The Vista March 7, 2000

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The Student Voice Since 1903


MARCH 7, 2000

Housing fee increase loses to student vote referendum was voted down. I talked with students before the Stalf&Vrilet vote was taken and realized wo proposals there were many students who regarding housing fee had strong feelings against the increases were voted fee increase for cable," Duncan down Feb. 29 by students said. RHA President Christie living on campus, said Todd Duncan, director of residence Teeters said she was glad the referendum was conducted life. The UCO Residence Hall even though the cable proposal Association (RHA) conducted was voted down. - • "The student voice said they the referendums during lunch —Staff photo by Chieko Hara wanted it [cable], so we and dinner in the Central Cafeteria. A total of 252 wanted to put it [the proposal] out on the table. I support what residents cast ballots. According to Housing the students voted for," Teeters Preston Love (right), graduate student asks questions at the Enterprise exhibit during Administration, about 1100 said. the UCO Spring 2000 Career/Job Fair. The fair was held on March 1 in the University The second referendum students live on campus. Center's Grand Ballroom. Forty-seven business, colleges or organizations were The first referendum proposed a $60 per year fee represented. Delegates eagerly answered students inquiries about possible proposed a $135 per year fee increase, which would provide employment and job opportunities in their chosen fields. increase, which would provide the residence halls with 24residents with the basic and hour lobby visitation and 24variety Cox cable packages in hour desk operation, instead of the dorm rooms of East, West the current eight hour desk and Murdaugh halls and in the operation. Jobe, 2 others create budget controversy; Senate opposed Duncan said the proposal bedrooms and living rooms of much larger committee," said recommendation, and UCOSA was designed to increase By N. David Owens the Commons Apartments. Nicholas Harrison, president receives 13 percent of the The proposal received 154 student safety. Staffilifriter pro tempore of the UCOSA revenue generated by the "no" votes and 98 "yes" votes, student activity fee, while it he upcoming UCO senate. constituting a 61.1 percent V See REFRENDUM, "Last year it was close to a may assume 50 percent of the Student Association Page 3 rejection. (UCOSA) budget cut dozen... around half of them budget shortfall, according to "I was not surprised that this UCOSA senate resolution 99has resulted in controversy over were students," Harrison said. 202. The committee is made up of the way i4 which students are The senate budget proposal Jarrett Jobe, UCOSA president, represented in campus decision requests that the Dr. Katherine Gage, vice making, according to several recommendation of the president of student services, Following the voice of the students, I will student leaders. committee be disregarded in and Dr. Jere Roberson, faculty The student activity fee recommend that neither proposal be favor of a flat cut of two to senate president. budget committee, which is the implemented. I hope the administration "It is different every single three percent to all activities committee that agreed to the earlier proposal that UCOSA year ... it really is a fluid funded by the student activity follows the students' will. fee revenue, rather than student absorb 50 percent of the budget system," Gage said. Complaints have been raised organizations taking a shortfall, has only three members, one of whom is a over two main areas: the fact —Todd Duncan • See BUDGET, that no legislative process was student. Page 2 Director of Residence Life "In the past it has been a used to make the / grAr By Allison Franklin


The search is on...

Student organizations may bare brunt of cuts



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