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The Student Voice Since 1903
THURSDAY • JULY 18, 2002
Ashtrays removed from Edmond eateries
BRIEFS >News The light fixtures are being replaced in buildings across campus with new lights to conserve energy and reduce the glare on computer screens. ✓ Page 4
>Sports UCO volleyball coaches and players host camp for teenage girls. ✓ Page 8
>Features Dr. Law, professor and chair of humanities and philosophy, doubles as William the Conquerer. ✓ Page 3
TODAY IN HISTORY 1936 – The first Oscar Mayer Wienermobile rolled out of General Body Company's factory in Chicago in 1936.
QUOTE OF THE DAY "Stuffwise we are not a lean operation We're the kind of people who, if we were deciding what absolute minimum essential items we'd need to carry in our backpacks for the final, treacherous ascent to the summit of Mount Everest, would take along aquarium filters, just in case. — Dave Barry
Jimmy Cornelius, Chris Sanbion and Chris Scovill smoke inside Bennigan's Restaurant on July 16.
Businesses have until July 31, unless the Creek County District Court strikes down the anti-smoking legislation. BY CALEB GERMANY
Staff Writer Many Edmond restaurants have
Mostly clear. Highs in the mid 90s, lows in mid 70s. Mostly clear. Highs in lower 90s, lows in the lower 70s.
Mostly sunny. Highs in mid 90s, lows in the lower 70s.
non-smoking area" or go non- have been issued. smoking or smoking altogether. Most Edmond–area restaurants A lawsuit filed by the Oklahoma said they plan to be non-smoking Restaurant Association attempts by July 31. About half of the to block the new rules. A federal individual restaurants have already judge in Tulsa sent the case back banned smoking. to Creek County District Court on A select few facilities may Friday. remain smoking according to the No injunctions that would delay laws. the implementation of the rules See SMOKING, Page 5
Rogers finishes pageant first runner-up
M o s t ly su n n y. H i gh s in th e
lower 90s, lows in upper 70s.
banned smoking since Gov. Frank Keating signed anti-smoking legislation, but the air has yet to clear. The bill went into effect July 1, and the Health Department gave businesses 30 days to either construct a separate smoking area where "secondhand smoke is incapable of migrating... into a
Destini Rogers, Miss Black UCO, was named first runner-up in the Miss Black Oklahoma Pageant on June 29. This year's Miss Black Oklahoma is Moenike Sims of Tulsa. As First Runner-up, Rogers would have the opportunity to serve as Miss Black Oklahoma if Sims was unable to fulfill her obligations.
With her award, Rogers received a $500 scholarship and a trip to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Conference July 6 –11 in Houston, Texas. The theme for this year's pageant was "The Spirit of America," said pageant founder Clara Luper. Pageant contestants had the opportunity to hear several speakers during the competition. "We expose the young people
to many different successful people (during the pageant)," Luper said. Luper said there were many applicants vying for the title, but only 17 finalists were invited to Douglas High School for the competition. A sophoMore dance major, Rogers said that she hopes to start her own dance company after graduation to help young African Americans learn to dance.
Destini Rogers