The Vista January 22, 1985

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T 22,191 8, -1 January Vol. 83, No. 29


Tuesday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Ogletree murder site stirs vivid impressions By Curtis Killman Associate Editor Lights! Hollywood! The Le Mans Family Fun Center is hard to miss. Keith Ogletree, 23, worked there until Jan. 6, 1985. Police officers said they found his fatally shot body in a backroom of the arcade, while investigating a robbery call. An employee, police said, came in and noticed game tokens scattered on the floor and money missing. The employee missed Ogletree's body in the shadows of the backroom, one employee said. There are no families in the Family Fun Center tonight. In fact, there are only nine to ten people playing the video games. It's 6:30 p.m., one hour after sunset. A thousand different beeps, burrrs, dee-bol, deebol, dee-bols, wok-awok, wok-awok, wok-awoks and other short anthems that give each game its personality fill the room. A speaker in the ceiling can be heard playing faintly over the insanity. Everyone playing the games stare straight ahead at their screens, oblivious to the surroundings. Police say no one reported hearing the shots. Don Webb, a Central State University oral communications major who works at the Le Mans Family Fun Center knew Ogletree. He said they were good friends. "I knew him before he worked here," said Webb. He said Ogletree started to work there in early October. "He used to live in the dorms," he added, "but he moved to the East of Eden Apartments. "He'd do anything for anybody. He was easy to get along with. Me and another friend used to work out with him. "Since his family was overseas, we were like family to him." Another customer comes in. "Thought I'd stop in for about five minutes," the

customer said to Webb. Webb leaves to get change for the customer. The song is over with on the radio above. "That was 'Only the Young,' by Journey, on KOFM," the DJ says. Webb is back. "We rearranged the store (since the shooting) so that you could see the whole place from the office," he said. "It gave it a new look," he added. He said the view from the office used to be blocked by some of the video games. It is impossible to see inside the office. A reflective one-way film is on the glass walls. He said the nights are not as busy. "We have a lot more daytime business now," he said adding, "you can understand why." The loss of a friend bothered him, he said. Asked if he thought about quitting, he said, "I thought about it at first, but now...(doesn't finish)." Police estimate Ogletree was shot between 9:30 and 10 p.m. that Sunday night. Webb said he was at the arcade around 9 p.m. that same night. "I came up to check my time card that night," he said. "I hadn't punched out or something. "He (Ogletree) was eating pizza that night and he wanted me to stay and have a piece, but I had to's kinda weird," he said. First degree murder charges were filed Thursday by the Edmond Police Department against Thomas Leon King, 22, Oklahoma City, according to police reports. King was charged in the January 6, 1985 murder of Keith Ogletree. When the charges were filed King had not been apprehended, but a postive identification had been established, police reports said. King was arrested later that same afternoon.




Asbestos clean-up

The music building undergoes the last stages of a clean-up project, after the discovery of asbestos in three of its practice rooms.

Interfraternity Council VP takes over president's position By Curtis Killman Associate Editor The Interfraternity Council has a new president for the spring semester after the past president resigned from the position in December. Todd Noles, a junior Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) member and past vice president of the Interfraternity Council, has been confirmed as the acting president at a Monday meeting of the Council. Noles, in a telephone interview, said he also holds the office of social chairman at ATO. Noles added that the now vacant position for vice president is available for any fraternity members interested. "Nominations are open," he

said, "for vice president until the next meeting of the Interfraternity Council two weeks from now (Feb. 4), Kevin Wolf a Sigma Tau Gamma, is the only one nominated for the position so far." The past president of the Interfraternity Council and past president of Sigma Tau Gamma, Jeff Duncan, resigned from the Council position. Duncan said that he resigned from the position due to the time that it consumed in relation to school and work. "I couldn't handle it (presidency) with work and school," he said. He added that the degree of difficulty of his junior level classes

In this issue... Journalism students attend 3 Edmond undergoes gas 4 Wright receives 5 Network to hold nationwide 6 CSU meets Cameron in 7

led him to this decision. He said he dropped out of the fraternity to inactive status. When asked if the other members of the fraternity "pulled his pin," he said, "I turned it in." He also said the Sigma Tau Gamma president's position expired "according to the nationals" policy for electing fraternity presidents. He said Brett Weehunt is the current president of Sigma Tau Gamma. Weehunt could not be reached for comment. The Interfraternity Council, ac-

cording to Noles, represents all seven fraternities. The purpose of the Council, Noles said, is to govern the fraternities in cases of alleged infractions against each other. "We would be the council that would administer the penalties," Noles said. He said the Council also is active in the civil services. He said they help the Presidents Club to sponser charitable events. He added that the Council also controls the interfraternity sports. They meet the first and third

Mondays of each month in the conference room, second floor of the Administration Building. Members of Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Sigma said they would be holding Rush Parties at 8 p.m., Wednesday night. Noles said ATO would be having parties for the next several Wednesday's. A member of Tau Kappa Epsilon said, in reference to annoucing parties, that "we really don't need any help." The other four fraternities could not be reached for comment.

Resolution calls for fee committee By Melissa Mercer Editor A resolution calling for the establishment of a permanent committee comprised of members from CSU administration, student association and faculty, to allocate student activity fees was passed Monday by the Central State Student Senate. According to the resolution, a desire has been expressed by CSU administration for "students and the faculty to have direct input, comments and suggestions" to the allocation of the activity budget. The resolution also contends that "a successful program of student activities is characterized by `planning in which students share in determining activities to be undertaken or continued, new groups to

be recognized and regulation to be enforced,"' as is stated in the Administration of Student Personnel Programs, on file at the Max Chambers library. "We feel the activity fee is student money," said Ed Howell, student association president. "Hopefully, the final outcome of this resolution will be a more comprehensive allocation of the activities budget." The appointments to the committee would be modeled after similar university committees such as the Academic Affairs Council, Howell said. "The students would be appointed by the student association president and would be subject to confirmation of a majority of the student senate," Howell said.

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