TADCA members provide Thanksgiving outreach to th
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Hanging o' the Green
Student organizations honor their favorite faculty members in a holiday ceremony. v Page 4
TUESDAY • Nov. 21, 2000
The Student Voice Since 1903
Sorority's sick sis needs help BY SARAH DAVIS
Staff Writer
Pectus excavatum occurs in about one in every 500 births. It causes the sternum to be depressed toward the spine. Excessive growth of the cartilage is found where the ribs meet the sternum. It is also known as the "sunken chest" or "funnel chest" condition. "I knew I had it when I was diagnosed at twelve. My lungs had started randomly collapsing," Scribner said. "No one told me I'd get worse. The pediatrician said to watch it when I got older." At age 16, Scribner got an ulcer because her sternum was pressing through her stomach lining due to the disease. Scribner's family doctor in Guthrie lead her to believe the problem solved naturally. "I didn't have any real serious problems until last April when I started having chest pains," Scribner said. She visited about six specialists before resorting to researching surgery on the Internet "for real answers" until she decided on the "minimally invasive corrective option" performed by Dr. Nuss in Virginia. Currently, Scribner's heart is displaced and is enlarging because of the disease. "All the doctors went around recommending any surgery because mortality rates are high. As a last resort, they suggested the traditional procedure," Scribner said. According to Scribner, the older surgery,
1944- Harold Ramis is born. Ramis' film credits as a writer, director, and actor include Stripes, Ghostbusters, Animal House, and Ghostbusters
he Alpha Xi Delta sorority is holding an upcoming silent auction to raise money for Dana Scribner, a member who has been diagnosed with the congenital disease pectus excavatum, which is causing her rib cage and sternum to crush her internal organs. Scribner was a candidate for queen in this year's Homecoming. Scribner will be undergoing an expensive surgical "Our goal is to procedure to fix the raise $75,000 or effects of the disease on Dec. 19. as much as The audience will bid silently for small possible. We items such as hair want to cover all products and jewelry, as well as vacations and a the bills ..." variety of larger prizes. The auction will be held from 8 to 10 p.m. —Mariah Veit Dec. 1 in the Alpha Xi Delta University Center member Ballroom. Cost is $3 at the door. "We are going to have Wranglers tickets, Blazers tickets, and a weekend getaway for two. We raised a lot of donations," said Mariah Veit, Alpha Xi Delta member. Scribner is Chapter Life vice president for
Holiday party for underprivileged kids ahead
>ports Out for kicks Broncho soccer lost 6-2 to uc San Diego in the NCAA Division II quarterfinals. v Page 6
>Features Red Bear Less than a month from graduation and Red Bear is one busy bear...with ninja training and all, v Page 11
TODAY IN HISTORY 1877- Thomas Edison demonstrates his phonograph for the first time. He recieves a patent for it the next Februrary.
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That'll teach you to keep your mouth shut.
— Ernest Hemingway
Sunny. Hi: 60 Lo: 36
Partly cloudy. Hi: 60 Lo:36
Dana Scribner Alpha Xi Delta, vice president and fundraising chair for Phi Beta Lambda and is on the University Center Activites Board. The surgery may cost as much as $60,000 and insurance won't cover any of the costs. "Our goal is to raise $75,000 or as much as possible. We want to cover all the bills, like her hospital stays and subsequent visits," Veit said.
Staff Writer
he President's Club will host their annual Christmas party from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Dec. 1 in the University Center Ballroom. "It's for underpriveledged children. We get groups of about 50 kids and assign each with two sponsors," said Ashley Baxter, senior marketing major and president of the President's Club. "The sponsors buy the kids gifts, wrap them up and Santa hands them out later," she said.
See SCRIBNER, Page 14
There are three rooms at the party: Santa's room, an activity room and a Christmas carolling room. There are 120 kids registered for the party, with more to come. "We should end up with 130 to 140 kids," Baxter said. More than 250 people have volunteered to be sponsors at the event, including 40 student, faculty and staff organizations. Many sponsors participate annually. "I can't do it this year, but I've done it the last two years. I had a blast. I love little kids and it's great to see
their smile when Santa give:, them their gifts," said Zach Anderson, senior broadcast major. There are currently more sponsor teams than there are children, but there are still opportunities for those who wish to get involved. "We always could use more volunteers in the activity room. It's really an awesome event. When you see the kids and how they're touched it makes it all worth it," Baxter said. For more information, call Baxter at 974-4166 or Dr. Barbara Green at 9745283. •