The Vista Jan. 18, 2001

Page 1


UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Bald eagles to give live show

• Letter to the editor ... PAGE 3 • Sports

PAGE 6. 7

• Column


• Comics


• Out and About PAGE 17 • Classifieds PAGE 20

The Student Voice Since 1903


BRIEFS >News Amendment upheld Kentucky State University students' First Amendment rights were upheld after the university administrators confiscated copies of the yearbook. ✓ Page 5

>Sports New coach UCO named Mark Howard assistant football coach on Jan. 10. Howard will be in charge of the running backs next season. ✓ Page 6


Astronaut awards

Oklahoma astronauts and aviation specialists were recently honored at a space Hall of Fame ceremony. ✓ Page 12

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1943, U.S. commercial bakers stopped selling sliced bread. Only whole loaves were sold until the end of World War II.

QUOTE OF THE DAY "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." —Mark Twain

THURSDAY • JAN. 18, 2001

Dean named for new college Due to the difficulties with finding funding for a new college, plans for Staff Writer restructuring were put on hold. ollowing the creation of UCO's new With the advent of Webb, an ardent College of Arts Media and Design, supporter of the arts in the local President Roger Webb announced community, a strategic planning Dr. Christopher L. committee was launched in Markwood as dean of the the fall of 1999 to decide "The formation of the newly created college on how to develop an arts Thursday, Jan. 4. college by looking at the new college should be a "I'm very excited [about cultural needs of the wonderful opportunity the appointment]" said central Oklahoma Markwood. community. for students by "This is a wonderful Markwood said that the opportunity to be a part of expanding degrees and biggest challenges of the developing a college literally Arts, Media and Design from the ground up." the network for College will be establishing The new college, said a facility and creating both employment." Markwood, proposes to be a long-term and short-term broader than a traditional fund-raising campaign to fine arts college by support the needs of the —Dr. Chris Markwood expanding into several new program. dean of the College of areas including new media, "This is a very unique Arts, Media and Design media arts, arts education experience to be involved and arts management. with the development of a new college. "The formation of the new college There a very few times in a university that should be a wonderful opportunity for an opportunity like this comes around," students by expanding degrees and the said Markwood. network for employment," said Markwood. Department chairs for the new college PHOTO BY TSUYOSHI SHIRAISHI Since the 1970s, former presidents will be Dr. Ralph Morris, music, Dr. Don President Roger Webb recently announced the Garland Godfrey and George Nigh Bristow, theater, Dr. Bob Palmer, art and opening of a new college on UCO's campus. The considered restructuring the fine arts Dr. Jim Watson, media. Dr. Karen Carter college will include new media, media arts, arts programs into a separate entity from the will be the new assistant dean of Arts, College of Liberal Arts. Media and Design. • education and arts management. BY MENA GANESAN


Spring Rush not as hurried as fall event BY ANN DEE MCCLANE

S taff Writer

WEATHER Mostly cloudy / 07?,

Thur. with a 30 percent !AV chance of snow. '

A chance of light

Fri. snow. High in the mid-30s.


Mostly cloudy. I /

Sat. Low in the 0 upper-20s.

Dry. Low near

Sun. 20. High near 40. — '

Members of the Pi

Kappa Alpha bile students across campus are fraternity and the adjusting to the newly begun spring Delta Zeta sorority semester, UCO's Greek houses are are just two Greek in the midst of organizing activities for their organizations on Spring Rushes. Although the dates of each campus considering house's rush vary, every house hosts three Spring Rush parties. Most begin either during the 2nd or activities. the 3rd week of school. Spring Rush is much slower and is not as formal as the Fall Rush. "Spring Rush is completely informal — PHOTO BY BRENT PATTERSON not like Fall Rush," said Shawna Gathright, president of Alpha Gamma Delta. "We may member of Sigma Nu. IFC is the governing below that number. Because of the set quota, just invite the girls to dinner at the house or body over the fraternities. some houses, including the sorority Delta something." Panhellenic, an organization on campus Zeta, may choose not to rush because they "[Spring Rush] is usually not as large as that rules the number of members that need to drop below it. Fall Rush," said Jason Vaughn, the president sororities can have, has set the quota to 60. A of Inner Fraternity Council (IFC) and a sorority can only rush in the spring if it is See GREEK, Page 12


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The Vista Jan. 18, 2001 by The Vista - Issuu