CSU nurses schedule campus blood drive By Tim Ray "It's not the type of thing that a person would do out of concern for his own health, but rather out of concern for another person's health," said Valerie Reynolds, Central State University Student Nurses' Association president, describing the organization's campus-wide blood drive to be held Feb. 25 and 26 in the University Center Council Room, fourth floor. The blood drive is being conducted in conjunction with the Oklahoma Blood Institute. Representatives of the Oklahoma Blood Institute will perform the actual taking of blood while members of the Student Nurses' Association will be checking blood types and giving out cookies and orange juice following the giving of blood. There are, of course, certain people who cannot or should not give blood due to
Fe February
health reasons, said a blood institute spokesperson. Anyone who has a history of hepatitis or is currently taking Acutane for acne or has gotten a tattoo within the past six months by any method other than an ear-piercing gun cannot give blood, and persons with a history of cancer must wait 10 years since beinging cured before they can give blood. Members of the gay community are asked not to give blood, said a Blood Institute spokesperson. "We have sponsored the blood drive sporadically in the past, but we're trying to make it a yearly thing," said Reynolds. "We know that it's not easy for some people to take time out of their schedule to give blood, so we will by trying to make it as convenient as possible."
No. 33
Vista photo by Terry LaFrance
CSU students, Shang Hsiao-Mei (left), Hsieh Wen-Lin (center) and Chen Ming Shan (right) brave the cold in Thursday's 12 degree weather.
Tuesday Edition
Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Art museum proposed by Faculty Senate By Mark Beutler Associate Editor A proposal has been submitted to the Faculty Senate Student Relations Committee as a result of an article in the Dec. 11 issue of The Vista. The article dealt with the priorities for allocations of student activity fees at CSU. William Wallo, assistant professor of art, submitted the proposal as a request that the art department be considered in the allocations of the student activities fee. "I propose that the Museum of Art needs and can use an annual allocation of 3 percent of the annual activities fund," Wallo stated in the proposal. "These funds will be used for providing exhibition activities and cover costs of exhibition rental, shipping, handling, speakers, publications and purchases related to its' function," Wallo continued. Wallo commented,"What we want to do is, in a sense, to provide activities for the students by bringing in rental shows and rotating exhibitions." Wallo said that to his knowledge, no formal request for a regular allocation from the activities fund has ever been made. "Until The Vista'sbudget diagram, it never occurred to me that this might be a valid source of revenue for the Museum of Art. We operate virtually every day from 9-5, so we advertise the ex-
hibits to the Oklahoma City area and so on. Therefore, the general public, as well as a great number of students visits the museum," said Wallo. "We have no direct allocation from the activities fee, and I emphasize the words 'direct allocation'. In other words, once in a while in the very recent past, there has been some fundung from the Cultural Arts Committee. But basically we do not have any allocation from the student activities fund." The 3 percent allocation from the activities fund will allow the museum to bring in approximately four major rental shows a year and increase publicity for the museum exhibits, according to Wallo. "The act of doing brochures and other types of promotions would be our goal. We have been attempting to to do a broader job of this kind of promotion and we really need to present this fact to the university and the community," stated Wallo. If the proposal is passed by the Faculty Senate, the museum stands to receive matching funds from other agencies, therefore providing further financial advantages for CSU. "The Oklahoma State Arts Council and the Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities are two organizations that we are working with. Last year, we managed to
In this issue... Art faculty exhibit opens...page 3 Health Science Building turns to sun...page 4 Choir to perform Valentine's day...page 6 Wrestlers "mentally tough"...page 7 Panhandle rips Bronchos...page 8
get grants from these two agencies for the first time," Wallo said. "The nature of receiving grants is having the funds to match the grant. If we had a predictable existing allocation we could write a request for a grant and submit it early enough to get it reviewed. Unfortunately, the grant possibilities for our activities cannot exist until there are matching
funds available, such as those from the activities fund," said Wallo. The Museum of Art programs will continue to be offered, says Wallo, on the "shoestring" budget it has operated on in the past. However, Wallo does belive the museum merits the allocations requested. "I feel it is a valid request to get
some funds. I think that a number of people, faculty and students included, know that the space is here and routinely offering exhibits, but they often never come. Therefore, all I can do is promote the validity of the fact that we could, and should, function better. In order to do that, we need funds to operate with," commented Wallo.
Vista photo by Daniel Smith
Editors, Jane Harris (left) and Bertha Paulk (right) with sponsor, Gwynne Hunter (center) begin the publishing of Paraza, a English department literary magazine.
CSU to publish literary magazine By Melissa Mercer Editor The Central State literary publication Baraza, a swahili word meaning magazine, will undergo an expansion according to sponsor, Gwynne Hunter. The extended version will include submissions of poetry, short stories and critical essays to be solicited from area universities. A unifying theme for the 1985 Baraza is dedicated the 500 year anniversary of Caxton's printing of Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte
D'Arthur in 1485. Literary works are required to be previously unpublished and submitted to the Baraza by March 1 "We want to establish a quality literary journal to be published here, supported by the English department but staffed by students," Hunter said. In addition to the support and advice from Creative Studies chairman, Clif' Warren, Hunter is establishing a board of consultants, comprised of published
poets and writers, professors an d lay people from the community who have shown support in the arts, to aid in the publishing of Baraza. According to Baraza editors Lisa Fletcher, Bertha Paulk and Jane Harris, the magazine has the potential to be published quarterly provided funding is available. "There are a lot of people who can write well, but haven't been published. This is a way for a writer to be published for the first time," Harris added.