The Vista Nov. 28, 2017

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the VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.”

Volume 115, Issue 14 vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista

Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017

UCO to Break Ground at Liberal Arts Building Megan Thele

@1bigtimenicole Copy Editor

A groundbreaking ceremony for a $18.35 million expansion to the University of Central Oklahoma’s College of Liberal Arts building is set for Nov. 29 to mark the beginning of the renovations, expected to be completed by the fall 2019 semester. “The [groundbreaking] ceremony involves a series of speakers that cover the range of the project up to now,” said Catherine Webster, dean of the College of Liberal Arts. The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. on the south lawn of the Liberal Arts building. Speakers will include UCO President Don Betz,

The Liberal Arts Building expansion groundbreaking is set for Wednesday, Nov. 29. The expansion will be finished by the fall 2019 semester. (Ryan Naeve/The Vista)

See “Groundbreaking” continued on page 5.

Dream Act Oklahoma Holds Forum at UCO Christian Tabak @TheVista1903 Reporter

Local immigration reform advocacy organization Dream Act Oklahoma will host an immigration forum focused around their work with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act at 2 p.m. Nov. 29 in the Radke Theater of the Center for Transformative Learning. The forum features DAOK attorney Jesus Dario Elizondo, the case manager for the organiza-

tion’s Deportation Defense team. It is sponsored by multiple campus organizations, including the Latino Faculty and Staff Association and the Hispanic American Student Association. The goal of the forum is to raise awareness for the work DAOK is doing to help DACA recipients, according to Liliana Renteria, LFSA president and director of OKC Cultural Outreach and Diversity Strategies at UCO. “The LFSA is working to raise awareness of the issues that affect our DACA students on campus, and

members of the association are working with departments and offices across the university to find ways to assist our students," Renteria said. "There is a whole community behind our DACA students, and we want them to know we are here to support them." An affiliate of the United We Dream national advocacy network, DAOK’s work until now has largely been lobbying and advocating for the passage of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act that was originally introduced back

in 2001 under the Bush Administration. Since the Trump Administration’s decision to revoke DACA in September, the organization has taken up an increased role in advocating for the program’s renewal, as well as supporting families who have been impacted by the decision. “For 800,000 immigrant youth, DACA is a pathway towards achieving dreams," said Cristina Jimenez, executive director of United We Dream. "With DACA, immigrant youth have gone to college, supported See “Forum” continued on page 5.


Vice Chair of Congress Kalina Popova states her case to remain in office at the 2017 Vote of No Confidence on Monday, Nov. 27 in the Nigh Heritage Room. (Kateleigh Mills/The Vista)

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Luper’s Super Season

on pg 3

on pg 12

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