The Vista May 4, 1999

Page 1



MAY 4, 1999

GRADUATION Traditions continue 3

MOVIE REVIEW Entrapment 16

BATTLE OF BANDS Show rescheduled 4

COLUMN Is P E. a scam? 19

AROUND CAMPUS Campus happenings 12

LETTER Gay issue debated 21

The Student Voice Since 1903

New student transcript may focus on college activities By Trent Dugas

In with the new... Elaine Amos helps Russell Amos work out a fall schedule before prenrolling as a freshman at UCO last Wednesday afternoon. Russel was one of thousands of students preparing to enter UCO as other prepared to graduate next week.

Senate bill leaves tenureless professors less protected By Trent Dugas

Staff/Mier Professors on UCO campus who do not have tenure can be fired or denied promotion without legal due process. Senator Bernest Cain, DOklahoma City wrote Senate Bill 382 but the bill never left the House Education Committee. The bill would have given professors due process when being fired or denied promotion. Due process would be a letter in

writing as to why Dr. Tom the professor was Guild, being fired or president of The American denied AAUP and Association of University promotion. U CO Professors (AAUP) The American professor of sponsored the bill and Association of general claims there are few University business, Professors institutions in Oklahoma said the (AAUP) that give due process to reason why faculty members. sponsored the the bill did bill and claims not pass was there are few institutions in because of power . He said top Oklahoma that give due process officials from universities to faculty members. pressured the legislators to let

the bill die. Guild said they pressured the legislators because the due process would have taken power out of their hands. Oklahoma is not very progressive on employment issues Guild said. The people who were opposed to the bill did not think through the consequences of their actions. "We are not private V See TENURE,

Page 2

StalfMitar The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education is encouraging state colleges and universities to provide an extra transcript to students. But the idea is not popular with UCO officials. The student activity transcript will include information on any accomplishments a student might have that will not show up on an academic transcript. Student leadership, sports, campus organizations, honors, scholarships, awards, workshops, conferences and participation on campus are some of the things that might be on the transcript. The State Regents have adopted a model plan for the transcript from the University of Oklahoma. Jarrod Marcum-Noftsger, assistant to vice president for student services, said in theory the student activity fee is a good idea but not realistic. "I think we will want to do some looking into it to see how much employers value the transcript before we commit a huge amount of resources to it," Noftsger said. "We don't have quite as many resources as some of the other universities so we're much more targeted about how we spend money so students can get the V See TRANSCRIPTS, Page 2

Page 2

MAY 4, 1999




Continued from front page employees," Guild said. "We belong to the people, we are public employees and we belong to the entire state of Oklahoma. If someone has a hidden agenda they should not be able to thwart the interest of the entire state. "And if someone has a hidden agenda and they can serve those hidden agendas without them ever coming to the light of day then one or two people that have it in for a particular professor could have their way." Guild said the due process bill would have made Oklahoma and higher education a more attractive job market since Oklahoma lags far behind in national and regional salary averages. "If you won't give people a reason for firing them or denying promotion then they suspect the worst," Guild said. "They think

Continued from front page

board would hear the appeal and then make a decision based on substantial and procedural 'They think 'well, if grounds. they won't give me a Dr. Don Betz, vice reason then something president of academic affairs, said UCO's shady must be going procedure for hiring and on here'... firing is followed by the guidelines in a strict manner. Tom Guild "I have to say here at AAUP president UCO most of this is already covered so it is hard for me to comment for `well, if they won't give me a the entire state," Betz said. reason then something shady "Even if a recommendation to must be going on here'. But if you give them a reason then they deny tenure is made it is part of say 'oh, now I know what you the process with the academic vice president who will inform are talking about.'" The due process bill would that faculty member in writing also have established an appeals no later than the first day of the process for affected faculty second semester." The AAUP is a national members. A faculty grievance organization with 45,000 members and promotes the "freedom and shared governance for university faculty." Vol. 100, No. 53 The Oklahoma division of (USPS 661-700) ISSN: 1084-9149 American Association of University Women also Editor Mark A. Schneberger Writer Trent Dugas supported the bill. They have Managing Editor Katie Hawk Writer Stacy Brasher more than 1,000 members. Editor Stephanie J. Eggeling Copy Editor .Media Pizzini Advertising Mgr Wendy Werber Ad Sales Jarrett Davis Ad Sales Maria Crane Writer Dustin Pyeatt Writer Jarrod Briley


Writer Ann Jayne Sports Writer Ryan Haley Photographer Shauna Hardway Photographer Negeen Sobhani Cartoonist Pujan Roka Circulation/Morgue Shane Pratt

Adviser Dr. Sherri Massey

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exams and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during the summer term, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Dr, Edmond, OK 73034-5209. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. One-year subscription rate $12. Periodicals postage paid at Edmond, Oklahoma 73034-9998. The Vista's Editorial Board meets once a week. Editorials represent the views of the majority of the Editorial Board. Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Journalism, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Cartoons represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium expression for the Regents or UCO. "POSTMASTER": Send address changes to The Vista, 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced with a maximum of 150 words, include the author's printed name, major, classification and phone number. Non-students must include title and daytime phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034-5209 or deliver in person to the editor, Communications Bldg, Rm 107. Letters can be sent via e-mail to . The Vista is online at . This publication is printed by The Edmond Evening Sun, 123 S Broadway, Edmond, OK 73003.

maximum bang for their buck." The Regents idea was to put the student activity transcript on the web so students could change, enter and retrieve the information. Responsibility for verifying the information would be left to the colleges and universities. Gina Eastman, director of career development and placement services, said the student activity transcript is not a good idea. She said employers want to see the student activity information on a resume. "Overall, I don't think there is a lot of benefit in the employment situation that is worth a student activity transcript," Eastman said. "Schools that have implemented it have said it is a real effort to try and actually police it or verify the information on the transcript. So many of the colleges don't manage the information well and students can enter the information themselves."

Students should take their own initiative and put their special activities on their resume Eastman said. She said co-curricular activities are vital when applying for a job. Students should keep a career diary with all of their accomplishments so they do not forget about them. "Often times it (cocurricular activities) can offset someone who does not have a glowing GPA but they have had a lot of leadership experiences." According to Eastman, employers look for certain personal characteristics when hiring. The top ten things they pay attention to are honesty and integrity, motivation and initiative, communication skills, self confidence, flexibility, interpersonal skills, strong work ethic, teamwork skills, leadership skills and enthusiasm."Definitely get involved," she said.

MAY 4, 1999



UCO walks toward future with graduation traditions By Ann Jayne

StallWriter Graduating seniors probably know that "Pomp And Circumstance" will be played at their graduation ceremony. It's a tradition. But, they may not be aware of two other graduation traditions at UCO. The first occurs on graduation day, when graduates have donned their caps, gowns, mortar boards and tassels. Prior to gathering at Wantland Stadium to receive their diplomas, UCO graduates get to walk through Old North. Why? "It's a campus tradition that got started a long time ago and didn't stop," Annette Ryan said. Ryan is a library technician in UCO's Archives department. Old North was the original building of Central State College, Oklahoma's very first institution of higher learning. "Old North is UCO's symbol," Ryan said. Lisa Craddock, director of the Alumni Relations, also said graduates have been walking through Old North "forever." She said another tradition that she believes was started in the 1930's was for graduating classes

to donate a class gift project. "If you walk around campus, you'll see various projects donated by classes," Craddock said. Some of the gifts include the marquee at Mitchell Hall and benches placed throughout the campus. Craddock said the gifts may be given individually or that members of a graduating class may contribute money to donate a larger item. "Everyone pitches in and gives," Craddock said. Seniors who wish to make an individual donation receive a free one-year membership to UCO's Alumni Association, which normally costs $25. Craddock said they will receive the free membership regardless of the amount of the gift. For information regarding a gift donation, contact Craddock at 974-2775. Not every class has donated gifts. Craddock said that was probably due to events such as wars or because it just was not "the thing to do." But most every graduate does walk through Old North. "If you walk through Old North, you've succeeded," Ryan said.

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Play ball! Mark Dewalt (left) from the Oklahoma Foundation for the Disabled gets some help from Ryan Christian, Physical Education/Health major recently. The two were enjoying the modified bocce ball game sponsored by the Adaptive Physical Education class last Monday on the lawn east of Evans Hall. Students modified the game by using cones as targets instead of a small ball to better meet the players' needs. The class offers activities for the disabled as an outreach service to the community. —Photo by Negeen Sobhani

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Page 4

Bands battle rescheduled

MAY 4, 1999


More troops called to fight inYugoslavia

By Michael Senior

By G. Robert Hillman



The Battle of the Bands Rain and colder event scheduled for 4-11 p.m. on Friday, April 23, weather made it was postponed until August 25 due to bad impossible to play an weather. outdoor concert, and The show, which was to no indoor venues feature 13 bands, had been scheduled to occur were available for at Wantland Stadium on use. two stages. Rain and colder M:,Z,M.:;a4,.zw.oAfted weather made it back-up plan in case of rain. impossible to play an outdoor "With the exception of concert, and no indoor venues school work, never again will I were available for use. put that much effort into Brian Jones, drummer for the something for UCO." band Patience Pounding and Several uninformed bands student at UCO, said, "I feel and fans arrived at UCO that it was out of pure wondering where everyone irresponsibility that the student was, unaware that their would activities office did not have a be no show that day.

WASHINGTON - President Clinton on Tuesday authorized the call-up of 33,102reservists to help in the escalating air war against Yugoslavia. The first units summoned to active duty were Air Force Reserve and National Guard refueling wings in eight states. Military spokesmen said the 2,100 men and women are needed to support the deployment this week of 30 additionalrefueling tankers. In all, the president authorized the call-up of about 25,000 reserves from the Air Force, about 6,100 from the Army, nearly 1,000 each from the Marines and the Navy and a handful from the Coast Guard. The call-up was the first since the NATO airstrikes began five weeks ago and

the largest since more than 220,000 reserves served in the Persian Gulf War eight years ago. The president signed the necessary military paperwork privately and did not address the issue during a pair of public appearances Tuesday. He issued only a brief statement and left the details and most of the explaining to spokesmen at the Pentagon. "These reserves are essential to America's military strength," Clinton said. They are part of the total force we bring to bear whenever our men and women in uniform are called to action." The 30 aerial tankers being sent to the Balkans will extend the time NATO warplanes can hunt targets over Yugoslavia. They are the first of an additional 300 aircraft that the

United States is providing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The planes will need not only pilots and air crews, but also a broad range of support personnel, including mechanics, munitions crews and security patrols. Other reservists and National Guardsmen are already serving, but on a volunteer basis. And the Pentagon said commanders were freezing retirements for some critical personnel to ensure adequate forces. The military call-up came amid increased bombings in Yugoslavia and some signs that administration officials said may signal that President Slobodan Milosevic is looking for a way out of the conflict. V See TROOPS,

Page 6

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MAY 4, 1999


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Page 6

MAY 4, 1999


TROOPS Continued from Page 4 Again Tuesday, the International Red Cross visited the three U.S. soldiers being held as prisoners of war by the Serbians, while Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott conferred with Russian officials in Moscow. Russian President Boris Yeltsin's personal envoy, former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, met Milosevic in Belgrade last week. But U.S. officials have so far been suspicious of the suggestion that the Yugoslav leader would allow an "international presence" in his country if NATO stopped its bombing. Still, Talbott emphasized that Russia and the United States continued to seek some sort of compromise that might end the conflict. And he flew on to Berlin to confer with United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who also is making the rounds in Europe. "It is important that we

continue to keep lines of communications open, and that is what Talbott is engaged in," said White House press secretary Joe Lockhart. "There is always the possibility that Milosevic will allow his country to be bombed into rubble, but we don't believe that'll happen," Lockhart said. "We believe the noose is tightening, and you're seeing things as a result." At the Pentagon, spokesman Kenneth Bacon said military commanders were encouraged by the second Red Cross meeting Tuesday with the three U.S. POWs:Christopher Stone of Smiths Creek, Mich.; Andrew Ramirez of Los Angeles; and Steven Gonzales of Huntsville, Texas. The three were seized along the Yugoslav-Macedonian border March 31 and last seen publicly April 1 on Serbian television, looking tired and bruised.

During their first meeting Monday, Red Cross officials reported the three men appeared in good condition but provided few details. On Tuesday, Bacon said the second meeting was held in "strict compliance with the terms of the Geneva Convention in that there were no Serb or Yugoslav handlers there." He said a doctor was able to

briefly examine the men, and they were able to exchange messages with their families. Meanwhile, the Rev. Jesse Jackson prepared to lead a 26member delegation on a humanitarian mission to the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade that is expected to include a visit with the three U.S. soldiers. "This is a pilgrimage of faith, not of politics," Jackson said.

"We go to Belgrade as religious leaders who are concerned about all who suffer in that region." At the White House, Lockhart said the administration was aware of Jackson's mission and had warned him of the risks and made clear to him that the allies were not negotiating with Milosevic. Any trip by Jackson to Belgrade "would be as a private citizen on a private mission," Lockhart said. In Brussels, Belgium, NATO's top military commander, U.S. Army Gen. Wesley Clark, said the additional warplanes and other resources that he has requested are needed to step up the military pressure on Milosevic. At NATO's 50th anniversary summit over the weekend, Gen. Clark said the allied leaders had made it "very clear that they want the air campaign intensified, and it will be intensified."

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MAY 4, 1999



Class of 1999 may find job market easy to enter this summer By Christine Tatum

CollegePressWriter CHICAGO (CPX) - If the job market keeps zipping along as it has for the last couple of years, the class of 1999 won't need to worry much about finding fulltime work. Especially not that part of the class that knows how to teach, conduct research or run a computer with ease. Education and high-tech are hot these days. But even for graduates holding degrees outside those disciplines there's good news: The nation's unemployment rate is at 4.2 percent, the lowest it has been in 29 years. "I'm not getting the type of offers a couple of my friends who went into computer consulting and tech services did last year," said Kendra Williams, a senior computer science major at the University of Iowa. "But I'm doing OK, and I don't feel like I have to take the first thing that comes along. It's a nice feeling." In some fields, companies are more likely than ever to hire entry-level employees for jobs they would normally offer to more experienced workers particularly in scientific fields, where the demand for workers is outpacing the number of graduates in subjects such as chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics and physics. In fact, one recent survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and

Employers revealed that 17 percent of employers said having smaller pools of qualified applicants has led them to hire more new college graduates than ever. Starting salaries, according to the survey, are expected to increase nationally by an average of about 4.8 percent.

Computer techies are no doubt boosting that average; many graduates with bachelor's degrees are fetching between $60,000 and $70,000 a year. Entry-level teachers particularly those who can teach computer applications, math and science and those who are trained to teach courses in

special education and English as a Second Language - are also scoring multiple job offers. Candidates with a graduate degree in education are soaring even higher. The pressure is on in school districts everywhere to quell a national teacher shortage predicted by the Department of

Education to reach 2.2 million over the next decade. The shortage primarily stems from three factors: a wave of retiring administrators, a movement to reduce class size that's gaining momentum and an influx of students expected to boost the school-age population by 16 percent between 1996 and 2006.

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Page 8


MAY 4, 1999

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MINNEAPOLIS (CPX) Shock-rocker Marilyn Manson has announced the cancellation of next week's last five dates of his U.S. tour, saying his decision was "out of respect" for the victims of the shootings in Littleton, Colo. "It's not a great atmosphere to be out playing rock 'n' roll shows, for us or the fans," Manson said in a news release Tuesday, adding that he blames ignorance, hatred and access to guns for the April 20th tragedy that resulted in the deaths of 12

"It's not a great atmosphere to be out playing rock 'n' roll shows, for us or the fans..."



Rock band Manson cancels last leg of tour

students and one teacher. Two students believed to have committed the murders committed suicide. Manson released the statement amid demonstrations outside one of his concert. Since the shooting, critics have said the dark messages in Manson's music have the power to influence troubled youth. The Littleton killers -17year-old Dylan Klebold and 18-year-old Eric Harris - were said to be Manson fans. According to local promoters and the Marilyn Manson Web site, the band is postponing concerts scheduled for May 3 in Reno, Nevada; May 4 in Fresno, California; May 5 in Las Vegas; May 7 in Phoenix, and May 8 in Los Angeles.

MAY 4, 1999



New class next fall... —Photo provided by Dan Smith (Photo Services) Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin (right) discusses the curriculum that will comprise the course, "Community Service," with UCO President Roger Webb (left) and Mary Monfort (center), UCO professor of curriclum and instruction, and professor of the class. Fallin will teach part of the course, which will be offered for the first time next fall. Students who enroll will be required to perform community service in Oklahoma City.

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Page 10


MAY 4, 1999

Mayday, mayday....

—Student photo by Takeshi Oryoji John Gatewood, freshman, prepares to launch a water balloon at his opponent in the game "Water Wars" last Friday at the 2nd annual May Day celebration in front of Broncho Lake. The festival was sponsored by Residence Hall Association, Student Services, and East, West, and Murdaugh Hall Councils. The festival featured other games, music, free hamburgers, hotdogs, beverages, and snow cones.

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MAY 4, 1999




water balloons

—Staff photo by Shauna Hardway

Larry Clinken sets up the "Water Wars" booth at the festival. The booth was set up so that people could throw water balloons at each other.

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Page 12


MAY 4, 1999


at 7 p.m. May 8 in the University Center • The Raven Society is hosting a Ballroom. For more information, call Poetry Contest. Please submit entries to ✓ The Japan Student Association Christy at 715-2380, William Loo at Dr. Amy Carrell. Entry fee is $5. For will host a graduation dinner party at 6 844-9193 or Lesmond Lau at 330-1743. more information, call Calypso Harvey at p.m. May 14 at the Taste of China 751-9068. V The International Student restaurant. For information and tickets, call Takaaki at 844-0312, or Natski at Council will host a trip to Dallas and Six • The UCO International Office Flags. Sign up at the International Office, will host a Volleyball Tournament from 340-3739. space is limited. For more information, 5 to 9 p.m. every Sunday throughout • The Malaysian Student call Jason Harris at 340-5702. April at Wantland Hall. For more Association will host a graduation dinner information, call the International Office



at 974-2390.

GENERALLY SPEAKING • Co-dependents Anonymous will host a 12-step recovery program at 12:10 p.m. every Tuesday at the Wesley Foundation, located at 311 E. Hurd. For more information, call Sheri at 359-6761.


• See AROUND CAMPUS, Page 14

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MAY 4, 1999



Taking a stab at physical fitness... Charles Freshour, Fencing Club President, begins his fencing match against opponent Jonathan Skaggs. Fencing Club meets every Wednesday night from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Anyone is welcome to join, experience or not, and equipment is furnished for beginners (as well as training). Fencing Club will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings next semester, for more information please call Khalilah Watson, fencing representative, at 9744365. —Staff photo by Shauna Hardway

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Page 14


MAY 4, 1999

AROUND CAMPUS Continued from page 12 more information, call Cooper at 341- University Center Ballroom. Instructor will meet at 2 p.m. every Tuesday in Chris Ghant will be giving lessons. For Room 213 of the Liberal Arts Building. ✓ Wesley Foundation will host a 5450. Thursday Lunch Club at noon every ✓ Celebrating Bronze and Blue Thursday at the Wesley Foundation, located at 311 E. Hurd. Cost for lunch is Committee will be around campus from 99-cents. For more information, call 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Friday handing out free soft drink coupons to those wearing Cooper at 341-5450. bronze and blue. For more information, ✓ Wesley Foundation will host a call Beverly Prosser at 974-2364. Prime Time Bible Study Group at 7:30 ✓ The UCO Swing Club will meet at p.m. every Tuesday at the Wesley Foundation, located at 311 E. Hurd. For 7:30 p.m. every Thursday in the

more information, call Khalilah Watson at Free lessons in Japanese will be given. For more information, call Takaaki at 974-4365. 844-0312. ✓ The Fencing Club will meet from an Toastmasters Club, • 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Wednsday at organization devoted to enhancing public Broncho Choral. For more information, call Khalilah Watson at 974-4365, or e- speaking skills, meets at 1 p.m. every Thursday in Room 322 of the University mail at Center. For more information, call ✓ The Japan Student Association Yoanna Ganeva at 844-3275.

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Page 16


MAY 4, 1999

Connery snares audience in 'Entrapment' By Jarrod Briley

stafft is not too often that Hollywood can successfully team up an old codger and a lovely young women, throw in a lot of action and suspense, and create a film that is worth watching. Surprisingly, 20th Century Fox is able to pull it off in their latest flick, "Entrapment," starring Sean Connery and Catherine ZetaJones. Zeta-Jones plays a tough, calculating investigator for a large New York City insurance firm. Connery plays a grizzled, cunning thief who has made his fortune stealing some of the most rare and valuable items in the world. Zeta-Jones has been tracking Connery's activity

for several years, and after convincing her boss that she is the right person for the job, goes undercover to catch him. She poses as a seductive thief who is seeking Connery's help to pull off one of the greatest heists in history, on the eve of the year 2000. At first, Connery is suspicious of the buxom young women, but gradually becomes fond of her. Problems arise when Connery must decide whether to break his code of conduct, which expressly forbids mixing business with pleasure, or allow himself to fall in love with Zeta-Jones. Although the movie is billed as an action-adventure with romantic undertones, it is actually just the opposite. But fans of the action genre should not shy away from this film — it has plenty

of scenes that will knock you out of your seat, drag you across the sticky floor, and make you beg for mercy. And unlike films such as Unforgiven, that feature older men in physically demanding roles, Entrapment does not insult the viewers intelligence. When Connery is running, jumping and punching, he does not attempt to convince the audience that he is still a young man. He purposely expresses discomfort and occasional exhaustion. And there are plot twists — oh, so many plot twists. However, they succeed in

challenging you to think, without leaving you befuddled. But the movie does have its flaws. It is hard to swallow that Zeta-Jones and Connery are able to hook up, pull off several robberies — including one that is, arguably, the most ambitious in all of history —

all within the 16 days that the movies takes place. Still, the movie scoots along at a fast pace, there are no moments when you wish you were somewhere else, and the two major characters are interesting and likable.

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MAY 4, 1999



Graduation "99... Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young By Mary Schmich



nside every adult lurks a graduation speaker dying to get out, some worldweary pundit eager to pontificate on life to young people who'd rather be Rollerblading. Most of us, alas, will never be invited to sow our words of wisdom among an audience of caps and gowns, but there's no reason we can't entertain ourselves by composing a Guide to Life for Graduates. I encourage anyone over 26 to try this and thank you for indulging my attempt. Ladies and gentlemen: Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you

can't grasp now how much Stretch. possibility lay before you and Don't feel guilty if you don't how fabulous you really looked. know what you want to do with You are not as fat as you imagine. your life. The most interesting Don't worry about the future. people I know didn't know at 22 Or worry, but know that worrying what they wanted to do with their is as effective as trying to solve an lives. Some of the most algebra equation by chewing interesting 40-year-olds I know bubble gum. The real troubles in still don't. your life are apt to be things that Get plenty of calcium. Be kind never crossed your worried mind, to your knees. You'll. miss them the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing every day Don't feel guilty if you that scares you. don't know what you Sing. want to do with your Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't life. The most put up with people who are interesting people I reckless with yours. Floss. know didn't know at Don't waste your time on 22 what they wanted jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're to do with their lives. behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only 44nW,V with yourself. Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If when they're gone. you succeed in doing this, tell me Maybe you'll marry, maybe how. you won't. Maybe you'll have Keep your old love letters. children, maybe you won't. Throw away your old bank Maybe you'll divorce at 40, statements. maybe you'll dance the funky

chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's. Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own. Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. Read the directions, even if you don't follow them. Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly. Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future. Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you

hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel. Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out. Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth. But trust me on the sunscreen. This column originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune on June 1, 1997.

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Page 18


MAY 4, 1999



for an Outstanding Mentpi Please take a minute and nominate a faculty or staff member here at UCO who helped you as an undergraduate. This person should be one who made a Afference to you and helped you make important educational decisions. Fill out the bottom of this application and turn into the UCO Foundation, Evans Hall 101 or mail to Box 133 by iga):5 Your name Your address

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- - -

MAY 4, 1999



Yoga, bowling, inline skating; Columnist says they're all a scam By Jarrod Briley


Staffigriter ecently , while contorting my body into a variety of sadistic poses during a Yoga class, I began pondering the necessity of physical education classes at UCO — or any university. As I continued to contort, I began wondering when I would hear the first tendon snap, luckily I passed out from the pain before that could happen. As my body was falling

towards the floor, I option of not swear I could hear taking a someone saying, physical "Nya-nya-nya-nyaeducation nya." I'm not sure course. I didn't what language that have to take is, but I think it Yoga, but I did means, "Ha, ha, you have to take passed out. You're some sort of stupid." P.E. class. And what do I Why? Because get for my hour of the UCO Jarro d Briley humiliation, two administration days a week, for an entire ("The Man") requires me to. semester — one lousy credit, "The Man" said to me, that's what. "Jarrod, we realize that you And it isn't like I have the are an adult, capable of

making your own choices, but we have decided — for your own good — to force you to exercise." "And remember, if you don't, you can't graduate. Have a nice day." Huh? What kind of gangster hoopla is that? I spoke to a gentlemen in the Enrollment Advisement office about this. He said physical education classes are "offered" to students because they are an important step in ensuring that students receive


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a "well-rounded" education. He then tried to sell me a bridge, somewhere in San Francisco. And what is this "offer" business. Isn't an offer something you can turn down? Maybe this is the MarlonBrando-playing-the-Godfather type of offer — the kind "you can't refuse." And if you do, you'll wake up next to a horse head. "The Man" seems to be using P.E. classes to get a

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Page 20


MAY 4, 1999


Continued from (page 20

According to her, this was little extra money out of supposed to increase awareness students. of the universe. But I was only Can you say "scam" aware of the oxygen boys and girls — I'll bet Maybe this is the deprivation that my brain was you can. Marlon-Brando-playingexperiencing. What's that? It's not a the-Godfather type of I passed out again. scam, you say. Then why offer — the kind "you When I awoke, she was are people who showing the class how to participate in pompom can't refuse." And if you "express themselves and unite and cheerleading, highly do, you'll wake up next to their souls" by placing their athletic activities, still a horse head. index fingers and thumbs forced to take P.E together. classes? After passing out twice, I Scam, scam, scam, A"""' n Wea also felt the need to express scam, scam. As my yoga class continued, I was myself with a finger. Some people may not be swayed by this pondering where I should put my new horse head, when the Yoga teacher broke my train of column. Some people may continue to side with The Man, thinking that P.E. classes are an thought. "We are now going to do 'the breath of important part of the university experience. I would like those people to drop me a line — I fire'," she said. She proceeded to demonstrate this by have a bridge in San Francisco I'd like to sell quickly inhaling and exhaling in short, shallow them. breaths. ••"" "



TO THE FlD Representatives deserve respect for standing up for beliefs/morals


n the past few weeks, every issue of The Vista has been used as a weapon to attack the UCOSA House of Representatives. The house members stuck to what they believed by not voting for the "sexual orientations" clause. Could we respect them if they voted for what others wanted them too? Yes, they are representatives, but if they can't be true to their belief system, how can we trust them at all? I want the student representatives to know that there are many students who support their decision. If something is wrong, then it's wrong. If Christians believe that this is God's will, how can we compromise that to spare some angry students? Those readers who believe in the Bible should read Romans 1:24. Travis Eck Graphic Design Sophomore

Have a view to share? Write a letter to the Editor 100 N. University Drive


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MAY 4, 1999




Student applauds Representatives


et me introduce myself, I am one of the many people who share Sellers and Fillmore's views concerning the sexual orientation clause. I am relating this in response to Sara Morrell's letter to The Vista on April 20th. I hate to break the new to you but we wouldn't need a House of Representatives if every student shared the same views. I think we learned that in the sixth grade, and let me digress for one moment to ask you a very important question. You unwittingly call our House of representatives "Noncommittal Spineless Jellyfist." How could these men be spineless when they are standing up for something they are committed to, even under condemnation? You may not agree or understand their views, but when you overlook the fact that they; at least; are standing up for their beliefs you show just how ignorant you really are. You also stated that religion should not dictate whom we should protect and whom we should subject to second-class citizenship. Let me first say that I don't remember anyone even implying anything about second-class citizenship, and yes Separation of Church and State does exist but that shouldn't stop people from being able to share their views and vote according to how they feel appropriate. As to Sellers and Fillmore throwing child molesters and practitioners of bestiality into

the same pot as homosexuality; that was a comparison to show how the clause was too vague. I applaud Sellers and Fillmore for standing up for what they believe in. I also agree with their beliefs, but if the clause had passed I would respect that also and take pride in the fact that my views were represented. There are two sides to every issue and I am getting sick and tired of being condemned for my Christian values. I really wish that people would look up the word fair in the dictionary. Everyone has a right to a different belief and that includes right wing, conservative, moderate, and liberal people. Obviously some of you have forgotten that. Ms. Morrell's views were obviously represented at the House's meeting, as there were only a few opposed; so I ask you this in closing. Why can you not respect the beliefs of others when they are standing up for what they believe in?

Genese Womack Exercise/Fitness Management Freshman

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NRA promotes responsible gun use, Junior says


must take issue with the cartoon in the April 27, 1999 issue of the Vista. It depicts a car parked in front of what is presumed to be Columbine High School with a bumper sticker reading "PROUD SON OF AN NRA MEMBER." This is disgusting. The National Rifle Association is about promoting the responsible use of guns. The problem in Littleton, Colorado is not that guns are present, but that there were two psychopaths in town. In fact, the weapons they used show the ineffectiveness of gun control laws. The NRA doesn't propose protecting people who make bombs, and at least one of the guns they used is already illegal. To blame a group that protects our Second Amendment right to bear arms and promotes responsible gun use for the incident in Colorado, is irresponsible at best, and contemptible at worst. Scott Markowitz Political Science Junior

Reader responds to previous letter to the Editor


n the last issue to the Vista, Scott Markowitz began an article stating that a student was wrong in her statement about the Student Bill of Rights. I don't see this as a correct statement. Everyone is entitled t their own opinions and by stating that they are wrong and there is no right opinion other than one's own narrow minded. The Student Bill of Rights is simply an attempt to create some security for the gay, lesbian, and bisexual students at UCO. I don't see where "moral religious convictions" conflict here. From my understanding and from my pastor, Christianity, in the overall picture, teaches "love they neighbor as thyself." The Bill of Rights was not meant to do anything more than help provide a safe environment for all. Having a policy of student rights specifying that sexual orientation may not be a differentiating factor is in no way providing "special rights" for non-heterosexual students. Anthony Vandyousefi Computer Science Freshman

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Page 22


MAY 4, 1999

Senior defends non-smokers rights, asks for action


am writing in regards to a situation that occurs on a daily basis, and this is an occurrence that violates my personal rights as a student at UCO everyday. What I am referring to is the people who smoke outside of buildings. In the early nineties it became favorable to oust smokers from public places. Being a nonsmoker, I found this to be a great idea. Little did I know that smokers went outside, but they only migrated a few feet outside. Today, it is a common occurrence to walk to class, being a few minutes

I would like to see smoking areas not to be allowed within 100 feet of any entrance on campus. Ryan C. Veers

early, and begin to enter a door and one must walk through a huge cloud of smoke. I began to notice that the school endorses these smokers by putting ash trays five feet past the doors. Well, of course the smokers are going to smoke where the ash trays are. My question is why does the school put the ash trays in the entry ways. Why wouldn't the administration put the ash trays away from the doors. I think it is an absolute travesty and an injustice that I must walk through 30-feet of smoke to get to my class. I wonder if the president of UCO has to walk through 30-feet of smoke to get to his office, or maybe he is a smoker and is one of the reasons I smell like smoke everyday. I would like to ask why not just let the smokers smoke in the buildings or in the classrooms? We might as well if we have to walk through it and breathe it on the way to class. At least it won't be as concentrated as 20 or 25 people all


the Vine ARci

smoking within a 30-square foot area. How would the president of UCO like to go to dinner on Friday night and before he enters the nice, elegant, pricey restaurant he had to walk through the smoky crowd once again? Then he goes to a movie and guess what he has to walk through to get into the cinema. That's right, a huge cloud of smoke that extends 30-feet. Why do smokers think that their nasty habit doesn't affect anyone else? Do they not realize the inconvenience they put non-smokers through when they stand directly outside an entry way and puff on a cigarette causing a mushroom cloud of smoke? How could they like it if every time they wanted to enter a doorway they had to walk through 30-feet of tobacco spit? How is that any different than walking though a cloud of smoke? At least the spit won't ruin your shoes for awhile, but the smoke doesn't go away either. _ I would like to call upon our administration to stop the injustice. Don't let smokers take away my rights every single time I walk through a door at UCO.

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—Ryan C. Veers %!jiiasKk414102Migit Don't let them continue to take away my life by exposing me to harmful, disgusting smoke that has been proven time and time again as a deadly toxin. I would like to see smoking areas not be allowed within 100 feet of any entrance on campus. Is this too much to ask for? Is it to much to ask that my health and possible my life be spared by moving the smokers away from the door? I don't think so. I know that I am not alone on this issue.

■ ■ ■ ■

Edmond Affordable Fine Dining Restaurant is offering 10% off all entrees for UCO students with ID, Monday - Thursday

Don't let smokers take away my rights every single time I walk through a door at UCO.

Ryan C. Veers Exercise/Fitness Management Senior

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• amillommammo

MAY 4, 1999


There's power in the phrase




If final projects, tests and graduation preparations have made you feel powerless lately, you're not alone. But relax; there is something you can do right now to regain power over your life—as well as gain power over those people who are making your life hectic. Simply say "thank you." That eight-letter sentence is one of the most powerful phrases in the English language. It causes people to stop in their tracks, listen, and respond with a smile. It may even cause people you barely know to cry or try to hug you. And best of all, saying "thank you" is fun and it makes you feel good. Give it a try right now. Turn to that girl who always talks too much in class and tell her "thank you." She'll stop talking. Stop your chemistry professor in the hall and tell him "thank you." His bunsen will likely burn with happiness because he knows you appreciate all he's done for you. Or call President Roger Webb at 974-2311 and sing at the top of your voice "t-h-a-n-k y-o-u." He probably will be so overwhelmed he won't know what to say. Regardless of who you thank today, just do it. It will help you regain a little power over your life during this hectic last week of classes. Oh yeah; Thank you. Have a great summer.

Pujan Roka /The Vista


NOTICES ENGLISH CLASSES at the Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE TUTORING avail. *PREPARATION for TOEFL

TERM PAPER Assistance. Graduate student will help you write the first draft of your paper. Garrison, 945-2921,

OFFICE ASSISTANT Secretarial and Clerical Service will type your reports, resumes, and letters. $2.00 per page. Call Janet Helton (405)359-0168.

FREE ANONYMOUS AIDS testing & counseling, every Wednesday 7:30-9pm. No appt necessary. Wesley Foundation, 311 E Hurd, 341-5450. For testing info call 495-2732.

EXCELLENT$$$EXCELLENT$$$ EXCELLENT$$$ We have immediate openings for articulate individuals in telemarketing. We offer: •Flexible Scheduling•AM/PM Shifts •Paid Training•$8/Hr Guaranteed Please call 843-0735 DialAmerica Marketing

NEED CREATIVE help with brochures, newsletters, posters or resumes? Call Farzie at 330-4071.

PART TIME help needed for appt setting M-Th 6-9pm. Very good pay, 879-9899.

RESUMES • COVER LETTERS Best Prices 755-4916

HELP! HELP! HELP! Now Hiring! Will work around school schedule. No experience necessary but must work weekends. Apply in person MF from 8-4 at Sutherland's, 14201 N Broadway Ext.

MAINLY STUDENTS! 4.0 SNU grad types 130+wpm with 20+ yrs experience in editing/writing in APA, MLA, criminal justice, etc. Undergraduate, graduate & international students welcome. APPT ONLY, Downtown Edmond, Visa/Mastercard, 340-2001.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR 1015-C Waterwood Parkway ESL for International Students TOEFL Preparation Save up to 40% Tuition Ask about our tuition discounts 348-7602 POWER TYPING (Est 1984) • School• Personal• Business WordPerfect Swte 8, laser printer LADIES, NOW is the time to Call 721-1217 consign your spring and summer fashions at My Sister's Closet, 502A-Z TYPING B S Bryant (Bryant Sq, Edmond). Professional results, reasonable For more info, call 341-0598. rates for services offered:

SERVICES DENTAL PLAN $9 per month single; $15 family. No deductibles, no claim forms. Includes Vision and RX plan. Affordable health plans also. Call Michelle at 340-4998.

APPOINTMENT SETTER needed, can make up to $15/hr. Call Kim at 848-3777.

RENTERS-Get $20,000 coverage for $17-$22 per month! Great auto rates for good students too. Call Michelle at 340-4998 for free quote.

• Resumes • Term Papers • Reports • Manuscripts • Editing, Etc. 2 blocks from UCO. Ask for Con at 348-5673.

EMPLOYMENT ACCOUNTING INTERN Second semester freshman or sophomore accounting major needed for accounting internship. Minimum of 25 hrs/wk, year-round until graduation. Please FAX resume to 340-7013 or mail to P 0 Box 3697, Edmond, OK 73083. $1500 WEEKLY potential mailing our circulars. No experience required. Free information packet. Call 202-452-5901.

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS!! Stillwater National Bank & Trust Co is seeking outgoing individuals with sales aptitude to be responsible for the sale of SNB's Cash Management and Treasury Services to current and prospective commercial banking customers. Must be self-starter who utilizes exceptional time mgmt and has computer and communication skills to demonstrate and sell the Bank's commercial products and services. Should have work history

demonstrating excellence in customer service with desire to sell. Background in sales a plus. Must be available to work 40 hrs/wk. Position includes excellent benefits package, competitive base salary + incentives and opportunity to utilize sales abilities in a professional banking environment. If qualified, please forward cover letter and resume' to: Stillwater National Bank & Trust Co Attn: Cash Mgmt Sales Rep, P 0 Box 1988, Stillwater, OK 74076, EOE/AA THE DEPOT wants school-age teachers for summer. Full & part time positions available. Males encouraged to apply. Ask for Lisa at 748-4571. COFFEE CREEK Golf Course is now hiring for snack bar and beverage cart help. Flexible hours, 340-4653. EL CHICO is now hiring servers, bussers and cooks. Daytime availability helpful, flexible scheduling. Apply at 2601 S Broadway between 2&4pm. RESIDENTIAL CLEANING, part time weekdays. Start ASAP. Only dependable hard workers need to apply. Call Donna at 752-2759. APPOINTMENT SETTER wanted! Insurance agency will pay top dollar for motivated, friendly person. Great pay, flexible hrs. PERFECT college job. Call Dennis Lusk at 858-8668.

Page 24


MAY 4, 1999


EMPLOYMENT HOW WOULD YOU like to earn extra spending cash - Just by people using the Internet and the telephone? For more information, call Jason at 7736364. •WANTED: Energetic, positive, team player for part time sales position with national company. Great environment with flexible hrs. Please call 943-2348 or fax resume to 943-2180. SMILE REQUIRED Part time receptionist needed. Hrs are 3-6 Mon-Fri and 9-12 Sat. Call Metric Motors at 348-9060. COUNTY LINE is now hiring for host and wait staff positions. Apply T-Th 2:30-5pm at 1226 NE 63rd, ask for Keith. NORTHSIDE YMCA is now accepting applications for lifeguards and swim instructors. Hrs are flexible & training is provided. Please call Kristi or Monica at 751-6363.

GREAT JOB for students! Earn extra cash driving visually impaired couple to and from work/school. Excellent pay, flexible schedule. Must be dependable and have proof of insurance, 844-1742. PART TIME work at College View Apts, 1124 N Kennedy, just N of Wantland Stadium. Opening for experienced painters (sheetrock, etc) 10-20 hrs/wk. Flexible schedule. Call Jerry or Linda at 341-2867. EDMOND SECURITY is now hiring night time alarm operator. Phone, office & computer skills preferred-we will train. Benefits include paid vacation, medical insurance & 401 K. Please apply in person at 412 S Broadway.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FREE COMPUTER w/BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Join the home-based business revolution making millions thru the Internet!!! No experience necessary, support staff in place for your success, publicly traded company, 1-888-7249470.

#ONE WAY to make money thru the . . J.J. KELLY BRIDAL is now mail. Little work needed. Send selfinterviewing for part time positions. For appt call 752-0029 or FAX addressed stamped envelope to: 900 N Fretz Ave, #43, Edmond, OK 73003. resume to 752-4615. CHURCH DAYCARE in NW OKC needs full time teachers. Please call 946-7847 between 6:30am to 6pm. OFFICE ASSISTANT (entry level). Driver, deliveries, secretarial and general office duties. Please mail resume to MGR, INC, 1224 S Kelly Ave, Edmond, OK 73003.

FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent for summer months. Two bedroom, two bath, very nice, rent negotiable. Call after 5pm, 359-7397.

1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS, Duplexes & Townhomes, Kennedy Place Apts, 1010 N Kennedy, Edmond (Across from UCO), 341-7911. Welcome Students!

STUDENTS RECEIVE 1 MONTH FREE RENT on newly remodeled, 1 bedrm, priced from $230-$265. Other discounts may also apply. Call Aspen Way Apartments at 842-1519 or come see us at NW 88th & Western, OKC.

ONE BEDROOM APT, unfurnished, appliances, gas & water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO, 1217 N Roosevelt, $300/mo + deposit, 341-9651.

LEASE NOW for fall semester and save

$100 off your first month's rent. Sunset Ridge Apartments, 341-7987.

Perfect driver or not. . . . call us for information on your car insurance. We'll always be there (or you. SHELTER INSURANCE


Jim H. Bryan 1600 W. Edmond Rd. Edmond, OK. 73003 (405) 348-6443

FOR SALE NEED A GRADUATION GIFT? SARA'S HIDEAWAY carries collectible Puffkins, Grateful Dead Bears and Planet Plush. Located inside Growing In Health, 2327 W Edmond Rd, 340-1885. FOR SALE: Two tanning memberships, only $16.32 per month. We're moving and need to sell our contracts. They expire Nov 1999 and are for unlimited tanning. If interested, call Melissa & Stacey at 974-4191.


Whirlpool washer, works great, $75, 728-5883, 204-6601.



PART TIME BUS DRIVER positions EDMOND PUBLIC available. SCHOOLS. Training provided. Apply at 125 N State St or call 340-2962.

BRIDAL OUTLET Bridal Outlet looking for full & part time employees with flexible hours.

728-0485 Bible Study University Center, Room 318 Every Tuesday 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. For more information call 341-1773 or 277-3602

Sponsored by

Christians on Campus

ROOMMATES WANTED! Rooms available in nice, large 3 bedroom home. Close to campus and only $200/mo + 1/3 bills. Available May 1. Call Melanie at 715-1855, leave a message please.



WILL PAY $$$ for video games, consoles, accessories. Any model from N64 to Atari2600. Leave message telling exactly what you have and evening phone number, 844-2683.

LOST & FOUND LOST: (In Library 4/20/99) Black Schaeffer pen with gold pocket clip. Sentimental value. Please return for free lunch. Call Ken Wilke at 826-1870.


Mazzio's Pizza 346 S. Santa Fe, Edmond

Shelter Insurance Cos. Home Office: Columbia, MO

Asian Travel Domestic • International

BARTENDER WANTED, prefer college student. Must be at least 21. Honest, reliable and no experience necessary. Call 521-1268 after 2pm.


"The Largest Consolidator with Low Fares to Asia, Africa,Middle East, Europe, etc." (405) 495-TOUR (8687) 7300 N.W. 23rd St. #106 Okla. City/Bethany, OK 73008

Stop, Drop & Play, Inc. Hourly Child (t. m., Care That's .401161=-' Safe, Secure & Fun! ‘IF

• No Contracts To Sign • Use Us Only When Needed Melinda Sendall Manager Terri Cobble Director 341-3338 2300 S. Broadway Edmond, Ok.73013 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday thru Thursday 7 a.m. to Midnight Friday 4 p.m. to Midnight Saturday

41INTEGRIS Health. NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Flexible Hours S10-S12 Salary + Tips + Mileage

Tips & Mileage PAID DAILY Must have a good driving record

to be a driver. Apply in Person at Mazzio's Pizza

346 S. Santa Fe, Edmond 1132 S. Broadway, Edmond


SERVERS HOSTS Step up to your chance to join our team where Quality and Service are #1. • Great Atmosphere • Flexible Hours • Competitive Salary Apply Anytime 5907 N.W. Expressway

Summer Help



Inside sales openings. P.T. or F.T. $8-15 per hour. Bonuses-Weekly paycheck. Hotel near the capitol. Work hours available: M-F 8:30a.m.-12:30p.m. and/or 1:30p.m.-5:30p.m. Good communication skills a must! Phone Diane at 521-9500 EOE

ASAP! Flexible Hours Available

Plan-It Landscape 755-7526

Integris Baptist Medical Center FUN-N-FIT TEACHERS We are looking for energetic teachers who are wanting to work full time this summer. Enjoy a great summer job by working with school-aged children in our innovative summer program in the Putnam City School District. The following positions are open: • Summer '99 - Teachers (full time, hrs vary) "Fall '99 - Site Directors (part time 7-8:30am and/or 3:30-6pm, M-F) SOME of the "reasons" you should call us: • Good pay and new bonus program • Great summer job for teachers And much more! Please call Vikki or Christa at 949 6888 for more info and how to apply. E0E/M/F/D/V -

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