Volume 117, Issue 2
the VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.”
ucentralmedia.com vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Proposed Bills to Make Walkouts Illegal Katie Standlee
@katiestandlee Managing Editor
K-12 students attend the April 2018 teacher walkout alongside teachers and others in support of improved pay and conditions. The Oklahoma state legislature is looking to pass legislation that would place limitations on the ability of teachers to protest in a similar way, as well as limiting organizations as the Oklahoma Education Association from representing teachers. (Vista Archives)
After several educators and individuals in Oklahoma took to the Capitol for the teacher walkout last April, current state legislators have filed several bills that would make it illegal for a similar protest to occur again. According to one of the pieces of legislation, House Bill 2214, which was authored by, Rep. Todd Russ, R-Cordell, it will be illegal for the board or school district employees to strike or threaten to strike or otherwise close schools or interfere with school operations as a means of resolving differences with the board of education, the State Department of Education, the State Board of Education, the Legislature or any other public official or public body. Continued on Pg. 7
Ogunbanwo Named New Miss Black & Gold UCOSA Cuts Uber Program for Spring Vy Luong
Madison Bolton
Victory Ogunbanwo, a junior student from Nigeria majoring in forensic science and accounting, was crowned Miss Black and Gold 2019-20 at the Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant on Sunday at the University of Central Oklahoma’s Constitutional Hall. The pageant is hosted by the Zeta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. to designate outstanding young ladies to serve as Chapter
The Uber program sponsored by the University of Central Oklahoma’s Student Association has been cut this semester, after using up the $50,000 budget in fall semester of 2018. “Due to its growing popularity, the students used the year’s budget in one semester.” said Remington Dean, former UCOSA president. The ending of the partnership has impacted international students who do not own a vehicle and used this
@vy169 Online Editor
@TheVista1903 Reporter
Continued on Pg. 3
Victory Ogunbanwo performs her talent, a monologue on being an African-American immigrant at the 2019 Miss Black and Gold Pageant held on Jan. 27 in the Nigh University Center’s Constiution Hall. (Vy Luong/The Vista)
Justin Timberlake is a Man of the Woods in Latest Concert Tour
See “TIMBERLAKE” on Pg. 8
UCOSA President Remington Dean addresses a meeting last fall. Dean said the Uber program is unable to continue funding for the spring due to a budget shortfall. (Gerald Leong/The Vista)
Continued on Pg. 11
UCO Baseball Swings into Season Opener See “DEFENDS” on Pg. 15