The Vista Feb. 15, 2001

Page 1



•Loose Change



•Letter to the editor



•Column •Out and About








PAGES 10-11

The Student Voice Since 1903


BRIEFS >News Aviation students die Two students studying aviation at Southeastern Oklahoma State University were killed when their plane crashed during a training flight Feb. 6. v Page 17

>Sports Indoor track success

Two individuals and one relay team from UCO recently qualified to compete in the national meet. ./ Page 8

>Features xxxxxxx Art lovers will have the opportunity to see the artistic labors of UCO's faculty at the 2001 Faculty Art & Design Exhibit. ✓ Page 13

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1898, the American battleship "Maine" was blown up while at anchor in Havana Harbor at 9:40 p.m. The ship sank quickly and 260 members of its crew were lost.

QUOTE OF THE DAY "To me the charm of an encyclopedia is that it knows — and I needn't."

— Francis Yeats-Brown

market to students. Some of the salesmen in the Staff Writer University Center have become igh credit card debt is irritating to students. "They will like yell at you and harming college students' academic performance and other students who pass by haggling long-term credit record, according you to sign up for American to research by Robert Manning, a Express," said Marce Terry, speech visiting professor at Georgetown pathology graduate student. "They are not supposed to do University in Washington, D.C. UCO's University Center rents that," Buzzard said, "when they see one of us coming tables to credit card they straighten up." vendors who pay "... when I was a The Oklahoma $100 a day to State Senate has solicit students. student I would've written a resolution "Quite honestly asking the State when I was a thought having a credit Board of Regents of student I would've card was beneficial, but Higher Education to thought having a stop college credit card was now I personally don't contracts with credit beneficial, but now card companies I personally don't care for it. I guess disallowing them to care for it. I guess solicit on campus. because I've been because I've been down The resolution down that road, that road, gotten in states that credit gotten in debt and cards are available to had to get out," debt and had to get students without said Stephanie adequate education Buzzard, auxiliary out." to the cost and enterprises benefits. administrator. Buzzard said the Buzzard said —Stephanie Buzzard auxiliary enterprises University Center credit card administrator has to rent tables in companies sign up a fair and equitable for tables under aliases like "On-campus manner. "We get into a mess by Marketing," and UCO officials are unaware of what they are going to discriminating against them,"


Buzzard said. If the resolution is passed, the university will have legal right to turn credit card companies away. The average college student has more than $2,200 in revolving credit card debt, and 20 percent of student cardholders carry more than $10,000 in revolving debt, as reported in Credit Union

Magazine's News Now. "Many students work part-time jobs to pay down debt. This often leads to poor academic performance and lower retention and graduation rates," according to Union Magazines News Now. Jessie Grimes, senior art history

See CREDIT, Page 3

that they don't aggressively pursue people who put flyers on cars. Staff Writer "We'd be more apt to direct them to o you read them or just toss them on Student Services to get authorization," said the ground? Jones. A common form of student-targeted Despite the lack of a formal UCO policy, marketing, flyers on car windshields, often issues such as auto damage and littering go unnoticed by students. However, UCO have provoked some to believe that UCO policy does not specifically address the ads. needs to draft an official standard. According to Beverly Prosser, secretary "I know other schools, such as the of the assistant to the vice president of University of Oklahoma, have formal Student Services, UCO currently does not policies regarding flyers on cars," said Jeff have an official policy regarding car flyers. Harp, chief of DPS. "There's not a policy written, but what Some students become angry when they we do is tell the people [who distribute the find the flyers, while others simply dispose flyers] that it's not allowed and then escort of the pieces of paper. them off campus," Prosser said. Ted Jones, assistant chief of DPS, said See FLYERS, Page 4 BY BETH HULL




G olV2WA.:

_ .

High of 42, low -ED

Sat. of 25.


Sun. High of 45, low ob of 23.


Students peeved by flyers on car windshields

High of 53, low

High of 47, low

15, 2001

Jessica Brent, sophomore philosophy major makes a purchase at the University Center convenience store where Ai-Wei Teoh, senior finance major, tends the register. The University Center rents tables to credit card vendors to solicit students to apply for their cards.


Thurs. of 40. Sixty

percent chance of rain.


Credit card vendors haggle or help?


Fr i. of 32.

ROTC holds war games at Late Arcadia

6, 7, 8

Flyers like this one are often placed on car windshields at UCO, leaving some students annoyed or angry.

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