACH, Page 4
UCO's new basketball coach Terry Evans speaks in a press conference April 5, which announced his being hired to replace former coach Jim Seward. Evans is a former basketball player from OU, who also coached basketball at Midwest City High School.
UCOSA vice president to be elected tomorrow current student body vice committees, being in charge of president, and J.P. Jordan, the UCOSA budget and Senior Writer speaker of the house. representing the n election for the vice Tyler Tully will be student body to the president of the UCO named president by "All students at administration and Student Association . default, since he ran off campus. UCO are members (UCOSA), the student unopposed. The vice president governing body, will be held "All students at of UCOSA, that's has a lot more from 9 a.m. — 3 p.m. and from 5 UCO are members concrete powers, Fry — 7 p.m. tomorrow, April 10 in of UCOSA, that's why they are able said. He or she chairs the second floor of the Nigh why they are able to to vote." the student activity University Center. vote," said Blake Fry, board, allocates Since few students are director of campus money not spent in —Blake Fry running for office, the only life. the budget and director, office of officer being elected is vice He said some facilitates the work campus life president. responsibilities of plan for the year, The students running for vice the president include appointing which decides which campus president are Marilyn McDow, students to various university issues that UCOSA will BY LAURA BELLO
advocate during the year. The president, vice president, speaker of the house and president pro tempore of the senate each work 20 hours a week and receive a $3,500 scholarship. The senate and house of representatives meet weekly to vote on the.issues presented by the vice president. Students wishing to vote in the election tomorrow must present their UCO ID. • Log on to www . thevistaonline . corn 24 hours a day for campus news or to sound off on current issues.