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The Student Voice Since 1903
>News Student falls ill UCO sorority members raise funds to assist a sister who is suffering from cancer. ✓ Page 3
>Sports New head coach The UCO golf program has a new head coach who is expected to bring the program to a new level. ✓ Page 5
>Review Swords fly at Hafer Shakespeare in the Park presents an epic war between England and France in Henry V. v Page11
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1788 the United States Constitution went into effect. In 1982, John Hinckley was found innocent by reason of insanity in the attempted murder of President Ronald Reagan in 1981.
Staff Writer
ix buildings on the UCO campus have been forced to purchase fire alarm permits due to excessive false alarms. East Hall, Math and Computer Science, Murdaugh Hall, Thatcher Hall and the University Center have all been issued permits by the Edmond Fire Department. The permits are valid for one year, and by state law, UCO will be fined if five or more incidents occur within six months at each of these buildings. Don Powers, director of Safety and Environmental Management, said that the permit costs $20. Powers cited labor as a cost as well. "There are probably eight UCO employees that respond to a fire alarm," Powers said. He estimates their wages at about $15 an hour. Powers said that it takes anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes to check the alarm systems and reset them. This costs
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." —Mark Twain 1835 - 1910) (
WEATHER Cloudy with a 40 percent chance of IS . -.I.' ' showers. ■ ■ %; • %.°.%
Fri. Mostly clear. ,114 High in the ---- 0 zlower 80s. ,I , \ ,
Sat. Clear to partly 0 ∎ /, cloudy.
Sun. Lows in the
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the school about $120 per incident, along with the inconvenience of lost time. Tad Mayo, information and alarm specialist with the city of Edmond, cited a state law that fines establishments for exceeding the five false alarm limit. The fine is $200 for the citation and a $35 court fee, for a total of $235. "Each individual alarm system counts as a separate alarm site," Mayo said. The buildings at UCO each operate on their own alarm system. "Provided these buildings don't have any more false alarms, they shouldn't need to renew their permits," Mayo said. There have been a total of 46 fire alarms since August of 2000. 35 of them were false, two of them were legitimate, and nine were canceled before the fire department could respond. The University Center had the most with nine fire alarm incidents last year. All public establishments must adhere to this policy and UCO does not receive any exemptions. •
Firefighters may not be able to respond to a real emergency if the are called away on false alarms. Misdemeanor fines for setting off removing, destroying, disconnecting or removing power from smoke detectors in a non-emergency situations, range from $50 to $100 according to Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
New computer system to facilitate campus record keeping BY BRADLEY PEMBERTON
upper 50s, highs in the 80s.
21, 2001
False alarms force UCO to acquire permits
Managing Editor
CO will implement the first phase of a new campus-wide computer system July 1. The Banner program, designed by Software and Computer Technologies (SCT), will be installed over the next year and will replace several thousand "home-grown" programs, said David Koehn, controller and project manager for Banner. "Currently, we have a huge hodge-podge of programs. The finance program was bought in 1989 and the enrollment program was written in-house in the 70's. Right now there is no talking between programs," Koehn said. "A big piece of the long-range technical plan when Dr. Webb came was to get rid of all the programs and get one integrated system," he said. The new system will be
installed in five modules: Finance, payroll, hiring, budgets and Human Resources, Student, benefits. Financial Aid and Alumni. Banner With Banner, UCO switched allows the modules to from a monthly to a interface with each so bimonthly payroll "A big piece of the that any data changed in plan for hourly one will automatically employees. The long-range update in the others. initial response to "Right now in my the change forced technical plan office, we spend a the university to when Dr. Webb massive amount of time offer an alternate feeding data in," Koehn plan for those came was to get rid said. "I'm in three opposed to the new different databases. If I system. of all the programs change my address in Koehn said the and get one one, it won't change in current payroll plan the other two until is always a month integrated system." someone enters the new behind for information into that adjustments due to —David Koehn system." overtime, comp controller and The first two modules time, sick leave and project manager for put into use are Finance vacation time. Pay the Banner program and Human Resources. was based on Finance handles all the assumed time accounting for purchasing, worked. Paychecks will now reflect accounts payable and budgets. actual work time. Human Resources runs all the With the new system, hourly
employees will only receive pay fo two weeks in June. They wil receive the money at the end o their tenure at UCO. The university offered a pal advance to help offset the loss o income. Only 28 of the more than eligible employees opted t( switch to the new system, and onli, a few of those took the advance Koehn said. "The payroll change ha( nothing to do with the program Banner can do it anyway we wan to do it. It was an opportunity t( improve policies and fix thing: that needed changing," he said. When the system is full) operational in July 2002, student: will be able to get grades, check class availability and enroll online. "It's a good system — it's just going to take a little time to gei used to it," Koehn said. Keep up with the latest news ai . •