The Student Voice Since 1903
OCTOBER 12, 1999
UCOSA withdraws TKE constitution By Trent Dugas
Staff!Nrifor COSA student senators voted to pull Tau Kappa Epsilon's (TICE) constitution and rescind the fraternity's recognition. The resolution was in response to UCO's decision to withdraw membership of TKE for three years. Senators voted 73-1 to ax the fraternity's constitution from recognition. This action will require the TKE fraternity to re-apply for UCO membership in three years. The fraternity will have to compete with the many fraternities on the waiting list. If UCOSA had not voted to pull its constitution, TKE would have been able to maintain their seniority when applying for membership, giving them priority over other competing fraternities. Even with UCOSA's maneuver against the fraternity, UCO still has the last word
when evaluating TKE's return membership in three years. The lone vote to keep TKE's constitution active was from UCOSA Senator, Brandon Freeman. Since Freeman is a fraternity member with ACACIA, he can see both sides to the issue. "I didn't see any reason why they should be kicked off campus," Newman said. Newman suggested UCO use monetary fines to punish the 30year-old fraternity. UCO suspended TKE because of its recent actions while on academic probation. The fraternity returned from a prior three year suspension in the 1998 spring semester. But after it fell short of the needed 2.0 grade-point average, it was placed on probation during the 1999 summer semester. TKE's average as a fraternity was 1.87. While on probation, the fraternity held a all-you-candrink beer party on campus grounds. UCO took swift action and
—Photo by Chieko Hara
The University Policy Committee held a meeting about TKE at 10 a.m. on Oct. 1 in .the Heritage Room on the third floor of the University Cente.r. suspended the fraternity for another three years. The resolution drawn up by UCOSA says TKE's actions damage the character, reputation and integrity of UCO and represents a pattern of behavior
which endangers UCO's student legislation because of the severity of TKE's actions but body. Jarret Jobe, UCOSA regrets that it came to this. "It sounds harsh but if you president, said TKE has made a "mockery" of the Greek system, V See RESOLUTION, UCO and its policies. Page 2 Jobe said he supports the
True to the Bronze and Blue.. .
Homecoming preparations are underway By T. Dehan
e're roasting a mascot? This and several other excititing avtivities are all part of UCO's homecoming celebreation '99. "This year is exciting and we will have a great week," said Kristine Crain, chairperson of the homecoming activity board. —Photo by Chieko Hara The homecoming schedule is Freshman Meagan Lozeav and sophomores Valarie Hayes full of activities for students and Erin Hamm fix a float for the homecoming parade on and faculty. The slogan for homecoming 1999 is "Be true October 16.
to the bronze and blue." Sunday night kicked off homecoming week activities. Participants in the Laff Olympics spent several hours decorating campus windows, light poles, and chalking the sidewalks. The Laff Olympics participants will spend all week doing a variety of activities. Campus decoration was followed by a mascot roast at midnight, with free hot dogs. Monday night Banana Seat, a local band, performed on the north terrace of the University Center.
Tonight, the Student Programming Board, University Center Activity Board, and the Resident Hall Association will show the movie "The Mummy" at 8 p.m. in Constitution Hall. Wednesday is the career cafe. This is an opportunity for current students to mix and mingle with former students. Thursday the Black Students Association (BSA) will hold their annual "Free Your Mind