MARCH 30, 2000
The Student Voice Since 1903
The contenders...
—Photos provided
Sixteen male UCO students will compete at 7:30 p.m. on April 1 in Constitution Hall for the title of Mr. UCO. The contestants are, (top. left to right) Wes Barnhart, Viresh Parmar, Travis Tidwell, Terrence Bellows, Mike Nagel, Michael Butler, Christopher Youngblood and Brandon Grissom. On the bottom row (left to right) is Lazarus Candler, Kurt Jones, John Reagor, John Paul Jordan, J.T. Murrell, Eddie Tavares, Anthony Mboho and Ali Torabi.
Pro-alcohol policy passes UCOSA Senate By N. David Owens
SINN/Mar CO may not be a dry campus next fall, thanks to a new alcohol policy proposal. The Alcohol Policy Act of 1999 passed the UCO Student Association (UCOSA) senate on March 20. The act, a joint effort of Speaker of the House Chris Cook and Senate President Pro Tempore Nicholas Harrison, would allow the sale of alcohol during events at the university center and at off-campus events sponsored by student organizations, such as dances. "For some time, students in general have had a problem with the campus alcohol policy," Harrison said. "Everyone knows that
violations of the current policy occur." Many supporters of the bill believe that it will increase the safety of students by allowing them to be educated about alcohol safety and responsibility. "The current policy of prohibition prevents the university from teaching alcohol awareness. All they are allowed to say is 'it's prohibited,' rather than teaching responsibility, safety and facts," Harrison said. An amendment that makes the teaching of alcohol awareness mandatory for incoming freshmen is likely, Harrison said. The act prohibits alcohol in Greek houses, dorm rooms and during rush activities as a safety measure, as well as outlines
conduct for events that serve alcohol. The ban on residential alcohol has been the subject of debate on all sides. "I strongly support the rights of people who have reached the age of 21 to consume alcohol in their residence ... it's just that in
this piece of legislation that clause was removed over objections from the director of residence life," Harrison said. "We are taking baby steps here." Opponents to allowing alcohol in the dorms cite several factors.
"First of all, more than 75 percent of our residential students are under the legal drinking age," said Todd Duncan, director of residential
V See ALCOHOL, Page 3
I strongly support the rights of people who have reached the age of 21 to consume alcohol in their residence ... —Nicholas Harrison UCOSA Senate President Pro Tempore