The Vista January 31, 1985

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Sparse crowd doesn't dim trivia buffs' night

Vista photo by Tarry Lemnos

Trivial pursuers Commie Caskey, Mike Sherman, Lauren Allen, Stephanie Rogers, Melanie Dennett, Tim Rhoades, Randy Richison, Susan Cox and Darrett Sanders match wits in a tournament held Tuesday night at the University Center Ballroom.

THE January 31, 1985 Vol. 83, No. 32

By Curtis Killman Associate Editor The trivial pursuit tournament Tuesday night put on by the Student Senate might have appeared to some as a lesson in preparation. There was enough free popcorn to sponsor a small circus. Free soft drinks were on tap. A radio station's music filled the air. A spacious hall was reserved for all the pursuiters expected. A microphone was wired up to control the crowd if they got out of hand. Free tee-shirts, 25 of them, were ready to be given out for the winning teams. The media was there. Channel 5 sent a news team to cover the event. A photographer snapped pictures. A total of 19 people showed up for the festivities, half of which were student senators who are required to attend 50 percent of senate functions.



Thursday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

OSGA session sends proposals to Regents By Diana Zahradnik A sense of unity and doing good for the state of Oklahoma was president of the CSU Student Association, Ed Howell's, opinion of the third annual conference of the Oklahoma Student Government Association. The conference was held in Memorial Union on the Oklahoma University campus, Jan. 25 and 26. Guest Speakers at the conference were Speaker of the House Jim Barker and Chancellor for Higher Education Joe Leone. Leone stressed, "the critical issue for the rest of this decade will not be focused on improving the number of students but improving the quality we have access to. We are not forgetting equality of opportunity as we stress quality." Leone also stated that many of the issues are not clear cut. Each

issue must be looked at from an economic and a humanistic approach. The Oklahoma Student Government Association is an organized student association used to voice the opinion of the university and college students to the Board of Regents. Seventeen were present at the conference Friday and Saturday. The views of college students across the state were expressed by eight resolutions that are on their way to the state legislature. According to Howell, significant resolutions which passed included a resolution calling for input from students, faculty and administration in the allocation of student activity fees. Another resolution will propose a task force of student representation to the Board of Regents. Voting members of this task force are: University of Oklahoma,

Biology professor dies Services for Dr. Lothar E. Hornuff Jr., professor of biology, will be at 2 p.m. Friday in the Baggerley Memorial Chapel. Hornuff died Monday. Born April 9, 1928, in New Orleans, La., he had taught at CSU since September of 1962.

Oklahoma State University, Central State University, Northeastern State University and Rose State College. This task

force will research and present a strong case expressing a need and the feasibility of having a student on the board of Regents. Research

and recommendations will be presented to the next conference. Next year's conference will be here at Central State University.

Lillard addresses Rotary club The price of leadership is responsibility, Central State University president Dr. Bill Lillard told the Downtown Rotary Club Tuesday, Jan. 22. Speaking before a large audience of high school students in observance of Junior Rotarian Day, Lillard compared the careers of six twentieth century leaders: Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini. "Leadership is not necessarily synonymus with popularity," said Lillard. "Some become leaders because they are chosen by one segment, not because they have won a popularity contest." "Roosevelt was elected president four times, the only man to

do so in the United States," said Lillard. "When I was a boy, we thought no one else could be president. "Yet Roosevelt was severely criticized for many of his policies. "Churchill was the lowest student in the lowest class, yet he led England through its darkest hour. He knew how to overcome defeat. His career as prime minister began when he was 66 years old after many failures. "Truman made the decision to drop the first atomic bomb. He was praised and criticized, yet he probably saved 6 million lives, American and Japanese. "Truman too, was a failure in his early life. Yet his successes and

decision have stood the test of time. He is looked on by many historians as one of out greatest presidents," added Lillard. "Mussolini led Italy for 20 years. Yet his only accomplishment was getting the railroads to run on time. In the end, he was killed by partisans and his body hung in front of a meat market. "Hitler was a great orator, a spell binder. And what an impact he had on the world. "Yet he broke every promise, every treaty to overrun Europe. Only England stood against him. And he died a suicide. "Stalin ruled longer than any of

See LILLARD page 3

Hornuff earned his B.S. in 1949 at Tulane University; his M.S. from the University of Oklahoma in 1957 and his Ph.D. from OU in 1968. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and prior to joining the CSU staff taught at Southeastern State College.

In this issue... Survey reveals student 4 Channel 2 staff 6 Fencers place in 8 CSU rips 8

CSU President Dr. Bill Mord, right, accepts a check on behalf of the CSU Foundation, Inc., from Frontier Federal Savings and Loan Association. Presenting the check are Rick Woodward, Frontier Federal vice president and regional manager, and Mary Hogle, Edmond branch manager

and assistant vice president.

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