Regents to hold hearing on tuition hike By Curtis Killman Associate Editor The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education will hold a public hearing at 10 a.m., Tuesday, on the subject of fees and tuition to be assessed at state universities. The hearing will be held in the State Regents' Conference Room, fifth floor of the Education Building, State Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City. Vice President of Administration, Larry Williams said they have recommended no major tuition or fee increases for Central State. The "no increase" proposal contradicts
a change recommended by the State Regents. The State Regents for Higher Education have recommended to the legislature that general fees and nonresident tuition be increased systemwide to the extent that students pay 25 percent of their instructional cost. Williams said the Regents recommended the increase to bring the state up to nationwide tuition percentages. This years budget projected that Central State students will pay 20.8 percent of the cost of education, according to the 1984-85 budget.
THE January 17, 1985 Vol. 83, No. 28
Williams said they recommended no increases in tuition to the Regents because students have experienced hikes for the past three years. Williams added that the administration has advised an increase in the fee for new ID cards. He said that they recommended an increase for each new ID from $3 to $5. And the cost of each validation to rise from $1 to $2. Williams said this was due to the expense of the new cards, which will have a magnetic bar-code on the back and increased bookkeeping capabilities.
Several music related fee deletions were proposed by the administration, according to Williams. "We recommended deletions of the fees that we charge for the practice rooms for both the organs and the piano ($15 and $5 dollars respectively)," Williams said. He said they also recommended the deletion of the fee charged for band instrument rental. The recommendations must be approved by the State Regents, Williams said, before they could take effect in the 1985-86 school year.
Thursday Edition
Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Security to select five student officers By Curtis Killman Associate Editor A new program that will add five student officers to the campus
Television cable Installer, Paul Robson, digs a trench that will eventually link all the buildings on campus. The CSU 2 cable is presently being connected to the Liberal Arts and business buildings and to Mitchell Hall.
Tunesmiths undergo revival By Mark K. Bender Associate Editor
The Tunesmiths, a CSU musical group, have been revived following a break-up in December and will begin peformances for the spring semester. "We have already had so many requests for the spring semester that we're going to go ahead and continue the group," said Coleilan Smith, director, citing the reason for the resurrection of the Tunesmiths. Smith, who has been the leader of the group since 1971, said the reason for the break-up of the group was because of the 7:30 a.m. daily rehearsal time.
"We were having conflicts with work. Also having to rehearse so early in the morning was giving us a bad time. It's awfully hard to sing at that time of day," Smith noted. To alleviate the problem of the early rehearsals, Smith contrived an idea to rehearse between performances. "When we have performances scheduled a couple of weeks apart, we will use that time to rehearse. By taking off a couple of weeks the students will be able to get caught up on their work," Smith said. The Tunesmiths have had
In this issue... Miss CSU steps 3 Business college sets 4 CSU grapplers 7 CSU looks to regain 8
several opportunities for the spring semester that will benefit both the group and the University. "We've had a request to do a commercial at channel 4 and we are going to sing for the Miss CSU Pageant. We have had so many requests of that nature that we felt like we couldn't turn them down," Smith said. Although the group as a whole will still perform for major functions, a limited version of the Tunesmiths will be available for performances not requiring the full group. "We will continue on a limited basis. We will send out quartets and individuals for dinners and such. We'll use the full group for things on campus, but we will limit ourselves this semester," Smith said. Although Smith has tried to dissolve the group several times, he says he has always thought CSU needs a group akin to the Tunesmiths. "This is the third time I have tried to give up directing the group, but every time there have always been things come up. We are needed so badly that I will just quit trying. We'll keep the group going until I retire," Smith said.
police has been initiated to provide a higher level of security, according to Larry Williams, vice president of administration. The student officers' primary function will be to provide a higher visibility of patrol around the buildings and parking lots, Williams said. An expanded escort service will be one of the immediate benefits of the five additional officers. The student officers will also be able to write tickets, but patrol will be their main interest, Williams added. "We don't have as great a problem as many other universities do in terms of security," Williams said, "our crime ratio is a lot lower here and what we're trying to do is take some preventative measures." The personnel department has been taking applications for the five positions, which according to Campus Security Chief Bob Roberts, will add 100 hours of security enforcement. Roberts said they will continue to take applications for the jobs until S p.m., Friday. The position requires the student be enrolled full-time and they will work a 20 hour week. Those interested should contact Chief Roberts at the campus security building. The new officers' presence will be seen within the next two to four weeks, according to Williams. "We've interviewed a number of people and we're in the process right now of trying to reach some decisions," Williams said. "We feel comfortable that this will be very effective and that this will be a good addition to our security program." Williams added that this is an addition to campus protection. Another security measure added in the past few years has been increased lighting. Williams said the students will be paid the regular student wage that will be based upon experience. He said he did not know if this was a unique concept in school security.
Administration discontinues promotion based on tenure By Melissa Mercer Editor A university policy stating that faculty members must hold or be recommended for tenure in order to be considered for promotion has been suspended according to Dr. James E. Perry, vice president for academic affairs. The change in administrative practice was approved Nov. 7, by Dr. Bill Lillard, university president, and became effective Jan. 1. According to the regulations of the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges, the maximum limit for tenured personnel may reach only 65 percent of the university faculty. Central State
has remained at the 65 percent maximum, leaving limited opportunities for promotion. "This places an undue hardship on some of the faculty that can't be considered for promotion to the top ranks (assistant, associate and full professor) because they don't have tenure, and yet tenure is 'frozen', so to speak," Lillard said. The university faculty has reached its limit of full professors. The suspension of the regulation will affect only those faculty members who are eligible for consideration to associate and assistant professor.