The Vista Jan. 31, 2002

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• Police Briefs PAGE 15 •Strange Stories . PAGES 16-17 •The Hull Truth PAGE 18 •Out and About PAGE 19


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The Student Voice Since 1903


BRIEFS >News 'Practical' art Two UCO art instructors will showcase their artwork in Practical

and Impractical through Feb. 17. 4/ Page 3

>Sports From player to coach UCO assistant basketball coach Leroy Combs talks about his personal experiences with the game. ✓ Page 6


Another tearjerker

I Am Sam brings emotion to the screen but fails to address real issues, says Vista reporter. ✓ Page 9

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1970 members of rock band The Grateful Dead were arrested in New Orleans for possession of narcotics. Police found LSD and barbiturates on the band members at the time of their arrest.


round," recalled Phillips. Due to the rules of winning on Wheel Senior Writer of Fortune she cannot disclose ometimes good things the amount she won. Wheel of Fortune provided a happen just when you need them to. That was the case discount on a hotel with with senior elementary Phillips paying the rest of the education major Heidi Phillips cost. "They had when she decided to groups of five go to Quail Springs people that went Mall. She entered the "We went through on stage and after drawing to appear on nine hours they Wheel of Fortune only four differ ent drew your name," to find herself on an categories. They kept said Phillips. episode that will air at The second 6:30 p.m. Feb. 5 on 19 [contes tants] out competition was ABC. of the begi nning 81." in June at the "I remember PHOTO BY ELISE CARR Waterford hotel watching it with _my where Phillips and Senior elementary education major grandparents when I —Heidi Phillips 81 other Heidi Phillips recently competed on the was a child," Phillips will appear on national game show Wheel of Fortune. prospective said. Wheel of Fortune The show will air at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 5 contestants went on ABC. Spokesperson for game show through puzzle Nu-Sound, Wava Brians, drew her name, which simulations. After she made it through the "We went through four automatically entered her in the second audition she was qualified finals held on Dec. 14th of 2001 different categories. They kept to be on the show. 19 out of the beginning 81," said in Culver City," California. Before the show Phillips "I made it to the bonus Phillips. By J.W. MCBEE



Cloudy, chance of sleet or snow. Lows upper 20s, highs lower 30s.

Mostly clear.

Fri. Lows upper

teens, highs lower 40s. Clear to partly

Sat. & cloudy. Lows mid Sun. 20s, highs upper 40s.

Partly cloudy.


Lo ws m idpe20s, h igh s up r40s.


31, 2002

thought she would not have any problem, " I thought I would go in and spin the wheel easy, but

the wheel was really heavy, it weighs over 100 pounds," Phillips said. In order the keep the game fair the producers kept the contestants waiting in secrecy the day of the show and warned of disqualification. "They kept us in seclusion before the show. We weren't supposed to talk to anybody." One thing that she remembered was that they put "really thick Christian Dior makeup" on her at 8:30 a.m. the day of the taping. She said she would use her winnings to " fix her car, to travel to Hawaii and to fix the potholes at her church." Phillips also said that she enjoyed talking to Pat Sajak and Vanna White. "Everyone was nice and a lot of fun." •

Artist-in-residence reading scheduled for Feb. 2 BY LAURA BELLO

Senior Writer



UCO student to appear on game show

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." Aldous Huxley

A Vista reporter recalls her winter trip to Thailand

tudents who would like a sneak peak into the mind of a published author will have the opportunity at 10 a.m. this Saturday, Feb. 2 in Liberal Arts Building Room 225. UCO Artist-in-residence and novelist Richard Schmitt will give a reading from two of his novels and answer students' questions. "This is a chance for us to Richard Schmitt showcase our artist-inresidence," said Dr. Christopher Givan, English professor and one reading. Last semester the club of the faculty sponsors for the had 150 members was made up Creative ' Studies Writers' of students and people in the community, said English Institute. The Creative Studies Writers' professor Dr. Christopher Givan. Schmitt's published novel, Institute at UCO will host the


The Aerialist, is about a young

"People are inspired when man who travels to various they see writers in person," places and learns he cannot Givan said. Before the return to them. It was reading the released in November "This is a chance Creative Studies 2000 and is now Writers' Institute available in for us to showcase will have a meeting paperback. where they will His second novel, our artist-inelect this year's The Beachcomber, set residence." officers and have in Kodiak, Ala. will refreshments. be published later this Schmitt said year. —Dr. Christopher students who are Schmitt currently Givan interested in teaches Introduction faculty sponsor, writing should to Novel Writing and Creative Studies Writers' Institute attend. For more Fundamentals of information, Creative Writing at contact Givan at 974-5574. • UCO.. Givan said writing is a solitary experience, but receives Log on to 24 hours a day for campus news or much motivation from the to sound off on current issues. communal experience.

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