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The Student Voice Since 1903
BRIEFS >News Consumer alert The Federal Trade Commission recently announced the discovery of two new scams that are affecting consumers. ✓ Page 3
>Sports Put me in, coach! Broncho basketball will break into their new season this year with a new assistant coach. v Page 5
>Features Press relations 101 A seminar held by professional photographers will be on campus next month to help with media relations skills. ✓ Page 6
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1775, the Second Continental Congress of the United States established a postal system. Benjamin Franklin was the first Postmaster General, and was paid $1,000 a year for his position.
QUOTE OF THE DAY "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ----..,.,.. . — George Bernard Shaw
Partly cloudy AIL with a chance of :77■77; ,..,,,,,,, showers and thunderstorms. ■ ''
Fri. Partly cloudy with illi
a slight chance of .. .,%,, : .,.,,, showers. Low in . .0 ', the mid 70s. ► '
Partly cloudy. \\ lit, Sat. Low in the mid AV 70s and high near 100. Mostly clear.
Sun. Low in the mid
,\,/, — jelk 70s and high ,/ , i , near 100.
THURSDAY • JULY 26, 2001
Used auto dealers warn of flood damage BY SARAH ROBERSON
Staff Writer
utomobile buyers are now at risk of purchasing one of 50,000 cars damaged June 5 in Houston by tropical storm Allison. According to Laura Wilson of the Independent Automobile Association of Houston, most of the cars are being auctioned and careful steps are to be taken by dealers to ensure consumers are aware of what they are purchasing. "Dealers must check the electrical systems, the transmission, the oil and the motor," Wilson said. "They also have to clean out the carpets and check the computer systems." Bruce Beam, general manager of Dealers Auto Auction in Oklahoma City said, "We are looking for flood damage, but most dealers clean them up." Beam said his company will not allow any of these cars to run through the auction and they are
running checks on all of the cars to ensure this doesn't happen. "Insurance companies are to blame if a consumer gets one of these cars, not the dealers," Beam said. "They get more money if they never report the car as flood damage." Wilson said, "The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and the court house have held sessions that teach people what to look for in evaluating damaged cars." Wilson warns that PHOTO BY BRAD PEMBERTON dealers might try and Used vehicles like these may have been damaged by the June 5 tropical storm go around the Allison. Buyers should be aware that some dealers may not divulge a car's process, but under Texas law, a person history. will have to divulge anything wrong with a car they're auctions without cleaning and the problem will be here, but evaluation," Wilson said. along with other auction houses selling. A spokesman for 1-40 Auto from the area, they will not sell "Unreliable dealers will try to bluff their way though the Auction in Oklahoma City said these cars. •
Clock tower mechanism to go on display in Old North The mechanism, which moved the clock's The restoration project will cost $1.5 hands in the first half of the 1900s, was million, and is funded by bonds from state Staff Writer placed in a wood and glass case. funds. he hundred-year-old workings of Old "We had to take it all apart, move it down Old North is the oldest structure at UCO North's clock tower were moved to the here, and reassemble and was built from 1892 to 1894. building's second-story hallway by the everything," said Devin Brown of For 18 years, the tower housed Mid-Continental Restoration Company on the Ft. Scott, Kan. company. "It was either a round piece of wood where the July 17 to promote historical awareness. Rich Willard, also with the clock was to be placed, until 1912 demolish it or company added, "It's old when a clock and chimes were purchased with private donations. and fragile. You've got move it some to take time with it." The previous clock mechanism place and save it." consisted of cement David Stapleton, director of Architecture counterweights. and Engineering —Rich Willard In 1934, the clock was Services, said the clock electrically lighted and in 1941 Mid-Continental electrical mechanisms replaced was brought down from Restoration the counterweights, according to its 4th floor perch by Company Diane Rice, archive staff at the crane. I INIIII 1 111111111 "It was either demolish it or move Library, The Old North chimes were repaired in it some place and save it," Stapleton said. 1965 after 18 years of silence. In 1990 it Other renovations being received new faces and internal workings. conducted on the building include Old North Tower was dedicated as a PHOTO BY BRAD PEMBERTON replacing mortar joints, installing national historic site in 1972. Devin Brown and Rich Willard of Mid-Continental new windows, a new roof, trim and Renovations began in November 2000 Restoration Co. work on the original frame of the gutters, Brown said. and will finish in June 2002. • BY MICHAEL LARSON
original clock works on the 2nd floor of Old North.