The Vista Oct. 16, 2001

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International relations

The deadline to apply for UCO's World Within project is approaching. ✓ Page 3

>Sports Hapless homecoming UCO suffered a loss to Texas A&M-Kingsville 35-21 Oct. 13. ✓ Page 6

I pledge allegiance

Sequoyah Middle School students joined students from across the nation Oct. 12 when they recited the Pledge of Allegiance at President Bush's request. ✓ Page 14

TODAY IN HISTORY In 1962 United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was first notified of the Soviet Union's placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba, beginning the Cuban missile crisis.

QUOTE OF THE DAY "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman." — Thomas Paine


Mostly clear; high upper 60s, low upper 30s.

Wed .

M o stl y cl e a r; h igh I ow e r 7 Os , low mid 40s.



16, 2001

Student sits 'on pins and needles' while husband bombs Afghanistan BY LAURA BELLO


FAA sets new rules for air travel


are away from other military families. The family is stationed in magine sitting in church and Lemoore, Calif., but moved to the minister is interrupted with news that the United Edmond to be near family and States has just bombed finish college, while he was on a Afghanistan. To one UCO six-month Naval Cruise. "It's hard emotionally for us. communications senior, Melissa Usually when the wives are (last name withheld by request), together, they bond during a it was more than just news; it time like this." was news about her She said it is husband. "I've had ups and hardest when she "I broke down doesn't hear from and cried at church," downs, I g et very him for long Melissa said. Her periods of time. husband flew one of worried w hen I "I've had ups the F-18 jets that don't hear from and downs, I get dropped the bombs. him. The I onger it very worried when Lt. Cmdr. I don't hear from "Lick"(name takes, the more him. The longer it withheld for takes, the more my emotio ns get national security my emotions get reasons) stationed hung up." hung up." on the naval carrier When it comes U.S. Carl Vinson, eto school, she said mailed his wife for —Melissa, it's hard for her to senior the first time since communications concentrate. the attacks major "As far as Wednesday, Oct. 10. school goes, it Before the attacks, affects me." Melissa had not Lick has been heard from her husband for in the navy 14 years and is three days. "We e-mail each other every recognized as an excellent day. Three days before the pilot. He's on the strikes, complete silence, that's commander's list, works as a how I knew something was up," test pilot and has trained in England, she said. Melissa said. He left for this cruise in In the e-mail, he said July to enforce no-fly zones. everything was fine but they His carrier arrived in the were keeping busy. She said they Arabian Sea the day after the fly daily and are not resting tower attacks, already much. planning on that destination. "Looking at this [email], he "They had been sitting on isn't getting 8 hours sleep, they their hands for weeks. For are probably working _16 hour them this was exciting." days," she said. She said this is different Melissa and her four children than when he left in the past are handling his absence the because she doesn't know best they can even though they Staff Writer


when he will return and she extensive training for times like can't tell how he's feeling. this. "I'm just sitting on pins and "It's in his blood." • needles. This is on a totally different level." Log on to She said her husband is in his 24 hours a day for campus news or to sound off on current issues. element in Afghanistan. He enjoys flying and has received

And the winners are ...


Homecoming King and Queen 2001 Brian Downs and Lynsey Bergren stand on the Wantland Stadium field Oct. 13 after being crowned. Results of the student election were announced during halftime of the football game.

See related stories ■ Javelinas hamper Broncho Homecoming, 35-21 ■ Homecoming court ■ International Festival

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