The Vista Aug. 20, 2001

Page 1



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Program to help find stolen items begun PAGE 20




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•Box Office Roundup . .



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The Student Voice Since 1903


>News An itch to learn

and staff was our number-one priority in the decision-making Staff Writer process. Although moving has nterior structural problems been a challenge for our entire have prolonged the exterior community, we are excited about renovation of Old North, and the opportunities that will be forced the building's occupants to available in our new offices in the relocate. library," said Dr. Judith A. Coe, The Education Dean of the College of Building and the Education. library have made The occupants of "Ensuring the room for the Old Old North got word of North offices until these structural hazards safety of faculty the restoration is around July 24th, and and staff was our complete. Hearing have juggled the and Speech has been preparation for fall number-o ne moved to the 3rd semester with tentative floor of Education, moving dates. Tenants priority in the while the Special are hoping to be fully decision-m aking Education and the relocated and set up by Reading departments the first day of classes, process." are on the 3rd floor according to Dr. Coe. of the library. The The M id —Dr. Judi th A. Coe psychology offices Continental Dean of th e College have been split Restoration Company of E ducation between the 3rd floor first began work on of the Education Old North back in Building and the 3rd floor of the November, performing a general library. The few classes held in renovation of the 100-year-old Old North will now be conducted edifice. They were involved in a in the Education Building. process known as "Tuck "Ensuring the safety of faculty Pointing," in which old mortar


✓ Page 5

>Sports Kick that around UCO soccer is ready to defend their Lone Star Conference title this semester. ✓ Page 16


One UCO student writer relates his experiences in Nicaragua this summer. Page 24

TODAY IN HISTORY On August 20, 1866, the newlyorganized National Labor Union called on Congress to mandate an 8-hour work day.

"I am not the editor of a newspaper and shall always try to do right and be good, so that God will not make me one."


Staff Writer


he air conditioning problem in the art building is not a new issue. They have had problems with it for the last two years. However, in the Oklahoma heat, the reality of the lack of air conditioning is taking its toll on faculty and students. Currently, the air conditioning is not functioning in the Art Building and Thatcher Hall. Rep. Leonard Sullivan said he has asked Gov. Frank Keating to include a $1 million emergency appropriation to UCO in his special session held in September. Keating has not yet agreed to ainclude UCO's air problem in the special session.

— Mark Twain

WEATHER Sunny, low of 69 and a high of 95.

Partly cloudy,

Tue. low of 70, high of —\11



Repairs to the 4th floor women's restroom are underway while exterior renovation of Old North continues.

and defective stones are cut out and replaced with new material. Don Powers, Director of Safety was alerted to structural risks on the interior. "We were basically concerned with the ability of the building to hold itself up," said Powers. The inspection crew found rotted wood under the roof, and aluminum is being used as a

Replacement eplacement windows are being added and the overall repairs are expected to continue throughout the coming year. New decoration for Old North is also a part of the renovation project. An estimate on the completion of construction has yet to be made. Visit our website anytime at . •

Air conditioning problems "hot" issue at UCO



MONDAY • AUG. 20, 2001


Students with drug convictions may soon have a better chance at getting financial aid.


Old North showing age, occupants moved


>Features Maxin' and



Partly cloudy, low of 71, high of 96


"We need students and local fragmented, but the students still Edmond businesses' help by are recognized nationally for the calling the Governor's office work they do. I only wonder how [concerning the air conditioning] we would do if we had a great and applying facility," Palmer said. political pressure," Palmer's main Sullivan said. concern is for the "In the ar t world This is not soon education of the we are prone to enough for the students. It is hard to beginning of fall be creative when having artistic fits, classes. The halls of students are miserable, the art building are he said. but now we are crowded with noisy, Many classes that having to deal large industrial fans were on the second that add to the floor have been moved with heat fits!" noisiness of the to the museum areas, building. where it is cooler. Dr. Bob Palmer, This means that some —Zin a Gelona chairperson of Art of the exhibits have to senior art major and Design, said, be moved or "The most amazing thing is that postponed. we have a terrible facility, our 'It is unfortunate that we have department is crowded and to sacrifice exhibit areas for

classroom space," said Palmer. Senior art major Zina Gelona said that the heat breaks her concentration and creativity. She has a studio at home where she can do most of her work, but many new students do not have this option. "A lot of students need to be in the classroom to do their work because they need the instructor's help," Gelona said. If the weather cools down, then some of the classes may be held outside. It may be windy outside, but it is more calming than the roar of the fans Gelona said. "In the art world we are prone to having artistic fits, but now we are having to deal with heat fits!" Gelona said. •

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