UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Safe trick or treat to be held in UCO dorms
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BRIEFS >News Cheers to Chartwells UCO's food service wins a regional award in Chartwell's national "Be a Star" program. ✓ Page 11
'Sports Broncho volleyball Broncho volleyball hosts back-toback matches Oct. 12 and 13. ✓ Page 8
>Features Willie Nelson Staff writer Mena Ganesan goes one on one with the king of country music. v Page 4
TODAY IN HISTORY In 1492, a sailor aboard the Pinta sighted land. The next day, members of Christopher Columbus's fleet ventured onto a Bahamian island, ending a voyage begun nearly ten weeks earlier in Palos, Spain.
UCOSA to propose mural 'face lift' BY SARAH DAVIS
WEATHER High near 70.
Thur. Twenty percent
chance of rain. ,,,C,,'°
High near 70.
Fri. Chance of
Low 50s to high
Sat. 60s. Chance of thunderstorms.
near 50. Sun. Low High in the upper 60s.
Staff Writer
he UCO Student Association (UCOSA) is currently proposing legislation to change the mural located on the south end of the Communications Building. "We want to keep the same type of mural but add more than two colors," said Daniel "We'd like to bring Harris, UCOSA president. the mural up to Right now, the date and make it mural only consists of blue and yellow. Men more eye-pleasing. on horses and covered wagons run along the We want to give it building. The mural is more life." entitled, Land Run of 1889. "We'd like to bring "We'll propose it to Dr. Palmer, the House, —Brian Downs the mural up to date the Senate and other channels of authority," UCOSA vice and make it more eye- Downs said. president pleasing. We want to UCOSA would like to involve UCO give it more life," said Brian Downs, UCOSA students in the project because contracting a vice president. company to paint the mural would be too UCOSA hopes to work with Dr. Palmer's costly. art students to add to the mural. Although UCOSA's executive branch
UCOSA is proposing legislation to paint more detail into the mural on the Communications Building. The mural is currently painted bronze and blue.
came up with the idea of changing the mural, the legislation cannot be proposed by the board. Nathan Coy, deputy speaker of the House, is the delegated writer of the proposal at present time. "We've made this one of our goals, and now we have to check each avenue before the project can begin," Downs said. •
Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity forms UCO chapter BY MIKE GREER
"Boredom is the shriek of unused capacities." — Anonymous
THURSDAY • OCT. 12, 2000
Staff Writer
tudents craving more fraternities on campus look no further, the Pi Kappa Alphas (PIKEs) are here. The fraternity, one of the largest in the world with 209 chapters in the U.S. and Canada, has sent Expansion Consultant Jason Patocka and Chapter Jason Patocka Jason Belland Consultant Jason. Belland to UCO from International Headquarters over $50 million which we can "Colonies don't have a house in Memphis to begin use for scholarships," Patocka and they usually become full communication with faculty, said. members in six to 13 months, administration and students. Each year, the Pi Kappa Alpha whenever their community "We picked UCO because we Educational Foundation awards service hours, grade point average believe it has the best potential nearly $50,000 in scholarships to and outside organizations meet out of any school we're not its members based on academic our standards," Patocka said. already at to benefit the students," achievement and leadership Several UCO students have Patocka said. performance. begun interviewing with Patocka The PIKEs boast their Currently, the UCO chapter is and Belland. leadership and scholarship a colony, which is like an "I've looked at the other frats programs. internship to becoming an official and never really found my niche. "Our alumni have contributed fraternity. This is the place that offered what
I'm looking for," said James Miller, junior music education major. Students say the PIKEs appeal to those who take school seriously. "I'm looking for leaders. Not everyone takes school seriously these days and that's what I'm looking for in a frat. These guys are serious," said Jake Wetz, freshman communications major. Prominent PIKEs include Chad Holliday, chairman and president of DuPont, South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond and Florida State University Head Football Coach Bobby Bowden. "There are currently more United States congressmen from our fraternity than any other," Belland said. For more information call Patocka and Belland at 715-3535 ext. 101 or visit the fraternity's website at . •