The Vista Nov. 14, 2000

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Nov. 14, 2000

Family housing conditions unbearable, residents say

BRIEFS *News Wind and Water UCO students achieve "balance and harmony" through the art of Feng Shui. ✓ Page 4

*Sports Movin' on up The women's soccer team wins in double overtime in the first round of the national tournament. v Page 4

*Features or Blue crew One of UCO's most infamous student groups attempts to regroup. ✓ Page 4



Michael Jackson's controversial "Black or White" video premieres, prompting protests of the clip's four-minute ending in which Jackson destroys a car and grabs his crotch repeatedly. The ending is removed from the video and replaced with a landmark "morphing" ending, the first of its kind.

QUOTE OF THE DAY I'm Doug, and you're Dad, and I'm outta heeeeeere.

maintenance crew tries to respond to complaints as Student Writer quickly as possible, but it usually few residents of the depends on the nature of the Broncho Family Housing problem. apartments say their "If heat or air conditioning is living conditions are a concern, they try to be there unbearable. Complaints have within a day or so," White said. been aired about the heating Courville isn't sure who is at and air conditioning units, fault. insects inside the apartments "I don't know who to blame, and the personal safety of the Cathi, maintenance, or the tenants, many of college for just not whom are young caring," Courville children. "In the said. Cathi White, Two other meantime, Cathi coordinator for residents of the Family Graduate Broncho Family (White) told me Housing, feels that Graduate Housing, the apartments have to light some who wish to remain adequate standards, anonymous, say candles, then "especially for the that aside from price they are open the stove heating and air, paying," she said. there is a bug and sleep by it." Junior Aimee problem and a Courville and her 4concern for year-old daughter personal safety. lived in the Broncho "When I first —Aimee Courville II apartments at 600 moved in, the former resident, North Chowning apartments were Broncho II from August 1999 sprayed every two apartments until just a few weeks months for insects, ago. and now they haven't been When they moved in, sprayed since May," one of the Courville noticed that her residents said. window unit air conditioner did The other complained that not have an air filter on it, "there are no emergency call which caused it to clog and not boxes, and the lights in our allow cool air into the outdoor hallways and staircases apartment. are always burnt out." She reported this several Regarding the bug problem, times to White, but she never White said, "We do have received an air filter. quarterly pest control, at the "I flat out told her that it end of each semester, but it is didn't work, and she blew me also the responsibility of the off," Courville said. students to keep the apartments When she and her daughter clean. They need fo do their moved out over a year later, she part as well." was still missing an air filter. Until this summer, there was Staying cool wasn't the only also a Broncho III apartment problem Aimee Courville and complex that served as Family In Graduate Housing. It was torn her daughter had. November, when temperatures down in a demolition project dropped below zero, their heater beginning in June and ending in went out. It took over a week August. to have it fixed. Although there is no longer "In the meantime, Cathi told an apartment manager, White is me to light some candles, then on-call 24 hours a day. "The open the stove and sleep by it," students have my pager number, Courville said. and I am usually around," she said that the said. ♦ White BY TERESA GIVENS



— Doug, The State'



Tues. Partly cloudy. High near 55. Lo: 34.



Cloudy. High near 50. Lo: 34



Tuition on the rise, regents say BY TIFFANY WATKINS


S taff Writer

fees were $1, 806 and in 20002001 they were $1,965 for ar average full time student with 1: credit hours. "We have seen a 3.5 percer increase annualized in Oklahom tuition over the past three years, said Kurt Snodgrass, spokespersol for the Oklahoma State Regent of Higher Education. The nation's college tuition and fees grew 4.4 percent this year at four-year universities, according to a college board annual survey. Tuition growth outpaced inflation's 3.4 percent increase, according to the consumer price index. The U.S. State legislatures the set maximum a university can charge for tuition. "The reality is that most universities charge as much as the legislature will allow. Since they do charge the maximum, the

he surging economy of the late 1990's has translated into endowment increa s es and higher student enrollments. Along with these increases, the cost of tuition has grown as well — but at a rate far above that of inflation. Numbers are escalating at colleges around the nation, and UCO is no exception. In the fall of 1971 there were 10,678 students enrolled at UCO, while in the spring of 2000 there were 14,195 enrolled students. However, the increases in endowments and college enrollments have not resulted in the lowering of tuition. "It never goes down. I don't remember (tuition) ever going down," said an employee in the bursar's office at UCO. In 1998-99 UCO tuition and See TUITION, Page 15

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