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7, 2002
Betz promoted to new provost position
BRIEFS >News We want your blood The Oklahoma Blood Institure will hold a blood drive with the ROTC and the Student Nursing Association Feb. 8. v Page 3
>Sports Looking at the future UCO baseball and softball coaches discuss the coining season. ✓ Page 6-7
>Review viye la Francais! A Vista reviewer says watching Brotherhood of the Wolf in French gives the movie an authentic feel. v Page 4
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1964, The Beatles first arrived in the United States, greeted by a mob of screaming teenagers. Hundreds of police officers were needed to hold back the fans.
QUOTE OF THE DAY "One difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets." — Roy L. Schaefer
in charge." Several universities in Staff Writer Oklahoma have the provost ith a new title and a position including Oklahoma salary raise, Dr. Don State University and University Betz has been named of Oklahoma. the first provost in UCO history. President Webb said UCO was The position took effect Jan. 1 ready to have someone with the after State Regents Board of prestigious title because of recent Higher Education approved it in growth of school reputation and December. academic programs. "His official title is "I think it's good for the provost/vice university in its president of standing and its "He's continuing academic affairs," image," President said UCO President Webb said. to assume all Roger Webb. Betz said he is "He's continuing responsibilities happy to serve as the to assume all provost and takes the that he's had so responsibilities that responsibilities he's had so it's not seriously. it's not like he's like he's changing "I see it as a great changing jobs." jobs," President opportunity for the Webb said. institution," Betz said. Betz held the title "President [Webb] —Dr. Roger Webb of executive vice is sending a message, I UCO President president/vice think, to the faculty president of academic affairs prior that the institution is a full to the promotion. university player that would be "Provost is a title that is recognized throughout the commonly found in universities country." that had major academic Betz said he will be working programs," President Webb said. more closely with President Betz said "It's from the Latin Webb on strategic planning, and word `praepositus,' meaning first with other school officials on BY JERA STONE
Online chat offers assistance with FAFSA
Mostly clear. 1i/ Thu r. Lows mid 20s, .1 4 2. . highs lower 40s. --::
Mostly cloudy. t ,1
Fri. Lows lower 30s, / ' highs upper 40s.
cloudy. , 1 , / Sat. & Mostly ► .! Lows near 30, , Sun. highs lower 50s.
Chance of rain.
Mon. Lows mid 30s, , ■ highs mid 40s. .W■o V,.% ' %'
of contact with other institutions at the provost-to-provost level," he said. UCO has been dealing with budget cuts since the approval of the promotion for Betz. President Webb said he can't remember the percentage of the raise but it's not significant enough to be a burden. "Faculty members get promotions and raises," President Webb said. Examples being that some associate professors will be promoted to professors this semester, he said. Dr. Don Betz President Webb and Dr. Betz both stressed that the raise was fund-raising advocacy, approved prior to the statewide budget cuts. recruitment and retention. "This is a very high profile "This also clarifies the line of authority from the president," position and one that obviously the president didn't decide over a Betz said. "If the president is away or weekend," Betz said. President Webb said he had otherwise indisposed, then the responsibility for the campus been considering adding the provost position for a year. then goes to the provost." "Don Betz is a very successful As the executive vice president, Betz has substituted for and respected academic leader in the state," President Webb said. President Webb on occasions. "I think it's appropriate that "Provost is actually a much this university have a provost and clearer statement," Betz said. "From that position, it allows I'm pleased that Don Betz is our this institution to have new kinds first one," President Webb said. •
Senior Writer
tudents who have filled out the four-page Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) packet know that it can be a chore. The process can be tedious and overwhelming for many students. That is why the Mapping Your Future Program is providing a live chat session from 6 – 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7 at www.mapping-your-future.org . Anyone with Internet access can join the chat. Financial aid advisors will be available during the chat to
answer questions about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA). Kim Anderson, client relations specialist for the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program, said the session is a good tool to allow students to ask questions or clear up any misconceptions they have. She said everyone has a different financial situation and their aid will be based on their situation. "Many think they can't receive any kind of aid or you have to pay money to get assistance with scholarships," Anderson said. "One of the most important steps in the financial aid process
is completing the application," said media contact for Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Harve Allen in a press release. Sophomore Interior Design student Davida Hinkle has gotten the FASFA packet for two semesters, but has not filled it out because she did not know where to begin. "I filled out the easy part, but there are some parts I don't understand. The hardest part was trying to get all my mom's [tax] information and then getting all my dad's," she said. "The financial aid application can be somewhat confusing and
intimidating for some families," said. Oklahoma State Regents Chairman Joe Mayer. "The State Regents applaud information events like these that make it easier for students, parents and others to maneuver through the applications." The Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program and other state agencies participating in the Federal Family Education Loan Program sponsor the Mapping Your Future Web site. •
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