The Vista Nov. 30, 2000

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Heupel and the Sooners take on K-State


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BRIEFS >News Still counting Gore takes election results to court.



Nov. 30, 2000

Charges filed in grade scandal

✓ Page 14

indicated someone had gained access to the university data base Staff Writer and had changed students," said former temporary UCO Jon Peoples a university police employee has been charged officer in an affidavit. with unlawfully using a "I was not talking to a student computer network to change when I found the discrepancy. I students' grades. was told hot to talk to Reginald D. anyone about the McGarrity, 23, was "There are 16 incident." Brent said. identified by five Brent could not UCO students in an students involved comment on the investigation conexact information in one way or ducted by university found that led her to officials as the person another that I am believe the grades had who approached been changed. students and solicited working with to get University officials money in exchange to the bottom of initiated disciplinary for changing grades. hearings for the He faces 18 felony what happened." students. counts for unlawfully "There are 16 using a computer students involved in —Jarrod Noftsger network. one way or another conduct officer The university's that I am working employment records indicate with to get to the bottom of what McGarrity was employed as a happened. ,Some students have temporary employee in the admitted it to me. Some have enrollment center for the been cooperative in giving details. university during the time in It's a very serious matter. I'll do question. what I can to protect the academic Brenda Brent, an academic integrity of the institution," said advisor, found a discrepancy that Jarrod Noftsger assistant to the BY TIFFANY WATKINS

>Sports Arkansas win

Broncho men's basketball recently defeated Harding Arkansas 116108. v Page 6

>Features On display Humanities professor exhibits photos. v Page 5

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1995, Bill Clinton became the first U.S. president to visit Northern Ireland. He was greeted like a hero by protestants and Roman Catholics alike and said: "The time has come for the peacemakers to triumph in Northern Ireland."

QUOTE OF THE DAY "I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top."

— English professor grading a student's paper, Ohio University

WEATHER ,1' /,

'i I I

Partly cloudy. ...0

Fri. Low in the upper-30s.

Sat. High in the mid- AD 50s.

Partly cloudy.

Sun. Slight chance of showers.

New campus life director chosen semester begins." After combining the positions Staff Writer of director of multicultural CO recently appointed student services and director of Blake E. Fry as Campus student activities under one Life director, effective Jan. umbrella in late spring of 1999, 2001. UCO student services spent six Fry comes to UCO from Avila months scouting for a campus life College in Kansas City, Missouri director. where he served as director of "To find the right person that student activities and manager of is a good fit between the the Student Union. individual and organization can "Mr. Fry is exuberant about take time, and it is a process that joining the UCO community we don't want to rush," said and we are excited to have him Noftsger. here," said Jarrod Noftsger, As director of Campus Life, interim director director of Fry will oversee multicultural Campus Life. "We're glad that he student services, student is going to be here as soon as the activities services, Greek life BY MENA GANESAN

Mostly sunny Thur. and windy. —Alp:—

Partly cloudy.


vice president and responsible for the system is secure," said Charlie disciplinary cases. Johnson, UCO news bureau Jill Langston, coordinator of director. acedmic records, reported that the On February 2, 1999, one computerized records of 16 student's grade was changed from students had been altered and 106 an F to an A for a Intro to grades were changed, according to Chemistry and Lab course. a court document. Five grades were changed on Langston would not comment April 19, 1999, three from Cs to on the incident. As. During the time in question, One student with three failing Feb. 2, 1999 through grades changed to Aug. 2, 1999 the two a C and two Bs, "Security measures university's computer and also had a grade system maintained a of W changed to B. have been number of files which A student with six required passwords to enhanced, and we grades changed to A's access. then falsely added In a previous feel confident the Dean's Honor Roll to interview Cynthia the transcript. system is secure." Rolfe, UCO chief On June 23 a technology officer students grades were said, "The university changed from Ds to —Charlie Johnson computer system is 30 an A and B for UCO news bureau years old, but is being Literature in Life and director replaced by a new, Introduction to more secure information system." Textile courses. School officials tightened McGarrity is believed to have computer security after violated the Oklahoma Statute 21 discovering the incident. O.S. 1953-3, the Computer "Security measures have been Crimes Act. There is a warrant enhanced, and we feel confident for his arrest. •


which includes the I am looking forward to the Intrafraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council, the move to UCO. I get a good President's Leadership Council feeling from President Webb and the 160 registered student organizations at UCO. He will also supervise special events such about his commitment to as UCO's "Winterglow" holiday building campus life. It's great festival and The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. to have such a supportive "I am looking forward to the move to UCO. I get a good administration." feeling from President Webb about his commitment to —Blake E. Fry building campus life. It's great to UCO's new campus life director have such a supportive administration," Fry said. residence life at the University of Fry's previous experience Missouri-Kansas City and Wichita includes work in admissions and State University in Kansas. • "

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