Senate sets 'Welcome Back' By Mark K. Beutler Associate Editor Students who have the "back to school blues" following the Holiday season may be anything but excited at the prospect of starting a new semester. However, CSU students always have at least one event to anticipate at the start of each new semester.
Vista photo by Morels Everhart
D.W. Mason (left) and Gayle Deal (right) perform for the Kaleidoscope dancers tryout held Friday.
THE January 24, 1985 Vol. 83, No. 30
What is that one event? Well, it's the Student Senate's "Welcome Back Week," which is set for the week of Jan. 28. To welcome students to campus, 1985 style, the Student Senate is once again sponsoring a "no-holds-barred" extravaganza to ensure that "a good time is had by all." Festivities will commence Tuesday with a "Trivial Pursuit" tournament. "All organizations and individuals are invited to participate
in the tournament," said Melanie Dennett, chairperson of the Student Senate "welcome Back Week" committee. "We will have 3-5 people on a team and T-shirts will be given away to winning teams," Dennett said. Dennett said the Student Senate passed a resolution at the Senate meeting Monday to reapportion the money for "Welcome Back Week" in order to buy the Tshirts and give them away as prizes." "When we apportion the money for 'Welcome Back Week,' we automatically know that we are going to have a movie, a dance and something else. The dance cost less than we had anticipated, so we reapportioned the money to buy prizes for the `Trivial Pursuit' tournament," Dennett said. The "Trivial Pursuit" competi-
tion will begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday in ballroom C of the University Center. Wednesday marks day two of "Welcome Back Week." A dance is scheduled whereby students can party to the music of Madonna, The Cars, and Tina Turner, among others. "KJ-103 will provide the music for the dance. It will be from 8-11 p.m. in ballroom C of the University Center and refreshments will be provided for tired dancers," Dennett said. "Welcome Back Week" climaxes with the Dudley Moore classic "Arthur," to be presented in two consecutive showings at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Friday in the Seminole room of the University Center. A "fantastic turnout," is expected for "Welcome Back Week," according to Dennett, and admission is free for all events.
Thursday Edition
Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Students display opposition to tuition hike By Melissa Mercer Editor The Oklahoma Board of Higher Regents heard dissenting opinions against the proposed 1985-86 tuition hike, in a public hearing held at the state capitol Tuesday. Students from several campuses were on hand to lend support to a growing opposition to the rising cost of higher education. Recent increases have been made in accordance with the Regents' recommendation to systematically increase tuition to 25 percent of the instructional cost at a given institution. The recommendation includes the provision that "fee rates may not be increased more than 10 percent in any one year and that nonresident tuition rates may not be increased more than 15 percent in any one year. " Tuition has risen statewide at a 10 percent annual rate. Central State tuition has risen approximately two percent annually for the past three years, however, no substantial increase was requested for the 1985-86 academic year. "Our position is that this is a fair and equitable distribution," commented Joe Leone, chancellor for the Board of Regents. Leone stated that the increases
during the past three years were to compensate for the lack of increase in six years prior. Opponents of the proposal contend that a rise in tuition will enhance the already declining enrollment and will cease to attract nonresidents to state institutions. "Today's student is beginning to feel like a weary traveler who is buffeted about each year by a legislative windstorm, dampened by a deluge at the board of regents, and blanketed by a snow cover at the university, said Kristye Kirk, president of the Northeastern State University Student Association. "This weary traveler now needs and desires a rest and a safe, dry inn where confidence can be rekindled, where attitudes can be reshaped and where faith in the future can be restored," Kirk said. Bob James, a student from the University of Oklahoma, appealed for greater equality in the assessment of tuition and fees. James stated that smaller institutions pay a lesser portion of their educational costs than larger institutions such as OU and Oklahoma State University. He proposed raising tuition at smaller colleges and universities to an
"adequate" or comparable level. Regent J.D. Helms, from Oklahoma City, commented that he had favored raising tuition in past years, however he was uncertain about increasing it for the fourth consecutive year. Of the requests submitted from
all state supported colleges and universities, the University of Oklahoma represented the largest request for increases to support programs including electronic media courses, master of liberal studies, bachelor of liberal studies and the advanced program in
governmental studies. The issue underwent consideration at the regular regents' meeting which followed the hearing. Leone said a recommendation on tuition for 1985-86 would be made at the February regents' meeting.
Tuition and Fees Percentage of total education cost
In this issue... Army captain addresses nursing 3 Placement schedule... page 4 Bowry hosts 6 Rugby club to 7 Grapplers rip Kansas 8
An exhibit portrays 'truly Indian lifestyle' The "Photographs of Edward S. Curtis" is the title of the current exhibit at the Central State University Art Museum. "Curtis was an anthropologist as well as an internationally famous photographer," said Bill Wallo, CSU museum director. "He photographed many of
the Oklahoma Indian tribes between 1910 and 1920." The show includes about 70 images, said Wallo. "He recorded the last days of the truly Indian Lifestyle," he added. The museum is open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Admission is free.