The Vista Feb. 11, 2020

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Volume 117, Issue 17


VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.”

vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista Tuesday, February 11, 2020

U.S. Student Loan Debt Soars to $1.6 Trillion Jeff Elkins @JeffElkins12


The total student loan debt in the United States has now reached $1.6 trillion, according to a quarterly report recently released by the Federal Reserve. As of January, national debt from student loans exceeded auto loan debt by over $300 billion. The average student loan debt per borrower in the U.S. is just over $29,000, according to the Institute for College Access & Success. Steve Black, chair of the finance department at the University of Central Oklahoma, said students and their families should focus on financial planning, first asking themselves how much they might earn upon graduation. “If you go in for a car loan, you have Continued on Pg. 7



The above graph shows the increase in U.S. student loan debt from 2007 to present. In 2013, the total debt hit $1 trillion. The total is now $1.6 trillion. (Data: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)

The Mixed Origins of Valentine’s Day Celebrations Haley Humphrey @HaleyBHumphrey MANAGING EDITOR

Sacrifice, blood and death. You’ll most likely never look at Valentine’s Day the same again. The popular holiday for sweethearts has an origin story you probably never saw coming with roots that could be considered as “strange behavior” today intertwined in its history. The origins of Valentine’s Day appear to have begun in Rome. Katrina Lacher, University of Central Oklahoma history and geography department chair and associate professor, said there is some consensus that the origins of Valentine’s Day can


Sunset heart hands are pictured. The history of Valentine’s Day has been celebrated in a variety of ways through the years. From medieval times to present day, it has shifted to a day of love from Roman rituals. (Provided/Pixabay)

be traced to Etruscan and Sabine traditions from early Rome. The Romans were influenced by a number of early civilizations. Etruscans and Sabines brought the Romans their culture from northern and central Italy. These groups celebrated the coming of spring in a celebration, known as Lupercalia, according to Lacher. The celebration was a bloody festival full of animal sacrifices to ward off evil spirits and infertility. “According to some legends, men would dress up in animal skins and slap women with goat hides,” Lacher said. “This ritual was meant to ensure Continued on Pg. 6




Do You Love or Hate Esports: Overwatch UCO Inclement Weather Mike Bloomberg Speaks See Pg. 14 See Pg. 3 See Pg. 8 Valentine’s Day? See Pg. 5 League Recap Notifications in Oklahoma

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