The Vista Aug. 28, 2001

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• My Turn • Sports


Japan Student Association to hold events


6, 7

• Police Briefs PAGE 8 •Campus Events PAGE 20 •Out & About PAGE 21


• Classifieds PAGE 23

The Student Voice Since 1903



✓ Page 5

>Sports Hot times on the field Athletic heat-related deaths have caused some groups to reconsider their practice techniques. ✓ Page 6

>Features Faces of death Funeral services instructor Dr. Gary Sokoll talks about the funeral science films he's produced. ✓ Page 9

TODAY IN HISTORY On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr, civil rights leader, gave his "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Approximately 250,000 people witnessed the speech, which is one of the century's most quoted orations.

Report reveals below-average faculty pay BY DANIEL HOLDGE

Staff Writer

report based on the 20002001 salaries of professors and associate professors shows that UCO is below the national average. Dr. Thomas Guild, President elect of the state and UCO chapters of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), developed a report comparing the salaries at UCO and other similar schools. He sent that report to Sandra Mayfield, President of the UCO Chapter of AAUP. The letter's content was then unanimously passed by the 20 members of the AAUP that represent UCO, and sent to all 353 full-time faculty. "Response has been positive and a lot of my colleagues feel we need to be where the report proposes," said Guild. Dr. Guild's report shows the average salary for a UCO professor is $59,000 and is $52,200 for associate professors. UCO is a


Division II school, so Guild used a associate professors. "We rank 16 out of 16 in national average from similarly ranked private and public average professors salaries, and the institutions. The average salary for associate professors salary ranked professors was $69,917 and 12 of 16," Guild said. Guild's report also shows that $55,347 for associate professors. At Division II public institutions, in the last 12 months professor's the average was $68,828 for salaries have increase only two professors and $54,886 for percent while the inflation rate has been 3.37%. associate professors. "We're not even The UCO Office keeping up with of Academic Affairs "We're not even inflation much less researched the keeping up with our peers," Guild said. salaries at 16 colleges Dr. Guild proposes they call "peer inflation much less a three-year plan to institutions." These Dr. Thomas Guild increase payroll and schools they feel are our peers," help bring UCO close similar to UCO to the national for the 2001-2002 fiscal year to based on 'enrollment —Dr. Thom as Guild pay for this increase. A tuition average. and proximity. Preside nt, AAUP The plan would increase of 1.5 million and the These schools add a nine-percent money saved from disbanding the include Wichita State University, the University of inflation adjustment, over a three- track program last year was North Texas and the University of year period, to public Division II included. An additional 1.65 Texas at San Antonio. This institutions 2000-2001 average million will come from Section 13 research developed figures very salaries. This would add $5,341 to money, which is allocated by the professors' and $2,542 to associate State Regents for Higher similar to what Guild presented. Education. The average salary for peer professors' salaries per year. Dr. Guild's report details institutions was $69,000 for professors and $54,500 for additional money UCO will have See SALARIES, Page 4

Astronomy observatory built for UCO students

QUOTE OF THE DAY "When things go wrong they like to blame the President, and that's one of the things that Presidents are paid for." — John F. Kennedy

WEATHER Mostly cloudy, slight chance of rain; high 89, low 69

nioTorRovIDED Dr. William Caire (bottom left) and Physics instructor Philip Cloud (third from top left) pose with volunteers in front of the new observatory. BY LAURA BELLO


28, 2001

Are you experienced?

The Oklahoma Arts Institute is searching for interns from various groups.



Mostly cloudy, high 88, low 70

Staff Writer


targazers at UCO have a new tool for their research. The College of Math and

Science recently constructed an observatory at the Selman Living Laboratory (SLL) in northwestern Oklahoma, said Dr. William Caire, dean of the

school and director of SLL. The dome contains a 12-inch LX-200 automated telescope that rotates to follow stars. The SLL is eight miles from Freedom, Okla. This observatory project is part of a consortium between UCO and six other colleges and universities. Participating schools include Leeward Community College in Hawaii, Northwestern Oklahoma Sate University in Alva, Northern Oklahoma College in Enid, University of California in Berkley, Santa Clara University, Calif., and Western Kentucky University. The seven colleges and universities will develop collaborative programs centered around undergraduate research projects in astronomy, according to Fritz Osell, professor at Leeward Community College in

Pear City, Hawaii. The consortium will allow the schools to share information and enhance the learning process. According to Osell, "Many stars change their brightness rapidly and must be closely monitored for many hours to acquire enough data for study." Students in one region may loose visibility of a star as the sun enters the sky, however, if the telescope at one of the sister observatories is also looking at that star, then the student can continue their research, Caire said. An advantage to building an observatory in Oklahoma is that the location is isolated. "We are in very dark sky. There is not much light pollution. This is harder and harder to find in the U.S.," Caire said.

See DOME, Page 3

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