The Vista Feb. 15, 2000

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The Student Voice Since 1903

FEBRUARY 15, 2000

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Mock exams prep students


By Allison Franklin

Staff/titer CO's Career Services, along with Kaplan Test Prep, will offer free mock graduate exams from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19 in the Liberal Arts Building. Mock exams of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Law School Administration Test (LSAT) and Dental Admission Test (DAT) are being offered. Check-in will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the north hallway on the first floor of the Liberal Arts Building. The mock exams are not limited to UCO students. Anyone interested in taking an exam is encouraged to preregister by calling 1-800-KAP

—Staff photo by Chieko Hara

Someone to look up to... Eddie Robinson„ NBA player and UCO graduate accepts several awards, including NCAA Division ll Male Player of the Year for All Sports at Hamilton Field House on Feb. 10. His buddy, 3-year-old Isaiah Sikes looks on. Hamilton Field House was packed with UCO fans who cheered both the men's and women's basketball teams to victory.



Taking a mock exam is a great way to find out if you are ready to take a real exam. Plus, it's free. Sherri Segnar Kaplan Area Director,

TEST, said Gina Eastman, director of UCO Career Services. "Pre-registration is important to insure adequate space for everyone interested in taking the exam, but walk-in students won't be turned down," said Sherri Segnar, area director for Kaplan. This year, students can also take Kaplan exams online from Feb. 15 to Feb. 29 at . Kaplan Test Prep is a division of Kaplan Educational Centers, a private, international company owned by The Washington Post Company. Kaplan Test Prep offers graduate exams in most major cities in February. Last year, more than 25,000 students nationwide registered to take Kaplan exams. While this is the first year UCO's Career Services has cosponsored the mock exams, Kaplan's Oklahoma City branch has offered the exams at UCO and other state universities for the past four years. Last year, 35 students took Kaplan exams at UCO, and in 1998, 50 students participated. Segnar hopes that at least 50 students participate at UCO this year. "Taking a mock exam is a great way to find out if you are ready to take a real exam. Plus, it's free," Segnar

V See MOCK EXAMS, Page 3

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