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Fall tornado season begins
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The Student Voice Since 1903
BRIEFS >News Right-to-Work Voter registration ends Aug. 31 for State Question 695. ✓ Page 8
>Sports Media Day UCO Football team kicks off 2001 season with interviews and photos. ✓ Page 6 and 7
>Features European travel Off-season travel offers something for everyone, and can be cheaper for students. ✓ Page 17
TODAY IN HISTORY In 30 B.C., Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is said to have committed suicide by allowing herself to be bitten by a poisonous snake. In 1992 an artillery shell exploded in a Sarajevo marketplace killing 15 people and injuring 31.
QUOTE OF THE DAY "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows." — William Shakespeare
WEATHER Slight chance of /
Thur. showers; high in the lower 90's
Chance of showers and thunderstorms; highs near 90
Chance of thunderstorms, highs near 90
Sun. thunderstorms;
high in the upper 80's
30, 2001
Lack of parking spaces frustrates students BY LAURA BELLO
you are one of the lucky ones, with an 8 o'clock class, you can spend 20 minutes trying to find a spot. According to marketing senior Pam Slifer, "I don't think we have enough parking. It's good to see so many students at UCO, but as the students increase we need more parking spaces or a garage." UCO has overflow parking available; however, many students are not aware of the locations or would rather try their luck at finding a close spot. "I knew there was additional parking, I just never think to park there. Everyone wants to be close to their classes," Slifer said. PHOTO BY ELISE CARR Banners have Parking officer LaDonna Wilson prepares to ticket a car parked in front of recently been placed near full lots reminding an expired meter in a lot North of the Administration Building.
student Erin Lang. Many students on campus have resorted to parking in no arking at UCO is a parking zones and sidewalks nightmare," said junior because they are desperate to fashion marketing make it to class on time. Unless Staff Writer
students of additional parking. According to Dr. Don Powers, director of Safety and Environmental Management, the parking lots are overcrowded every year. "Last year we were out of convenient parking. We haven't made much progress in this area," Powers said. There are enough parking places for the number of students that are on campus at one time, said Powers. "We have about 4,000 spaces, and in the morning about 4,000 students, 4,000 in the afternoon, and 3,000 in the evening," Powers said. "There are many spaces available in more remote spaces. If the students would just park there, sure they would have to walk, but they wouldn't have to spend time looking for a space. They could- save themselves the trouble of having a headache or heartburn," Powers said. See PARKING,
Fees waived for adjuncts; no raises foreseen The last raise adjuncts received was during the 1992-1993 school year, in which the pay Staff Writer per credit hour taught by instructors holding CO adjuncts professors began the fall Ph.D.'s went from $800 to $850, and from semester with the closest thing they've $600 to $650 for non doctoral teachers, said seen to a raise in over seven years – free News Bureau Director Charlie Johnson. According to the U.S. Department of parking. Labor, $850 in 1993 equals Free parking will make their lives $1,044 in 2001. This means, in a little easier, said Gayle Kearns, "We would like to adjusted currency, that professor of adult education, chair of adjuncts are being paid $194 occupational and technology see our adjuncts less per credit hour now than education, and last year's Faculty they were in 1993. Senate president. awarded for President of Faculty Senate The Faculty Senate represented staying with us." Katherene Terrell said, "We're the adjuncts, and pushed for parking also looking into some kind of bill that was approved in May. inclusion in our benefits even "We would like to see our —Gayle Kearns if they have to pay for them." adjuncts rewarded for staying with professor of adult The average number of us," said Kearns. education adjuncts at UCO over the past Kearns said this year's Faculty Senate would revisit the bill for step raises for five years is 309, ranging from 285 to 341, said adjuncts, which are small incremental raises Johnson. No accurate number has been tabulated for this year. normally awarded once a year. "For the university, it's a. good deal. It Kearns said that adjunct pay raises aren't high on the priority list due to other financial doesn't cost you a lot and you get a lot of expertise," said Dub Rogers, a UCO adjunct shortages. BY MICHAEL LARSON
instructor of interpersonal communications and business communications, Rogers said that he appreciated the free parking but "It would be nice if they would consider covering the cost for a course in case I find one I want to sit in on." David Ferrari, an adjunct who teaches composition for international students, says that after eight years, he hasn't gotten a raise. "I get free parking. That's my benefit." According to Terrell, UCO has a number of professors that teach on an adjunct basis after retirement. "These people tend to represent some of the highest quality teachers available," Terrell said. "Frequently they have a small area of expertise that nobody else on the faculty may have." The definition of adjunct, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, fourth addition, is 'something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position.' "We'll be a huge departure from the status quo," Terrell said. "There are few types that have any benefits or bonuses attached to their programs." •