The Student Voice Since 1903
FEBRUARY 22, 2000
Students target campus security By Mike Greer
campus. A female dorm resident recently arrived home too late at night to find a parking space. Fearful of the long walk through the Commons with no police call boxes, the woman parked in a faculty space and was ticketed. Though there are many call boxes in the south lots, there are none in the Commons parking lots. "It's terrible, there's got to be twice as many call boxes at OU. They're all over the place down there," UCO sophomore Jeff Curtis said. While the UCO Department of Public Safety (UCODPS) acknowledges a need for more call boxes, they are not sure the call boxes would be appreciated. "Most people don't know what the call boxes are for. We've had people walk all the way to UCODPS to get help with their car and when we get
The gift of life...
ome students are questioning their safety on the UCO
—Staff photo by Chieko Hara
Jennifer Mount, junior, donates blood Feb.16 at the blood drive sponsored by the UCO Bloodhounds. Mount was nervous about the process but stuck with her decisions to give blood, boosted by the thought of preforming a good deed.. It was her second time to donate. The drive was held on the second floor of the University Center last week.
out there, they're parked right underneath a call box," Sgt. Jon Peoples said. "The biggest form of security we have is each other," said Todd Duncan director of Residence Life. "There is always someone looking out the window or standing on their porch, which is like a second-class neighborhood watch," UCO public relations senior Sara Morrell said. "DPS does a great job for us, they're not out taking care of Edmond, they're right here," Duncan said. A UCODPS officer is assigned to the residence halls five nights a week from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. "Her main priority is to patrol the residence halls," UCODPS Capt. Chris Wooldridge said. A concern of students is the security differences between the dorms and the Commons. "I feel a hell of a lot safer here (in the Commons) than I did in West. At the Commons
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At this point, we aren't able to say what's causing the problem. Farrell Rosson Assistant Director of Facilities Management