The Vista February 7, 1985

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CSU features celebration for black heritage week


By Mark Beutler Associate Editor Central State University will celebrate Black Heritage Month with a week of festivities to begin Sunday and continue through Feb. 16, according to Kim Jones, assistant director of Personnel Services and coordinator for the Black Peer Center. "The celebration nationally is a month long, but we (CSU) are only celebrating one week," Jones said. The theme for Black Heritage Week 1985 is "Daring To Make Dreams a Reality." Activities commence with a gospel extravaganza scheduled for 3 p.m. Sunday in the Liberal Arts Auditorium. The extravaganza will feature gospel choirs from the Oklahoma City area. Featured Monday will be the Cavannah M. Clark Heritage Awards and Soul Food Banquet. Clark retired from the university after several years of service as an associate professor of curriculum and instruction and he remains the only tenured black professor at CSU. The awards program will honor the outstanding black student, the outstanding black student leader and those black students who have been named to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. "Students considered for the awards are generally nominated by sponsors of predominately black

organizations," Jones said. "They usually have a high grade point, they should have been on the President's Honor Roll for the previous fall or spring, or they may have been active in a greek organization," Jones continued. Immediately following the awards program will be a "soul food" banquet. Traditional ethnic delicacies featured are chitterlings, chicken and dumplings, southern fried chicken, fresh greens, black-eyed peas, corn bread, peach cobbler and sweet potato pie. The Diana Ross classic "Lady Sings the Blues" will kick off the "Black Film Festival," which begins at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Music room of the University Center. "Lady" is about the life and times of blues singer Billie Holiday. Following "Lady Sings the Blues," the film "To Kill a Mockingbird," a classic based on a novel by Harper Lee, will be shown and the festival will conclude with Prince' 1984 "Purple Rain." Scheduled for Wednesday is "Al Bostick: A One Man Show," to be presented at 10:30 a.m. in the Liberal Arts Auditorium. Activities reconvene at 8 p.m. Feb. 16 in the University Center Ballroom with the Black Heritage Cotillion and coronation of Mr. and Ms. Black Heritage. CSU will also have several students who will participate in the Black Heritage College Bowl at Cameron University on Friday and Saturday.

THE February 7, 1985 Vol. 83, No. 34

Vista photo by Daniel Smith

The Rev. Richard Hogue, pastor at MetroChurch, located east of Edmond, addresses Thurday's meeting of the College Republicans.


Thursday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

CSU hosts author of political text By Diana Zahradnik A noted authority on the presidency of the United States, Dr. Thomas E. Cronin, will be speaking in the Central State University Liberal Arts Auditorium, Feb. 11 at 7:30 p.m. Cronin is author of the well known study of the American presidency, "The State of the Presidency." He is also coauthor along with James MacGregor Burns and Jack Peltason of the college text on American government,Government by The People.

Police say:

Other writings of his include The Presidential Advisory System; U.S. vs. Crime in the Street and Rethinking the Presidency. Cronin earned his Ph.D from Stanford University. A former white house fellow and white house aide, he served on the staffs of the Brookings Institution, The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, and the Aspen Institute. Cronin is on the board of trustees of the American Leadership Forum in Houston, the ad-

visory board of the University of Colorado's Graduate School of Public Affairs and a past member of the Governing Board of Cornmon Cause (Washington, D.C.). Cronin serves on the editorial boards of the Presidential Studies Quarterly, the Western Political Quarterly, and Congress and the Presidency. Cronin has taught at the Universities of North Carolina and Delaware and is now on the faculty at Colorado College. Cronin has appeared as a commentator or analyst on several na-

tional television programs, including Nightline, Late Night America, CNN News and NBC and PBS documentaries. Active in partisan politics, he has served as delegate to several national conventions, and was a candidate for the U.S. Congress in 1982. Cronin will be on the CSU cam-

Ra e linked to campus incident Edmond police are searching for an alledged rapist after a women reported being raped at a Kickingbird Square Shopping Center business, according to Lt. Mike Wooldridge of the Edmond Police department. The suspect is believed to be linked with two rape attempts reported Nov. 12 on the Central State University campus, according to police. Wooldridge said the alledged rape took place at 11:25 a.m., Wednesday. "The lady was working by herself," Wooldridge

said, "a white male came in and started asking her questions. She turned around to get something and he pulled a gun on her. And at that time he raped her." The suspect was driving a 1979 red Ford Mustang according to Wooldridge. Police are searching for a white male, 29-to-35 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall, 185-200 pounds, blond hair, light blue eyes, fair complextion and a mustache.

In this issue... Listen to media for class 3 Parker to run for city 4 Tunesmiths perform in OKC 6 CSU to compete at 7 Bronchos host 8

...41111 Thomas E. Cronin

pus Feb. 11, 12, & 13 speaking to political science classes and at general sessions in the Liberal Arts Auditorium. A dinner will be held on Feb. 12, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets for the dinner are $5.00. For more information contact the political Science Department. The colloquium is jointly sponsored by Dr. Bill Lillard, President, Central State University, Leroy Crozier, Chairman, Department of Political Science, and Dr. James G. Caster, Director of the Bureau of Governmental Services. Cronin will be on the CSU campus Feb. 11, 12 and 13 speaking to political science classes and at general sessions in the Liberal Arts Auditorium. A dinner will be held on Feb. 12, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets for the dinner are $5.00. For more information contact the political science department. The colloquium is jointly sponsored by Dr. Bill Lillard, president, Central State University; Leroy Crozier, chairman, department of political science and Dr. James G. Caster, director of the Bureau of Governmental Services.

illard announces record enrollment Central State University has reported its fourth consecutive record enrollment, Dr. Bill Lillard announced today. Total enrollment for the spring semester is 11,638 compared with 11,369 for a year ago, a 2.4 percent increase. "Central State University is the only university in the state that has continued to show enrollment

growth during the past two

years," said Lillard. The spring semester showed a headcount increase of 269 students. The full time equivalent—a measure of a full credit hour load—was up 1.4 percent from 7,820 to 7,928 for 1985. The total surpassed the all-time record spring enrollment of 11,382 in 1977, said associate vice president Dr. Barbra Ryan, direc-

for of institutional research. The largest gain in this year's enrollment was among seniors with 2,150, a 5 percent increase, followed by 2,173 juniors an increase of 4.9 percent. Sophomores showed a 3.1 percent increase with 1,932 and freshmen a 1.7 percent increase with a total of 2,477.


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