Volume 117, Issue 2
VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.”
Murdaugh Moves In After Mold
vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista ucentralmedia.com Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Schedule Breakdown See Pg. 12-14
Murdaugh resident Maya Williams unpacks her belongings in her dorm room on Aug. 26. (Tanner Laws/The Vista)
Haley Humphrey @HaleyBHumphrey REPORTER
The University of Central Oklahoma Murdaugh Hall residents who relocated to other residence halls on campus due to mold being found in
the facility were able to move in to their rooms at 1 p.m. on Monday. Less than 300 students were moved while the mold was being cleared and final air checks were made, according to Adrienne Nobles, assistant vice president for University
Communications. The mold found was classified as part of the Penicillium/Aspergillus fungi group. This type of mold is not toxic like Stachybotrys chartarum, or black mold, but can cause some illnesses to develop in people, according Continued on Pg. 9
So Long, UCO’s President Gives Opening Remarks Feisty Feathered Friends
Oklahoma Heat Waves COMMUNITY
See Pg. 7
Jeff Elkins @JeffElkins12
One of the first things returning students likely noticed last week was the absence of a certain flock of fowls we feel so fondly for. Since just after the turn of the millennium, the University of Central Oklahoma campus has been a suitable home to the Canada goose. According to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, resident Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) are a non-migratory subspecies that has adapted to survive in urban environments. “This subspecies is drawn to areas where there is water nearby and an abundance of grass to graze on,” said Josh Richardson, migratory game bird biologist for ODWC. “With Canada Continued on Pg. 10
No More News For Starbucks Stores
See Pg. 6
RANKINGS From left, UCOSA Vice Chair Emma Sawyer and UCOSA Chair James Limbaugh watch UCO’s President Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar as she delivers her opening remarks about the upcoming legislative semester on Aug. 26 in the Will Rogers Room of the Nigh University Center. (Tanner Laws/The Vista)
Lauren Morris @Vista1903 ONLINE EDITOR
On Monday, President Neuhold-Ravikumar gave an opening remark to start off the semester for the UCO Student Assocation. The new sena-
tors, as well as the new officers, had just sworn into their positions. She said how she was excited to see the energy of the students, as to her, summer had felt empty. “You are a bright spot in my day,” she told the students. “It is such a joy for me to walk the sidewalks.”
Bronchos Shutout in Soccer See Pg. 15