The Vista March 22, 2001

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BRIEFS >News uco facelift planned Buildings around UCO will be undergoing some necessary changes this year. Flooding, mold and heating problems are among some of the components getting repaired. ✓ Page 3


Freshman phenom

Freshman wrestler Cole Province wins a national title. ✓ Page 6

>Features Behind the Mask Traditional and ceremonial African art will be on display at the "Behind the Mask" exhibit at the Central Museum of Art and Design through April 8. ✓ Page 12

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1919, the first international airline service was instituted between Paris and Brussels on a weekly schedule.

QUOTE Of THE DAY "A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing." --- Laura Ingalls Wilder


Edmond residents hoop it up for OSU crash victims

Partly cloudy. High in the upper-60s.


Cloudy with a chance of showers. Low in the lower-40s.


Mostly cloudy. Low in the upper30s and high in the mid-50s.


Partly cloudy. Low in the mid30s and high in the upper-50s.



22, 2001

Student's claim ignored for military misses on official military orders they are extended full cooperation so Staff Writer as not to financially or ome UCO students say academically disadvantage they were denied their students." request to make up Dowd said teachers are aware assignments that of the position, and were missed due to although it is not The m militar y military obligations currently in the despite the fact that doesn't operate faculty handbook, it UCO's official will be inserted the by saying, 'Buddy position on the next time it is matter discourages updated. you need to be it. But some students Dr Karen Dowd, and faculty are here tomorrow vice president of unaware of the academic affairs, said morning.' They university's position the university has a and were never told give written position concerning to implement it. students who are Deborah orders." suddenly called away McConahay, a math for military duty. teacher at UCO, If the students said she has never —Ka ren Dowd had official written been informed of vice pr esident of military orders they any policy regarding acade mic affairs would have been military assignments. allowed to makeup the "There is no policy that I assignments, Dowd said. have ever heard of," McConahay "It is the official position of said. the Office of Academic Affairs Jeremeh Murphy, one of that if a student is called away McConahay's students, said he BY TIFFANY WATKINS


passed his math class with an 89 percent average instead of the A he felt he could have earned if he were able to make up a weekly quiz that was missed due to attending a military training exercise. "I am quite disappointed at those faculty members and the policy that is not negotiable with military members," Murphy said. "I wasn't allowed to retake a test due to military duty, and I know of another person who had been denied the option. How many people is this happening to?" Murphy said. McConahay said she didn't allow students to make up quizzes because she always drops two of them for every student in the class. "No student has ever dropped a letter grade by missing one quiz," McConahay said. Dowd stressed the position is there to protect the academic and financial stability of students in the military, but the students who need to miss class must present their military orders.

Dr. Karen Dowd "It cannot be word of mouth. It has to be written orders printed by the military," Dowd said. "The military doesn't operate by saying, 'Buddy you need to be here tomorrow morning.' They give out written orders."

Do you know anyone who has experienced a similar problem at UCO? If so, log on to our website at and click on the Forums section to comment. •

UCO loses $5 million in state funds percent of the overall state budget for higher education, while UCO has approximately 8 Staff Writer percent of the state's full-time students. CO receives over $760 less per fullHigh growth rates at UCO have time student than the state average for contributed to the lower-than-average funding other 4-year regional based on the full-time universities with at least 3,500 enrollment formula, said Hans full-time students, according to Brisch, chancellor of Oklahoma "We're not trying to state higher education reports. State Regents for Higher UCO is the largest school Education. get money from within the regional university From 1993 to 1995, UCO's some other college tier of 3,500 or more students, enrollment grew 10 percent but falls short of the full-time while state funding decreased by or university. We are equivalent (FTE) average by $5 one percent for all higher million to $6 million annually. education. UCO and Oklahoma just trying to get Records indicate a deficit in City Community College funded for what funding equity extending back to (OCCC) chose to accept as 1984, with the gap beginning to many students as possible while we've generated widen in 1988. UCO's Rose State College opted to enrollment is three times that of through our control enrollment. Section 13 other regionals, but has been at of the Oklahoma State the bottom of per student enrollment." Constitution dictates equal funding for the past 17 years. funding for universities and UCO's allocated funds for the colleges regardless of size. This —Dr. Roger Webb fiscal year 2000-01 represent 6.2 accounts for some of the UCO president BY BRADLEY PEMBERTON

difference, Brisch said. To help alleviate some of the inequity, the Regents began the Section 13 Offset Program in 1998 to compensate larger universities for fixed-cost capital expenditures. UCO has received an additional $1.16 million annually to help pay loans and utilities costs. The money is not reflected in the FTE formula. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education use a formula based FTE students for allocating money to universities and colleges. Full-time for undergraduates means 30 hours of class per year. Graduate full-time is 24 hours. The Regents have financial guidelines for each department within the university, because areas like technology and medical require more assistance. The FTE is calculated by dividing 30 into the number of full-time students for undergraduate programs and 24 for graduate levels. According to a Regents report, UCO's state funding exceeded the state average by 32 percent. The university received an additional See FUNDING, Page 20

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