The Student Voice Since 1903
NOVEMBER 9, 1999
Fall break dispute: decision of integrity By Trent Dugas and. Ercilia fall break. Jerry Legere, assistant vice Zolkiewicz president of enrollment StallWriters management, served as committee they took away chair. your fall break?" In a recent Vista interview, asked Dean Dan Legere said UCO was not in Dill, associate vice president of compliance with BOROC's academic affairs, Southwestern guidelines to have 800 minutes of Oklahoma State University. class time per credit hour. "What a rotten deal." Although officials admit there "Why don't you all just pack up were several alternatives available, and transfer to Southwestern?" he in an effort to comply with the said jokingly. guidelines, the scheduling UCO is the only university in committee chose to cut fall break. the Board of Regents of Oklahoma "We had to ask ourselves if we Colleges' (BOROC) region that were maintaining the integrity of did not have a fall break. the school and the answer was UCO started fall classes on `no'," Legere said. August 23, and the semester ends All other universities guided by Dec. 17. BOROC found a way to maintain UCO's calendar committee their integrity and enjoy fall break. reviewed and scheduled the in• See FALL BREAK, session dates for the 1999-2000 Page 8 academic year and decided to cut
—Photo by Landon Salyer
Elements of creativity... Dr. David Von Minden dresses as one of the chemical elements, Neon, and performs in front of students Monday morning. This is the eighth annual UCO Element Day event.
Student fights the parking system By Robyn Lydick
Staff ti arking tickets tick off John Keefe II.
—Photo by Landon Slayer.
Falling leaves... Trees on the campus are changing to the golden and red hues of autumn. Fall has arrived, even without a break
So the history education major has decided to do something about them. Keefe is offering his services to students who want to fight their tickets but do not have the time or energy to do it. His web site claims he has not lost a case. The site went on-line Oct. 28. "I love the assumption of guilt at UCO," Keefe said."You are guilty until proven innocent." Keefe fought his own recent ticket and won. The ticket was overturned.
He already has another case in his file. Students who receive a ticket should go to Parking Services in the University Center and tell them they would like to dispute the ticket, Keefe said. Fill out the form they give you and ask for a copy for your records, Keefe said. He warns that students will have to "post bond," which means they will have to pay the amount of the ticket. Then, Keefe said, call me. "I try to get tickets overturned and completely off the record," Keefe said. "I may try for clemency and probation, where your money will be refunded after a year, if you don't get another ticket." Keefe has some legal
experience, as well as some experience on an appeals board. Keefe sat on the Parking Appeals Board at Oklahoma City Community College. "I learned most of my law stuff in an intro to law class, and I've been involved in civil suits," Keefe said. "I've brought suits against companies for things like breach of contract." Keefe collects 35 percent of the fine if he wins. "Win" means probation or dismissal of the ticket. If he loses, the client pays nothing. UCO parking fines range from $5 for an expired meter to $50 for possessing a hang tag
• See TICKETS, Page 2